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QOTD Thread: The End


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Karate with Judo on fridays (same dojo) and Kendo late Thursdays and Saturday morning.

College scheduling happened, though. I still spar with a friend so I don't get out of practice. If I don't end up working too far away might go back again, though I'm also interested in wushu (since I'm Chinese etc, personal cultural reasons).

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Muay Thai is very appealing to me, but I don't know if I'll ever have the health for it.

It's REALLY rough on the body. Be careful.

Whether I know any sort of martial art or not is something I don't intend on answering. :P:

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+1 more "did TKD for some years" - school gave me a black belt, though I'm also a long time out of practice. I've thought of taking aikido or hapkido, but haven't looked up any local places in a while

Martial arts can be interesting as a self-improvement tool, even if you're not specifically in it to learn how to beat somebody up (though I'm kinda hesitating to say they're still a surefire good idea to take if you really don't want to do any sparring whatsoever). Some have demonstrations of form, which probably have a lot in common with dancing, woven into them.

I was going to say something like "it's kind of a halfway point between yoga and dane," but come to think of it I'm not sure if either of those include much "throwing punches/kicks in a way that could actually hurt somebody, even if they're just hitting air"

(speaking of which, yoga's another thing I've thought would be cool to take)

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nope. i'd like to learn jeet kune do if that counts.

may i make a QOTD suggestion?

favourite/least favourite year of your life?

Will do. Adding that to the list.

New question!

What is your favorite (non-tree) plant?

Mine is probably the salmonberry because I used to see these shrubs all over during hikes and their berries were more or less tasty. If I was in a survival situation in the areas I lived I'd sure as heck try to search for one of these.

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*turns it into favourite flower* Wild honeysuckle!! I love how they smell~ I quite like how they look too!

But I think ferns are also really pretty =o

And the rattlesnake plant is cute and I need to stop it here before I start turning this into a long list because I really just like plants ;u;

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Flowers... Purple, White, Tiger Lilies, and Purple Tiger Lilies... I like lilies, specifically.

I also like white roses, and I like the presence that dendrobiums have, there are more, but I can't remember the names of them all...

*turns it into favourite flower* Wild honeysuckle!! I love how they smell~ I quite like how they look too!

This takes me back to my youth... Although I never encountered the wild variety, I remember being egged on by cousin to try and suck the honey out a honeysuckle... it had a nectar, honey like taste. (go figure)

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Aughfjg man its really hard to choose because I like a lot of flowers/plants.. I wish I could do gardening but I have such an irrational and extreme fear of bees so I don't see how I can besides keeping a flower in a pot indoors SIGH..

I think I'm going to go with hydrangeas because of how lovely they are.

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