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QOTD Thread: The End


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"It's weird she's still a virgin, she doesn't look bad at all."

Explanation- I was at a party, slightly tipsy, and someone started asking people about whether they're virgins or not. I said that it was a private matter, and he took that for yes, and wondered out loud. Needlessly to say, I wasn't pleased at all. >_<

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What is the most notable pickup line you've heard?

If I asked you to go out with me, would the answer to that question be the same as the answer to this question?

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My cousin was the Terminator for Halloween last year, so he used "Your clothes. Give them to me." on his fiancee. I don't think it counts because they were already engaged, but it's the first thing that comes to mind and it was really funny

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"Hey baby, if I were a particle and you were a quantum potential, would you let me penetrate your classically forbidden region?"

I've never actually heard/used any pickup lines in real life, partially because I'm not the most social guy. I always kinda assumed they weren't a thing because of how cheesy most of them are.

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Can't say I've heard one IRL, but this one was notable I guess:

>Walking down the street
>Car pulls up to me, passanger side to me
>I'm like, "oh fuck..."
>I realize the passanger is leaning out the window and holding what I can only call a jousting stick, complete with red and yellow colouring. The thing was about 6 or seven feet long
>He says to me "Ma'am, with you permission I would like to fight in your name! Would you kindly give me your name?"
>I say "...Sarah..."
>He looks to the driver
>They speed off.
>I'm left, suprisingly love-strucken


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Wow, that's actually kind of amazing.

EDIT I feel like I say that a lot, but what can I say besides what I say a lot? When you're me, you see a lot of amazing things!...That was supposed to come off as really egotistical and maybe a bit assholeish, but looking back it just sounds really weird and confusing to me. That's what I get for posting at 1AM in the morning, isn't it?

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New question!

What meme(s) do you dislike? I'm sure most of you have at least one, assuming you've been on the Internet (or whatnot) long enough. It can be that one meme that happens to annoy you to no end. It can even be a category of memes. Memes need not be confirmed on sites like Knowyourmeme, but it would help to provide evidence of the meme's existence. Also, it's fine to say "all of them" but it would help to explain why.

Probably going to go with this one and possibly even a good chunk of forced memes. Not a big fan of them. They don't particularly bother me, but not only do I rarely see them but they seem to die so quick. Overall, they seem pointless in the evolving meme culture (even if some people think the meme culture is a terrible, terrible thing).

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