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Serenes Forest Mafia Mafia 3 - NOW IT'S REIN TIME (Game over)


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its because people who claim vig as sk dont matter. thats why bbm/prims roles didnt actually exist in the game

(im joking)

Edited by Viata
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I won't be partipating in the gay sex, of course; I am riding home to my beloved eclipse where we will have that sweet sweet buttsechs~

Seriously though, this was fun, even though I don't feel like I did anything. Sorry for being incredibly homophobic but I wasn't really sure how else to use my PR.

Yes, yes, you'll definitely want that hm? After all... She'll be doin' you. > : D

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oh yeah, that.

I honestly liked it. Truly. Especially since it was based off of me getting mislynched; but the King Dedede parody was cool too; at first I thought you guys took my word srsly when I said "If I'm a character in SFMM3, I should be a Miller JoaT" but being dead no matter what sounds even better. I just was sad that REIN had to get my role ;_; he made good use of the jailer shot tho.

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I'm not sure who's up next, but I'd like to see if everyone's in a position to even play. D2 was terrible, D3 wasn't much better, and that's not something I want to see in my game.

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but you killed haze before he even got to do much... so cruel, clipsey.
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I don't know about everyone else but I start school in 2 weeks so I can't play unless it's like a short/nonserious gimmick game.

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If Balcerzak's not going next I think it'll be eclipse.

Also, I'm starting school again in less than a week, but I'm always available to play since my activity nowadays is the same regardless. (And my thesis defense isn't until December at the earliest.) My coming semester will consist of TA work and thesis writing, so no more stress-induced outbursts. I don't think I've played a full game since Masquerade, and I'm really in the mood for mafia now.

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as I stated multiple times during the game: I have quite an amount of schoolwork right now and I'm probably getting too busy to play mafia during semester. maybe if i can get it under control but i don't know if i will be able to.

i can still host though

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Discussion always stagnates after an investigation guilty I find, because people get lazy when the day's lynch is already decided for them, and then once that happens it can be a bit difficult to get back into the game. Plus, almost everybody pushed Psych as scum on D3, and that sort of universal agreement also tends to be bad for discussion. And then D4 got skipped.

But yeah, I'm also pretty busy atm, which is why I bumped Fakeclaim down a slot. Won't be able to play in Healer or whichever game is next.

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eclipse's role was the first role we made and was always intended to be given to eclipse to continue the tradition of eclipse rolling vig in SFMM.

The Elieson role might have been slightly too good in tandem with the Kay role but I don't think that there was any super powerful townie to protect (other than the Snike role?).

The Ether role would go through Rapier (subs out due to apathy), Paperblade (modsubbed), and then to Proto (who attempts to sub out because he's busy, but it "fails" although he still gets the commute). The entire role PM would change each time but I'm too lazy to post the changes.

The Excellen role having a vig shot was Prims's idea.

The Helios role was originally Life but we changed it to Helios to be more current. This was one of my favorite roles and I can't believe he was lynched.

The Kaoz role knew that Haze was a role in the game (and vice versa), and his ability was sort of useless because half the people on his shitlist weren't actually roles in the game. However his role had high potential pretty much just limited by your imagination (which Helios apparently lacks because he was just gonna vig someone).

Kay was a Doc, but she also protected her target from eclipse's dayvigs.

The Manix role got innos on the two people everyone figured out (Shinori and Rein), but also got innos on the Levity role for flavor reasons. I had a good laugh when someone suggested his innocent results could be trusted.

The Marth role had some useless shit and then killed himself, it was a 10/10 role and I'm glad that Rein used his follow because I was seriously worried he was just gonna idle all game.

The Obviam role was... I don't remember whose idea it was but I like the idea of reflexive roles that do weird shit, unfortunately only one person targeted kirsche all game.

I think the Shinori role was a lot more suspicious than some people gave it credit for. This game's info roles were set up so that it cannot actually be proven that there isn't more to the role unless the Snike role got lucky with his intercepts. It could easily be a weird Ninja (which Prims pointed out and I think Rein mentioned later in thread).

The Snike role was legit as fuck, and I don't think it was overpowered at all. It loses the normal advantage of a Watcher in that you can't choose who you watch, but it's still better than a Tracker (which isn't THAT great). Theoretically you could combine it with another role to target watches, but that requires you to be conveniently linked by the Helios role with someone and they'd be hurting their own action to do so (unless it was the Manix role).

The Weapons role was another role that didn't do much other than be funny (Manix, Obviam, and Shinori are like this). It was probably the least lynchable of those four, though.

The RD role existed because I think that mafia QAs are fine and it seemed fine to me, unfortunately Shin got vigged fairly early, but the mafia asked some good questions.

The Haze role was the strongest mafia role in the context of the game, I think.

The jalmont role was probably a bit redundant with the RD role and had that drawback, it's likely that it should have been changed to some sort of utility (like a hitman shot + something else).

Rein role was a continuation of greatness... and it was a BP Godfather Governor, what more do you want?

The Tables role was originally something else that had a similar purpose (it's a fakeclaim for a role that most people assume is town), but was changed because the fakeclaim role would no longer work too well. It had a lot of last minute changes so I'm glad it died early. At least it's not Manaphy.

The only thing I would change about the Levity role is so that if you shoot Levity, she kills you instead of the shot mysteriously failing. This didn't come up in game though so eh.


The mafia roles for the most part had bretty gud fakeclaims imo.

From Prims:

eclipse's vig was originally just 1-shot but was changed last minute since town had very little investigation. I think this was a bad decision due to doc+martyr but doc ended up being a nonfactor at least.

Had I been Kaoz I would've just used a 1-shot day fullcop for either a guaranteed clear or a guaranteed scum. Probably the most efficient way to use the role, unless you're really really sure somebody is scum (in which case vig).

I made Shinori's role to fuck with him because he and Marth were talking about how they'd be millers / hated a lot in IRC, so I did the exact opposite.

Weapons was a filler added for the sake of numbers. I don't think mayor is that obvtown as long as it's public and not LYLO/MYLO usable but w/e.

Town MVP: SB eclipse

Mafia MVP: Levity

StSS Award For Best Roleplay: kirsche

player stuff coming Soon

Edited by Paperblade
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[22:12] <Paperblade> do you have any player comments

[22:24] <Prims> nbot really


eclipse: See Graveyard argument. Also the worst because she killed Llen

scorri: You played fine, I don't remember anything that stood out as dumb.

Gyarados: Died too young ;_;

Psych: Only thing I have bad to say is that you should've full claimed sooner, but your role was super provable so I don't think you should've been lynched esp. with the ragekiller

Elieson: Again I don't think you should have been lynched.

Helios: Played fine IMO then died because he posted something the vig didn't like.

BBM: BBM posted a bunch of reads Night 1 in his role PM and they were all correct. Then he died.

Shinori: I think the Life inspect was stupid unless you thought Manix was lying (which you never suggested iirc), but other than that you did fine

Rein: Be more active. I'm not sure why some people thought you were a scumspect on Day 6, Ether's results were pretty conclusive.

kirsche: Your case on Manix was pretty good, I think you just need to play a bit better early but that comes with practice.


Ether: If you spent less time convincing yourself that you sucked and were going to be terrible you would be amazing.

j00: j00 played well then died for being the towniest person unlikely to be protected.

Shin: Be more active

Manix: You were being a huge baby in the mafia QT in a game that was totally winnable, but your arguments were questionable at best and you basically let kirsche and Wombat (who were both totally viable lynch targets) bully the rest of the town into getting you lynched. You did the same thing as you did in Touhou where you had a role that let you claim Day 1, did so, and then proceeded to coast as your team died and then you got lynched because everyone else looked townier than you. And you were not being lynched over your role, you were being lynched because you were the scummiest player alive. That is *your* fault.

Levity: Levity was the best scum but her team was too heavy

Snike: Snike was pretty unmemorable (I think he was trying to coast on his BP claim) and then Ether caught him. I think using his Gov to end D4 immediately was the right move.

Naglfar: Nag didn't do much then requested a sub, but I knew he was being lynched so I didn't. That might have been unfair to the mafia since a sub might have been able to tip the lynch or cause chaos or something, but I wasn't sure how many subs I was gonna need (turns out none) and didn't want to sub someone in to just die.

SB: SB mostly targeted people that he thought would kill who he wanted. Unfortunately, all the people he wanted dead were mafia, which kind of dicked over both factions. The D1 to j00 was okay since he was gonna fakeclaim it at that time, although I think that's questionable.

Haze: Haze was perfect in every way then he died

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