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QOTD Thread: The End


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I've seen several hundred monochrome movies since my old man likes to watch them.

I guess The Day THe Earth Stood Still, THe Third Man, The Black Camel, The Maltese Falcon, THe Big Sleep, G-Men, Stagecoach, High Noon, THe Man With The Golden Arm, The 39 Steps, King Kong, Captain Marvel[the serial], and Tycoon would be some of my favorites.

oh and Big Jim McClain.

and anything with John Wayne, Ward Bond, James Cagney, Edward G. Robinson, Mantan Morlin, Jimmy Stewart, Cary Grant, Peter Lorre, Boris Karloff, and Victor McLaglan.

And any John Ford movie.

because hell.

Victor McLaglan.

Those fists are the sizes of hams.

though to be fair, I've seen more monochrome movies than i have seen color movies.

because colour mystery movies aren't as cool as monochrome mysteries.

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New question!

The new season is really setting in in some places, so let's talk about it for a couple days! What is/are your favorite thing(s) about autumn? Feel free to list more than one!

Personally I like the frigid bite that autumn brings. I also like the beautiful foliage the deciduous trees show at this time of year. Also, chestnut harvesting season, though I don't know if I'll be able to do it this time. Finally, I don't have to deal with bloody bugs as much.

And before you start saying I asked something about seasons, I never asked about specific seasons, only about favorite seasons.

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I would have to say everything. It's really pretty and while it never snows during autumn here, I still really like the falling leaves and the weather. So yeah, everything about it is beautiful. It's my second favorite season.

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of course you haven't, cause


True~ I still would have played this game the most otherwise, but you still make me play it a lot more and make things super fun~!

What is one of your bad habits? If you want, feel free to list more.

Add yet another to procrastination~! I think any habits I used to have as a child have gone away. I do have other habits, but you did say one~ Procrastination is just my worst imo

I have a bad habit of speaking nearly inaudibly at random times. I've always been really soft spoken and unfortunately my voice hasn't gotten more powerful with age. :(

I dunno if this is considered much of a habit if it's just the way I am, but I'm also fairly quiet...

"Talk louder, I can't hear you."

"Um... okay." *gets louder*

"Still can't hear yooouuuu."


What player character's ability from a video game would you want in real life?

I saw something about bending (though on the NPC question~) and I wouldn't mind being an earth bender~ Perhaps I could create my own mountains at my home, if I could find the right place to make any =3 Or just patiently wait until I can move to a place with mountains

What NPC ability from a game would you want in real life?

Umm.... I can't really think of any ;u;

Qurupeco's imitating ability, just because that would be fun

Do you have a sibling or siblings? If not, do you like being an only child or did you want to have siblings?

I have an older brother, two younger brothers, and a half-sister who I've never met before.

I get along with all of my brothers, but my two younger brothers can't get along with each other. When me and my older brother were younger, we part got along but also didn't get along that well, but by the time we were my brothers' age, we had matured. I wish my younger brothers would grow up quicker~ It's not fun living in a house where there's a lot of arguing when the rest of us just want to get along. B-but also it just got worse since my older brother doesn't live with us anymore~ So it makes it feel like it's even less happy in this house x3

63. What is your favorite monochrome screenplay (or show or sketch, etc)? (This pretty much means any black and white presentation of sorts shown via television, projector, etc).

Heehee I was born after that age, I have only seen maybe a few of these and I don't really watch any, I couldn't really name/call a favourite.

What is/are your favorite thing(s) about autumn? Feel free to list more than one!

I like how the leaves look pretty, I like how it kinda provides a break after all the heat, and I enjoy Halloween!

Otherwise, I'm not too fond of autumn. Too cold, and it means winter is on its way and there are less daylight hours, and the plant life is dying/going to sleep... If I lived somewhere where autumn/winter were warmer, then I might actually like the seasons more =3

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It's brown themed, brown and orange leafs, trees, colors,

It's also when most gothic/creepy stuff appeared at it's best... (Halloween duh..)And nice mild to cool temperature....

In short, Autumn's the best

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The weather, the color of the leaves, Halloween, pumpkins, apple season, lots of rain, bugs start dying/going away, coats and scarfs can come out, etc.

It also means winter and snow are right around the corner. <3

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