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QOTD Thread: The End


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all dressed chips are the best

if pizza counts pizza

its not that great for you and easily accessible

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I really like cookies and crackers. For cookies, I only really like sugar cookies and chocolate chip. For crackers, I prefer them with peanut butter, but I can usually go plain.

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New question!

What do you think could be improved within the gaming industry? Another way to ask this question is: What do you consider a major problem with the gaming industry? Apparently I haven't asked this yet.

To answer the first: probably come to a consensus on what DLC should entail and what should be frowned upon in terms of DLC. Also I suppose make an extensive options menu a standard in games that require it and a more stringent system in terms of releasing games, particularly over systems like the Steam Greenlight (lol bribing).

In terms of the second: One word; Censorship. To better explain since this is technically a larger problem: abuse of the so-called axiomatic copyright laws to take down unsavory reviews, let's plays, and the like in a way that is often for personal gain and is heavily detrimental for one reason or another (i.e. videos and written works related to video games can essentially be interpreted as free advertising).

Edited by Interest
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The gaming industry at present could do with far fewer microtransactions and the return to prominance of good old-fashioned expansion packs that added a whole bunch of shit rather than just one DLC at a time.

I certainly don't believe the industry is dying, though, or that casuals/Call of Duty/whatever are ruining shit.

Edited by Parrhesia
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Way too many things. DLC, overreliance on patches, the copyright crackdown craze (region locks and DRM included)... the lists about "why this generation will suck" tend to bring plenty of good points.

But I'd say the lack of mainstream innovation, due to dramatically increasing production costs and other stuff, is among those that bother me the most. The main publishers are simply afraid of taking any kind of risk, and so we see rehashes of rehashes of rehashes. Square is a good example - look at the list of exceptional games they released in the 90s and compare to what Squeenix is doing now.

Of course, there are now indie developers producing gems like Terraria and Path of Exile, but... they usually don't have a lot of resources, and they're few and far between. It becomes increasingly hard to trust a game will be worthwhile based simply on pedigree.

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New question!

What is your favorite junk food? You can feel free to name brand names or whatever. Candy does count (but if you do list a candy, at least list a non-candy alternative answer), but the general scope of the question is to cover all foods with minimal nutritional value (like the various chips and such) that would typically show up on your store shelf.

I would have to say all forms of (sea) salt and vinegar potato chips wins it for me. I love the sharp, acrid taste. I'm sure my body is drowning in sodium (chloride) given how much of that I eat.

Anything that gets my umami buds going. I'd say that vinegar or spicy snacks are my favorites.

oh and, I have no opinion on the gaming industry right now. Life's too busy to keep up, and I have a ton of old gems to try out.

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I'd get rid of DLC (or at least Disc Lock Content) and region lock. Also, overrealiance of patches, and certain IPs.

Edited by Dark Legend Vampire
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the gaming industry will be properly improved in x weeks where x is a number less than 4 and hopefully greater than 1 when rajas of india releases

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I suppose I don't want everything to start to rely on touchscreens? I'm perfectly fine with good ol' button pressing for at least some of my games.

But I suppose to some of the younger generation at least that would be too "backwards" and maybe they like every single game relying on a touchscreen and think it's cool and then consoles that don't use them will get too outcompeted by touchscreen systems unless they manage to come up with something that appeals even more that doesn't make use of touchscreens but still let's us press buttons ;u;

Otherwise, I don't look into the gaming industry enough to have any deep insights into what they're doing wrong x3 All I know is of my personal preference ;u; I mean I don't have a lot against touchscreens and I can find them handy, just I don't like how it seems that everything is starting to go for that...

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catering to me personally would look like:

-providing me with a (preferably free) pc that can play all the games I own but are too strong for my current weathered machine, bless its heart

-in the cases of publishers that can afford it, not slashing the marketing budgets for games with female leads relative to those with male leads

generally, getting better at portraying a lot of social issues (not that this is a set of problems entirely unique to the games industry, but etc.)

-addressing some of the things that make it a rather-less-than-perfect working environment more commonly than I'd think is strictly necessary

-addressing soaring production costs somehow, as TE spoke of

I want my Brütal Legend trilogy finished off for ten million dollars or less within 3 years tops, put that "advanced ps4 architecture" to work, chop chop people

-+1 also on the expansion pack bit, try to put some meat and fat on that content, make the expansion as well-known as the original

-destroying all region-locking

-never letting something like the most recent Dungeon Keeper exist ever again

Edited by Rehab
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