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Heehee there was one I had considered might have existed but I decided to check that list to make sure~


And now I have a new one, "Bone manipulation." Like... ow, that sounds like that'd do horrible, mean things to the body

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Believe it or not, I would go with superhuman speed (mostly because I don't want to hate on Aquaman). Firstly, the activity can either burn a lot of body energy (which is bad because there would be some enormous limitations) or very little body energy (meaning your body burns energy at exceedingly high levels of efficiency, which would suck to deal with in terms of practicality). Secondly, in almost every case there is another power that is superior to moving fast. For combat, the person's blows aren't going to be all that much stronger compared to someone with super strength and agility can be compensated for with various other super powers, such as flight and so on. For travel, teleportation and flight are almost always better.

Something moving towards you at near infinite energy and colliding with you, a basically stationary object, is going to hurt. A lot. Like way more than a punch with super human strength. Its all about that momentum collision. Your punches would be devastating to anyone, including yourself, which is what probably limits people like Flash from exploding his enemies also the fact that he is a "good guy" lol.

From that list i think echolocation is the worst-- wooptie doo i can see you with sound. Meh. Its not something entirely undo-able with technology now.

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Heehee there was one I had considered might have existed but I decided to check that list to make sure~


And now I have a new one, "Bone manipulation." Like... ow, that sounds like that'd do horrible, mean things to the body

The Pillar Men disagree.

Meg's ability to grow her fingernails in Family Guy.

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Something moving towards you at near infinite energy and colliding with you, a basically stationary object, is going to hurt. A lot. Like way more than a punch with super human strength. Its all about that momentum collision. Your punches would be devastating to anyone, including yourself, which is what probably limits people like Flash from exploding his enemies also the fact that he is a "good guy" lol.

From that list i think echolocation is the worst-- wooptie doo i can see you with sound. Meh. Its not something entirely undo-able with technology now.

*cough cough* Daredevil.

Worst power...I don't know, looking at a list of every superpower they all have some use. AquaMan is a character I always thought had pretty cool powers, same with Daredevil and even ChargeMan. Bone manipulation isn't very cool but I'd hardly say it's laughable.

I'm just going to say most of the mutations from X-men on the grounds that DNA, biology and mutations don't work that way. People who have no super powers, skills or gadgets to, but that's more an absence of powers rather than a bad one.

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But Living Forever is Awesome!

I actually thought of a much worse superpower:

Alakazams infinitely reproducing brain cells.

1.Memories are formed by 'pathways' between cells in the brain, which is why we don't remember things from when we are babies and our brains are still developing. So this would actually give you severe and permanent amnesia.

2. Yeah, it's like cancer. It would likely be very painful and your brain would basically crush itself inside your skull.

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New question!

What is, in your opinion, the worst superhero power? Really speaks for itself. I expect a lot of Aquaman references, since it is preferred the superhero power exists and isn't some stupid power that can exist but hasn't been used yet. Supernatural abilities, such as mutant powers from X-Men, etc...count as a superhero power. If you choose a superhero with multiple powers (I believe Superman falls into this category), you can take an individual power and analyze that. Here's one such potential list of powers to choose from, though there's certainly more.

Believe it or not, I would go with superhuman speed (mostly because I don't want to hate on Aquaman). Firstly, the activity can either burn a lot of body energy (which is bad because there would be some enormous limitations) or very little body energy (meaning your body burns energy at exceedingly high levels of efficiency, which would suck to deal with in terms of practicality). Secondly, in almost every case there is another power that is superior to moving fast. For combat, the person's blows aren't going to be all that much stronger compared to someone with super strength and agility can be compensated for with various other super powers, such as flight and so on. For travel, teleportation and flight are almost always better.

I will, however, assert that superhuman speeds in conjunction with other powers can work great wonders.

I think you are missing one of the biggest problems with superhuman speed if it doesn't also come with stronger bones and ligaments etc. Honestly, for superhuman speed to not rip you apart in 2 seconds you are going to need superhuman strength and constitution anyway. Package deal, and as a package it's awesome. You are strong enough to hit stuff real hard. Probably can jump enough feet fast enough to beat anyone with flight if they aren't already a hundred feet in the air when you meet them, though they can't do much to you unless they have massive aoe attacks to ignore your dodging abilities. You'd probably get to a teleporter faster than they can process to teleport away.

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What if they're good at teleporting (in other words, can teleport very quickly)? I've fought teleporters, super speed is not that helpful in fighting them.

It's not about the speed of their teleporting, it's whether their brain can calculate that they need to teleport away from you before you hit them. Even if the teleport is instantaneous, not gonna do any good if I hit you before you register that I'm trying to hit you. Think of a car with womg brakes. If you round the corner and there's something in the way and your car can stop on a dime, it won't do you a lick of good if you hit that obstacle before your brain realized you should be stopping or your foot moves to press on the brake.

Now, if you want to package deal teleporting with super-fast processing power of the brain, fine. I packaged speed with strength and bones etc so you could argue that the brain needs quick processing speed to calculate the destination or whatever.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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In this instance, it would come down to sharpness then, whichever is sharper is more likely to win.

But we aren't here to talk about cool powers, we're here to talk about lame ones. I still hold Alakazam's infinitely reproducing brain cells are the worst.

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Immortality because living forever sucks

What is wrong about Aquaman? His superpower is basically complete domination over more than half(if not all) of the planet, and enough superpower to punch gods and shut them up.

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If we are splitting powers too much, then I could go with immortality without eternal youth. There was some show that I saw once where someone wished for immortality but neglected the whole aging issue, so he looked rather old a few hundred years later. Quite hilarious. Wasn't he annoyed at the way he felt all the time. And if you don't have super healing, either, then woe to you if you get injured. Hopefully someone can put you in a medically induced coma or something so you don't have to feel the pain while your body heals slowly, though.

Otherwise I'd just go for something like being a booster in a world where you are the only one with superpowers. Like, I can amplify your laser eyes so you can do more damage, but oh wait, nobody has laser eyes.

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I still hold Alakazam's infinitely reproducing brain cells are the worst.

I'm pretty sure it just means that Alakazam can replace their dead brain cells on a continuous basis.

What is wrong about Aquaman? His superpower is basically complete domination over more than half(if not all) of the planet, and enough superpower to punch gods and shut them up.

Most supervillains aim to conquer the land, not the sea. Aquaman's powers are all sea-based, thus they suck against supervillains and their land-based schemes for world domination.

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If we are splitting powers too much, then I could go with immortality without eternal youth. There was some show that I saw once where someone wished for immortality but neglected the whole aging issue, so he looked rather old a few hundred years later. Quite hilarious. Wasn't he annoyed at the way he felt all the time. And if you don't have super healing, either, then woe to you if you get injured. Hopefully someone can put you in a medically induced coma or something so you don't have to feel the pain while your body heals slowly, though.

Keep in mind immortality also doesn't mean immunity to pain, whether physical, emotional or psychological. Then there's possibly things like the Earth being burnt to cinders by the Sun in a few billion years. Immortality when you're in space doing nothing sure sounds fun.

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If we are splitting powers too much, then I could go with immortality without eternal youth. There was some show that I saw once where someone wished for immortality but neglected the whole aging issue, so he looked rather old a few hundred years later. Quite hilarious. Wasn't he annoyed at the way he felt all the time. And if you don't have super healing, either, then woe to you if you get injured. Hopefully someone can put you in a medically induced coma or something so you don't have to feel the pain while your body heals slowly, though.

Pretty sure that the ancient greeks beat that show to it.

Anyways I'd say that being Superman would have quite a few disadvantages. Might not be the lamest power, buuuut...


Yes, this is basically just an excuse to post that essay.


Unrestrained telepathy would suck. I would hate to be forced to listen to everyone's internal thoughts; there's enough that's said out loud (or typed, but you know) that's bad enough.

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I'm pretty sure that whatever superhero is on duty could deal with a Godzilla-esque monster without having to call Aquaman to help him/her.

No, I'm saying AquaMan summons one to fight for him.

And even without that he's super strong, wields a magic trident, and has skin stronger than a rhino's.

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If Aquaman is super strong, why does he need to summon Godzilla?

Because Godzilla is stronger and can breath radiation?

That's like asking why a body builder wouldn't use a gun to kill people.

Anyways I'd say that being Superman would have quite a few disadvantages. Might not be the lamest power, buuuut...


Yes, this is basically just an excuse to post that essay.

Also let me state as an amateur biologist it is highly illogical to assume that SuperMan's gametes would have super powers.

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