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QOTD Thread: The End


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Theres nothing wrong with it since babies get can hungry at anytime, Its absolutely disgusting how there are people who complain about it and call it "indecent" and how a body part is so sexualized to the point that it can't be used for its INTENDED PURPOSE in public.

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If its happening and i dont see teat, im cool. Most breastfeeding mothers cover up enough anyway, but sometimes...just sometimes....

breastfeeding in general kinda squicks me out. I know its like "the most natural thing in the world" but im like "Dahhhh the idea of a baby sucking on my tit is just NO!" But thats just me.

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I think it shouldn't matter how "modest" anybody is about it. I also kinda doubt sex is on the minds of most people breast-feeding, whether they do it under a blanket or take their whole top off for it. I wish we could just not care. (As in, I don't care, but very aggressively/expansionistly so)

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