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QOTD Thread: The End


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Hey, some of those are good!


This is good, because I do not.

A lot of the smaller fandoms actually have some stellar pieces in them, and with a little shifting, you can find some nice ones in the larger ones too.

There are some however, that are pretty much irredeemable, however...

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i really do hope she's alive and happy, but i'm not sure if she is. i have no way to contact her at all with her not on skype. i really do feel like worthless garbage after how she left...but thanks a lot. my sig is an expression.

...You seem to truly care for this girl, even after your abrupt parting, wishing for her happiness is quite self-less, but you should be focusing your efforts on yourself, all the things that reopen your wounds have got to go, you've got to discard that poison... After that, then start to mend your mind and heart... Now I wonder, did you meet her before or after you joined SF and what was she like during your time together?

Hey, some of those are good!

Very true, I don't even typically read FFs, I stumbled across one(yeah it was an FE fic, don't judge) and I really enjoyed that read

But I usually look for dark, darker stories... they don't have to be violent and stuff like that, but violence and especially blood, is usually welcome... but senseless, wanton violence is not allowed

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More importantly, the ones that aren't, aren't elsewhere.


Yisterday, I bot a trumpit off of ebiy for 45 dolars. Wen it arrived at my howz, it wuz a gold trumpit, which wuz werd cuz trumpetz r yooshally sulvir. Wen I tok out teh trumpt, it cummed with blod red valv oil an a corroded mouth piece. i pit teh blod red valve ol into mai trompet an wen i pley et, it spurt blod all ovur mai wal. I went to slep and then i hed a nitemaer about a trompet eatin me aliv. Wen i wok up, a trumboen wuz settin next tu my deth trompet. I went tu teh batroom to hied an tek a big nastee shet. Teh trombpet an trumboen falowd me an tehn they kelld me. teh trombun used itz slide to fuk me in teh assholes and teh trumpot suofucated me. I ded in teh end cuz thatz how i wrot tes creepypasta.

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More importantly, the ones that aren't, aren't elsewhere.


Yisterday, I bot a trumpit off of ebiy for 45 dolars. Wen it arrived at my howz, it wuz a gold trumpit, which wuz werd cuz trumpetz r yooshally sulvir. Wen I tok out teh trumpt, it cummed with blod red valv oil an a corroded mouth piece. i pit teh blod red valve ol into mai trompet an wen i pley et, it spurt blod all ovur mai wal. I went to slep and then i hed a nitemaer about a trompet eatin me aliv. Wen i wok up, a trumboen wuz settin next tu my deth trompet. I went tu teh batroom to hied an tek a big nastee shet. Teh trombpet an trumboen falowd me an tehn they kelld me. teh trombun used itz slide to fuk me in teh assholes and teh trumpot suofucated me. I ded in teh end cuz thatz how i wrot tes creepypasta.

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Besides the obvious "things that physically hurt others and especially children" sites, let's throw in scam/phishing sites as well. And the places that support such practices.

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New question! (Time to ruin this thread)

BRO, DO YOU EVEN LIFT? In all seriousness, I'm just curious how much everyone's able to bench. If you don't bench...well...make a guess I suppose.

Since I'm in the latter group, my guess is a (very) generous 80. I don't bench (it would be nice to have a spotter and the equipment) so what can I say? I'm pretty weak too.

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Yeah, every day at home. I take all the small dumbbells I have for a total of 8 kg (3x2 + 2), grab them with one hand and repeat until I can't do anymore. I exercise (for around 2 hours) every other day, and when I don't I'll just do some lifting a couple times a day, such as before meals. In gym, I would take 10-12 kgs in one hand and there were more than enough dumbbells for each arm.

Heavy lifting is a very bad idea for me though, with scoliosis, arthritis and osteporosis among other conditions, so if I felt like I were such a walloper to pull off a deadlift or something, I'd end up in a wheelchair immediately. Still, I did some heavier stuff when I had a gym membership (which I cancelled after hurting my back, but it was already running out anyway). I'm sure I'll approach it in a more informed way when I go back to gym when it's no longer as cold.

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Yes, occasionally, though more often than not I get my exercise through running or hiking. My max on bench is 180, leg press is around four hundred. I can only do five pull-ups on a good day, and more than thirty push-ups would probably make me blow up.

Come to think of it this whole exercising gig hasn't given me a whole lot of gains. :o

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Last question: Apart from the dedicated hentai and child porn sites (BLECH!) there's nothing on the internet that I'd outright like to nuke. Portions of certain sites, yes, but not entire ones. I've got some pretty nice wallpapers (sci-fi and fantasy vistas mostly, with a few other things like an ice dragon) from Deviantart, and some of FF.net's stories are pretty good. As TV tropes says, 95% (or somesuch number) is utter garbage, the other 5% is worth dying for. And as much as I personally can't stand Facebook, even I can see it has uses (sometimes).

This question: No, I don't. I prefer to get my exercise through a nice, brisk hike, or at least a walk in my local woodland. Better than being cooped up staring at the same four walls all the time, doing something that's rather tedious and repetitive in my mind.

Edited by Wayward Winds
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Previous question: I would merely hold the threat of annihilation over the head of any site run by a large company so that they would have to pay me a yearly fee.

So basically, like your ISP wants to be (and will be soon), but I'd try to be more transparent.

Of course I'd also nuke the truly objectionable sites (they've been mentioned).

This question: Nope, nothing.

I feel like this question would be most interesting if people gave their answers in the format [number of units] [name of unit] (like "5 kg"), so that my Dictionary of Numbers could do its thing.

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i do

EDIT: oh yeah, numbers, probably 120 at the max. i'm not a big guy, and i'm sort of strongly suggested to go for reps over weight cause of a heart thing.

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i lift bags of sugar and flour at my work (ladies i am available, checkout my myspace, tumblr, instagram, aolchat, myface) but my physical stature isn't very impressive though. I'm like a skinny ass tree

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