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Serenes Forest Mafia Mafia 3 - NOW IT'S REIN TIME (Game over)


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You did the same thing as you did in Touhou where you had a role that let you claim Day 1, did so, and then proceeded to coast as your team died and then you got lynched because everyone else looked townier than you. And you were not being lynched over your role, you were being lynched because you were the scummiest player alive. That is *your* fault.

so sue me for having random amounts of time this game, dictated by my uni schedule. i can't fucking help that.

touhou was different because i purposely avoided posting/whatever and coasting, this game i didn't have a damn choice

considering how much i said in the game about being busy, you'd think i wouldn't have to mention this at all, but apparently I do.

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y'know I was actually kinda wondering why you never did sub nags out and now I know why

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Scum can be busy too. I've been busier when I was scum than town, and being busy doesn't give me a free pass to be less active. Imagine if every busy person got a pass in games.

Edit: I was almost subbed in for Naglfar.

Edited by Sangyul
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Scum can be busy too. I've been busier when I was scum than town, and being busy doesn't give me a free pass to be less active. Imagine if every busy person got a pass in games.

that's not my point

my point is I know I was coasting/whatever due to being busy, and I don't need to feel even worse about this game because apparently it's a fucking sin and it required a public callout

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I would've subbed in to fake myself, lol. But I'd hard defend Shin because I could get away with it and claim reviver.

Edit: Manix the point is that scum wasn't necessary screwed due to setup and that it isn't fair to blame town roles for your loss. Shin snd Nags were inactive. Snike did well but got unlucky. But yeah, scum play is almost always more important than setup.

Edited by Sangyul
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Sorry about this but Manix is having emotional problems lately and I think this is setting him off, he just went offline. Try to be gentle. I think he's just having issues managing stress right now.

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I can understand that. I just don't feel that it was fair to blame the scum team's loss on powerful town, when both teams were pretty interesting and had weird roles. Better play from Shin and Nags would've helped a lot or less buddying and being more aggressive in LYLO helps.

I can understand that. I just don't feel that it was fair to blame the scum team's loss on powerful town, when both teams were pretty interesting and had weird roles. Better play from Shin and Nags would've helped a lot or less buddying and being more aggressive in LYLO helps.

Edit: I'm pretty serious about not buddying in LYLO. Pokemon Adventures was a pretty bad game for me in conduct, but Mancer nearly bussed me in that game and it threw off at least one person.

Edited by Sangyul
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I don't see how a D2 Nag sub would have changed anything. It was basically an investigation guilty and Eclipse would have won any 1v1 between her and a potential sub hands-down.

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I got some excuses:

"BBM could've protected me. He flipped town doctor. You can't prove he didn't."

"Okay, you got me. I'm third party reviver. I have to revive X number of people (and do Y other things) to win."

"I'm third."

Yes, I know SB and Haze were the third parties, but Haze was also hidden and we've seen small scum teams that had a lot of power before, and claiming third doesn't mess with Manix's numbers :P

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But yeah, scum play is almost always more important than setup.

I get that

it's just I couldn't play as well as I would have liked due to circumstances outside my control and then I get berated by the hosts (well, just paper but w/e) for it? mafia wasn't a priority for me the last 2/3 weeks, and i've actually been keeping up with my schoolwork this semester and getting pretty decent marks. i just didn't want mafia to be a chore, when the intention was to have it as an aside thing to have fun with. when stuff like that comment happens (and the passive aggressive stuff from kirsche/wombat, and then me doing it to clipsey unnecessarily due to stresses), it really doesn't help.

also i talked with prims a few days ago and i'm fairly sure he agreed that the setup was slightly townsided, so

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All of the third's kills went the town's way. If even one of them hadn't, the game could have gone a lot differently. For example, if Rein had been killed as an inactive instead of Shin, it would have been LYLO on D5 with two less clears.

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I get that

it's just I couldn't play as well as I would have liked due to circumstances outside my control and then I get berated by the hosts (well, just paper but w/e) for it? mafia wasn't a priority for me the last 2/3 weeks, and i've actually been keeping up with my schoolwork this semester and getting pretty decent marks. i just didn't want mafia to be a chore, when the intention was to have it as an aside thing to have fun with. when stuff like that comment happens (and the passive aggressive stuff from kirsche/wombat, and then me doing it to clipsey unnecessarily due to stresses), it really doesn't help.

also i talked with prims a few days ago and i'm fairly sure he agreed that the setup was slightly townsided, so

And I can understand that. I'm not going to continue arguing this point because I'm obviously not Paperblade so I dunno what it was that he was mostly upset about. The game was probably town-sided, but probably not so town-sided that scum was at an inherent disadvantage. I think the two biggest things going against scum was the ITP kill that took out Shin and Snike, and Shin and Naglfar's less-than-ideal activity.

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not to mention we were lucky blocking Psych or I would have died too lol

yeah this was also a thing

seriously if i was solo i would have fallen apart so much quicker

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And as people said in the GY, the SK role rewarded good play and punished bad play. I don't think it's a fault of the setup if the mafia keep getting shot. You only shoot someone if you think they're scummy.

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You only shoot someone if you think they're scummy.

remember how much of a big deal I made of that during d3? still stands; because psych didn't shoot someone who was scummy at all
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@coasting: It's more like I forgot how to play scum: the game. I intentionally asked us all to send me on the kills since I thought I was/would be the least useful player on the scumteam.

I was probably going to claim my fake role pm straight and insert make up flavor for the vest before I got caught, but then that happened, and yeah.

As for content, I just can't find that spark that I used to have anymore.

Btw my role is the best. Don't even lie.

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It's not a matter of whether or not I want to host (I do). It's a matter of whether or not the rest of you are in any shape to play. If the current trend of games is any indication, my inclination is "no, and not for a month, at least".

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