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QOTD Thread: The End


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Thats a legitimate answer, but the answer they had for this riddle was more along the lines of...

A dead bird. In Spanish a reference is made to the beak, but I found it hard to translate it to English with the meaning intended for it so i took some artistic liberty and changed beak to eyes.

oh that was 99% a joke answer haha

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Raven. I sometimes hang out in small groups (or large ones) and generally look rather imposing. But im actually quite chatty. *quork* I observe more than i speak, but when i speak, its often a bit unnerving. *quork* I see everything and often from an "outsider looking in" sort of perspective.


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New question!

Would you rather have to watch several short ads or a longer ad while watching content? Generic either or question and no, you can't skip the ads (at least not like with Youtube), but that doesn't mean you can't go do other things while the ad plays out. Also this is assuming you don't have a choice beyond the two (i.e. I want to watch the content without ads because lol torrents, etc)

For instance, I prefer a longer ad because then I can go do something for a bit, then watch whatever I'm watching with no further interruptions. I wish channels that showed movies did this (if they showed ads, anyways).

Even if the longer ad were to pop up in the middle of whatever I was watching, that's a good sign I can take a break and come back to my featured presentation.

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Longer ads, although in the real world they would result in the death of TV companies, since ads like kinda pay for the stuff you're watching.

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None. I adblock that shit. But in the event of watching TV, longer ads will give me time to make a drink, have a piss, etc.

That's why I enjoy BBC programs. The only adverts are in between programs, and not during.

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But in the event of watching TV, longer ads will give me time to make a drink, have a piss, etc.

That's why I enjoy BBC programs. The only adverts are in between programs, and not during.

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Longer ads, because that means less interruptions when watching something else. Of course this answer assumes that its something like tv where ads cannot be blocked (cept maybe by tvo...?)

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New q.

What is the best book title you can think of (preferably an original one as opposed to one taken from an existing book)? Obviously it is preferred you don't use your favorite book's name.

I once saw one such "title" that was "Lincoln's Doctor's Dog," but unfortunately I cannot use this as my answer since apparently such a book exists. I guess for fun I'll go with "A Singular Shave With Occam" (Occam's Razor was also taken as a book title - multiple times, in fact).

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I reread the topic title and I really don't give a shit, Hawkwood: Diabolical Englishman is the fucking greatest

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