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QOTD Thread: The End


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One I just caught myself making: to/too

I think also applies to its/it's, there/their, you're/your, but these often aren't grammatical errors as much as they are accidental slips. I certainly distinguish between to and too anyway.

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As has already been mentioned so much in here, there is:

The general misuse of the humble apostrophe. Unless the thing is proffesionally proofread, there's always a mistake in the document somewhere. It doesn't help that spellcheck likes to make stupid mistakes as well and can't be trusted. So even when it's actually right, people ignore it through scepticism.

And along with that, though, it does quite annoy me how people say

Should of


There must be no way at all that you should of said should have because I guess you don't even know what of or have even mean anymore and it makes me ;~;

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And along with that, though, it does quite annoy me how people say

Should of


There must be no way at all that you should of said should have because I guess you don't even know what of or have even mean anymore and it makes me ;~;

oh God yes

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As has already been mentioned so much in here, there is:

And along with that, though, it does quite annoy me how people say

Should of


There must be no way at all that you should of said should have because I guess you don't even know what of or have even mean anymore and it makes me ;~;

Oh, this...

Well, I tend to simply say "should've" due to this lovely little southern drawl of mine so it SOUNDS like that, which is probably annoying. ._.

But I hate seeing it in print. Just... no.

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Oh, this...

Well, I tend to simply say "should've" due to this lovely little southern drawl of mine so it SOUNDS like that, which is probably annoying. ._.

But I hate seeing it in print. Just... no.

Well yeah I know that people say should of because of should've and they sound the same x3 I know what they're saying when they say it in person but it's a whooooooooole different story on print D= Although sometimes I wonder about my younger brothers, they seem to emphasize the "ve" part enough to make it sound like they think they're wanting to say "of".... =<

Edited by Freohr Datia
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it does quite annoy me how people say

Should of


There must be no way at all that you should of said should have because I guess you don't even know what of or have even mean anymore and it makes me ;~;

Stop making me cry.

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I don't want to make the mistake of using anecdotal evidence in an attempt to determine what grammatical mistake I've seen made most, let alone made most myself, since it's not like I keep statistics or anything.

Edited by SeverIan
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Many, many, many many many many people seem to replace the word "are" with "is" in spoken English extraordinarily regularly. I've noticed it in Americans (north-east and mid-west), Canadians, Britons, Australians, and New Zealanders ranging from 2 to 55 years old. After I first noticed it, I noticed it everywhere, and amongst so many people that sometimes I feel like I'm the only person I know who is steadfast about using "are" in speech when convention would call for it in writing.

The first two years it really bugged me, but I've slowly grown... accustomed to it, though it still strikes my ear as distinctly off (I wouldn't say wrong since it appears, to me, really quite widespread amongst native speakers, and might be symptomatic of a sometimes alleged tendency toward grammatical simplification in modern English). I assume most people don't notice this because it's so widespread and I didn't notice it for ages, but I've no idea how safe that conclusion is to make.

I've noticed and it drives me nuts. They even do it in television and movies. Agh!

I don't want to make the mistake of using anecdotal evidence in an attempt to determine what grammatical mistake I've seen made most, let alone made most myself, since it's not like I keep statistics or anything.

Why not post the one that irks you the most instead?

Edited by Makaze
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So new question. This might initially sound stupid, but think about it for a moment - it's a much deeper question than it sounds.

What are your thoughts on filing a lawsuit for having one's life saved? This question was inspired by the issue being brought up on House and in The Incredibles, but this is quite a thing in real life as well. As an expanded question, what are your thoughts on frivolous lawsuits (especially looking at U.S. residents for this part)?

I can't help but laugh but also cry because sadly the easiest way out of these sorts of suits is to settle, essentially letting the person filing the suit win. However, if I got served up with that bullshit I'd probably try to fight it in court and attempt to blow it up as large as possible to bring a hailstorm of humiliation onto the person or persons who deserve the scorn.

Also on the expanded question, frivolous lawsuits almost make me want to take a Bar Exam...almost.

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Well, it depends on which state you are in at the time and what your qualifications are. There are some individuals that can escape liability when saving another's life, for example nurses and/or doctors. The average citizen, however, can indeed be sued civilly like you said, and Good Samaritan laws can't be applied. Even in those cases in which a well-intentioned person saves another and is sued, the courts can assign a certain amount of liability rather than penalizing each and every person with a static fine.

To be a bit more on track to my personal thoughts, while I think everyone here agrees that there are some cases that slip through the cracks and show the ugly side of the law, lawsuits are a great positive force on the whole and allow for a victim to seek remedy in a much more effective if drawn out way. While the system could certainly use improvement I think it is quite effective at its basest level.

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