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car -> school and school -> car are each 15 minute walks with my 25 pound backpack, i guess that counts as exercise

otherwise, various cardio 4 times a week (will be going to 5 next week) and trying to figure out where to toss lifting into my schedule this semester; every semester brings a new schedule and therefore shits on my workout schedule and forces me to reevaluate everything

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I don't... or at least, not consistently.

Like, I'll randomly put do little cardio things like Just Dance or some things on Wii Fit, but nothing daily. I'm better during the summer - I can add swimming to that list.

And I swim a lot. :3

But yeah, I mean... some days I can't really exercise and some days I can, so it's very random.

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I don't... or at least, not consistently.

Like, I'll randomly put do little cardio things like Just Dance or some things on Wii Fit, but nothing daily. I'm better during the summer - I can add swimming to that list.

And I swim a lot. :3

But yeah, I mean... some days I can't really exercise and some days I can, so it's very random.


All day every day except for Thursday and Monday. Swimming is a hassle.

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I hike 3-4 times a week, usually about an hour and a half to two hours each day. I run 2-3 times a week, usually for around 45 minutes to an hour.

I would love to lift at the gym and built a more toned physique, but as I said I really do not want to spend hundreds of dollars on something I could conceivably do at home. I say conceivably because I actually can't do it at home since I don't have the space.

Edited by Esau of Isaac
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I walk a lot when the weather isn't shit (read : windy rainy day, icy sidewalks or just about anything under minus 10-minus 15 Celsius), otherwise that's mostly on my to do list this summer since the household is going to have its gym room.

I'd like to play sports with friends but I look athletic next to most of them.

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I'm a physical kind of person and I prefer walking or cycling to motorized transport, so most relatively short distances I go either walking or cycling. About 2-3 times a week I go jogging as long as I feel like, which usually comes down to 90-120 mins (I walk on time not on distance and the way I walk reflects that) though I'm pretty sure I can g longer than that if I cared to.

I'm also a bit of a mind to walk to Spain next summer, which is 1000km or so, so recently I've started walking longer distances than I did before.

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I'm also a bit of a mind to walk to Spain next summer, which is 1000km or so, so recently I've started walking longer distances than I did before.

zero sarcasm ahead: super cool ambition bro

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no unless you count the usual trip from class to class floor to floor of everyday university with a heavy backpack exercise

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used to exercise everyday.

nowadays like 3 times a week

I've often heard there's no need to exercise any more than that, because the body needs the time to recover. Even professional athletes constantly take breaks because the effects are the same.

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New question!

What is your ideal course syllabus? What do I mean by this, exactly? What I mean is you have the power to custom-design a single course and have control over grade weights, assignments (as well as the nature of said assignments), and anything else a typical course syllabus would entail. Since not all subjects are created equal, providing a subject or a specific course (for instance, First Year Chemistry) would be helpful in explaining what your ideal syllabus would be like.

Personally, for an ideal average Computer Science course, I'd probably put emphasis on participation and attendance (as much as 30%), which would include labs (which would also encompass about 20% of the grade for lab completion), five projects of increasing complexity (30%), and a midterm (10%) and final (10%) exam, both of which are open notes.

...Yeah...I think you can tell I don't like heavy grade weights on exams. They especially makes little sense in a Computer Science-related classes.

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Holy shit yes. I'm actually taking a CS class at the moment, wherein the classwork is 10%, going on the Facebook discussion is 10%, quizzes are 40%, and the final is 40%. It's like bro do you even know balance? That being said, I don't think participation and attendance should be worth THAT much. Any shmuck can attend class, after all. Agree with your massive decreases to midterms and finals though, it's fucking stupid that you could have done well the whole semester and still have a chance of failing the class because bullshit. Here's how I'd do it.

20% Attendance (still important)

15% Homework (feels like this would reduce the swing of the lab and projects while actively encouraging students to be learning at home rather than saying read a book fuckwit)

15% Labs (preferably with them being group excursions, solo labs are so lame it's like why did you even bother bringing us together in the first place; also would like time after the lab)

20% Projects (i feel like these test the skill of a programmer more than anything; i just wish they made more active efforts to set deadlines for individual components, fuck long term goals

10% Midterms (overrated)

10% Finals (even more overrated)

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100% final exam just to make the students shit their pants

EDIT: i have a humorous tangentially related story when i had diarrhea during a multivariable calculus midterm exam, spent 20 minutes on the toilet, and still finished the test on time with a 96%

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I feel like this question would be most interesting if people gave their answers in the format [number of units] [name of unit] (like "5 kg"), so that my Dictionary of Numbers could do its thing.

okay so.

Let's do this thing.

I do not like lifting single bags of stuff over 40lbs [≈ Medium-sized dog] tho

im benching 10 reps of 155lbs [≈ Adult human]

I've heard tell of some powerlifting training hypotheticals where people go above 300 pounds [≈ Mature lion. Female 125 kg, male 180 kg]

I'm also a bit of a mind to walk to Spain next summer, which is 1000km [≈ greatest diameter of the dwarf planet, Ceres]

Thank you all for this.

~Today's stuff~

I totally agree with Interest and Refa wrt CS courses. Maybe not weigh the exams THAT little, but I feel that they're rather overweighted in all the classes I've had.

Other courses though I'd rather have exams weighted more heavily and have less homework because I suck at homework and am okay at studying and rather good at tests.

EDIT: lol@the comparisons showing up twice (for me) because I actually wrote them out.

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my favorite one i was in (a statistics in engineering course) was 40% weekly homework 50% spread across three exams and 10% for weekly quizzes (which petered out after six weeks)

EDIT: i have a humorous tangentially related story when i had diarrhea during a multivariable calculus midterm exam, spent 20 minutes on the toilet, and still finished the test on time with a 96%

i knew a girl who had to run out on a physics exam, spent 15 minutes throwing up, stumbled back in, scribbled down answers for shit, possibly stumbled out to throw up again, and got a 92

i love it when people pull that shit off

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Some mix between coursework, midterms and finals. Probably evenly split. My view on attendance is if you're meeting the goals of the class without turning up, it's better than turning up and not learning!

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With that said, which web sites would you want to remove?

Um, in my case I'd probably say which behaviour I want to remove... and want to stay away. I'd think after removing sites they'd just get put up again... and even if the situation instead was that those types of sites got removed for forever, I'd think the behaviour would just move to sites that aren't like that? Or not, maybe I'm overthinking things

Although, I would like to have a new youtube~ That was just like the youtube before google decided to start ruining things... Somebody I was subscribed to moved on to twitch instead because he was afraid to upload videos to youtube anymore, and I think that's the point when I think youtube is starting to take things a bit far


Hahaha, nooooo

How often do you exercise?

Hardly that often at all~ I want to start walking more though once it isn't cold out ^o^

What is your ideal course syllabus?

Um... I'm not sure ;u;

It's not something I've ever considered and idk how to go about considering it~

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