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QOTD Thread: The End


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All of the best gaming myths were centred around the old Stop 'n' Swop features incompletely but still present in the original Banjo-Kazooie games.

Of course, the myth that Luigi is in Super Mario 64 doesn't count because that is true

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Schala lives.

Oh my fuck, this. Show of hands now, who actually bought into this one? This one was hard to disprove (at the time) because of lack of widespread Webz use and it was the days before emulation. Plus that bizarro translation with Gaspar. Hes actually talking about Zeal it seems cuz after you beat her, Gaspar no longer says the old quote. You know the one.

I searched the Black Omen(s) for hours to find out if it was true that you could find Schala. My friends did too.

Theres also that one about Secret of Mana and the elemental of the Sun or some shit. I remember that.

Training in the Tower of Valni had a dampening effect on growths.

lol what? How did that become a thing? I dont remember ever hearing about that.

Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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lol what? How did that become a thing? I dont remember ever hearing about that.

The people who got me into Fire Emblem told me that. Being new I assumed it was true.

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I can't really think of anything except one thing, which is that back a while ago I heard that in FE6, an RN within your critical hit activation rate would cause you to hit (and critical) even if your hit rate RNs would normally cause a miss.

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It is effectively guaranteed to have been mentioned already, but my would be everything related to Mew and the Truck in Red and Blue.

A variation I once heard said that you could move the truck using 4 Mewtwo's using strength. Man, did I smile brightly when I found out about ways to gain Mew that actually worked. Two generations too late but whatever.

Now I just wish that Gamefreak would shed some light on the subject of the truck.

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Golden Sun 4 is easily my favorite gaming myth.

Oh you're so mean ;(.

Speaking of Golden Sun hoaxes, remember the Solar Soothsayer?

New question!

What is the worst injury you have sustained? Hopefully i don't dredge up some bad memories or something. Also would be nice to know if anyone's been as ridiculously lucky as I have.

(I'm really not joking) The worst known injury I sustained was a minor fracture on my right index. If it was my left it would've sucked enormously (since that is my writing hand) but apparently it was bad enough that it needed a splint (yeah...I know it's rather pathetic). Besides that, I've had some close calls such as having my cousin ragethrow a hammer at me (and miss, thankfully).

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One time my swing broke in midair and I ended up flying over the fence, I had a bruised leg and fractured wrist and then a few years later it happened again but I wasn't as high off the ground and I didn't fly far but ended up fracturing my other wrist anyway. Both healed within a few months though-- I don't think I've really had any sort of serious injuries, just painful ones like that and also I couldn't write when it was my left wrist ahahaha..

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