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QOTD Thread: The End


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Cinemas. Do you want to be restless in a small seat surrounded by strangers to watch an overlarge screen you paid too much to eat overpriced food in front of, for a film that's very possibly shit?

I used to hate jeans but now I really like one particular pair. The fit really matters.

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Well, I like listening to classical music sometimes.

Totally in this category as well.

~being lashed by whips~

and uh

Probably sports. A lot of people have a pathological hatred for sports. It's weird, and they're wrong.

Yeah, sports are cool too! Honestly, I find watching sports to be boring as well, but playing sports is usually good times when I'm not being super lazy.

Fuck that shit. I want better wifi.

Always strive for the best Wifi.

Also, i don't exactly hate them, but i dislike coffee and bacon, while most people really like them.

Yeah, me too (not for coffee, but for bacon), and I always end up getting a lot of flak for it too. :p

If I mention some show/anime I'm watching all the responses are *hate**hate**hate**hate*

Hey freohr, I totally liked that anime!

Especially if it's Madoka or Steins;Gate

OMG yeah that too =<

I really don't like it how when arguments come up about the value of something, everybody argues that "that's overrated since it sucks" which I really don't get? If more people like it than you think it deserves, that doesn't say anything about it's actual quality. And it's only based on an opinion too. I don't see how people use that term thinking it makes a legitimate point to an argument >~< It's subjective which means to me it doesn't really exist, meanwhile the term gets used soooooooooo often and people love using it (I hear it's around a lot in the Awakening board, and I've seen it a few times myself) and some people use it thinking it means they won the argument or something since they don't think the game/show/character is really deserving... Oh and there's also how... I guess to me it looks like it just tosses aside other peoples' opinions as well, saying they're wrong because they like something that doesn't deserve it.

Ehhhhh it just really annoys me~


That's got to be like, a logical fallacy of some kind or maybe just really stupid.

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New question!

Do you donate to anyone or anything? Pretty much...do you donate and if so, to who or what (as in to a cause, individual, etc?). Please do not confuse this for gifting.

I don't typically donate too much (I don't have much to donate to begin with), but I occasionally give some money to organizations like charity:water.

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Cinemas. Do you want to be restless in a small seat surrounded by strangers to watch an overlarge screen you paid too much to eat overpriced food in front of, for a film that's very possibly shit?

Yeah. I mean I hate seeing movies opening night but if it's like the week after when there's maybe twenty other people in the theater tops? Sure.

Also I don't usually get popcorn because fuck it's expensive but when I do it's so delicious and oh god the butter mmmmm

New question!

Do you donate to anyone or anything? Pretty much...do you donate and if so, to who or what (as in to a cause, individual, etc?). Please do not confuse this for gifting.

I don't typically donate too much (I don't have much to donate to begin with), but I occasionally give some money to organizations like charity:water.

Nope. It used to suck when I went to community college because so many people from Greenpeace or whatever would be asking for donations, and me and the word "no" aren't really on speaking terms.

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Same boat as Ezio - university student with a distinct lack of spare cash. So, beyond the occaisonal donation to charity shops (although I don't use them as an alternative to the rubbish tip as some people do), no.

...As for the whom, Oxfam and a local animal charity are the two most common places to donate to.

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Not currently, but if I die suddenly or something, I'm donating my organs to either science or an organ donor thingie (I don't remember which, I may have signed up for both).

Because honestly if I'm dead I'd have better things to worry about than where my organs are currently residing.

Other than that, same boat as Ezio and various other people; no spare cash. I ought to donate some of my time, though, since I seem to have enough to be spending so much of it here.

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I recently donated about $200 to DC's "We Can be Heroes" campaign. I've also donated sporadically to St. Jude's various other causes here and there over the years.

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$15 a month to Greenpeace and sometimes other organizations/people I come across on the street (spoiled as hell for cash over here, might as well give something back). haven't really thought about it in a couple months, though, should probably reevaluate what all's the best amount and destination to put money towards some time

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I've donated to a few friends before for stuff they needed.

Charity? I guess the Humble Bundles count, and I've donated to a few cancer associations since I had 2 close family members die of cancer.

I don't donate routinely or all that often though.

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I've donated a bunch of times but never really regularly.

I've donated twice to an organization that trains dogs for the blind this week at the grocery store I go to for lunch with my spare change.

I even discussed about an old blind man I used to do volunteer work with back when I was 15 and the person even knew him, though he didn't see him in a long time for various reasons.

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