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QOTD Thread: The End


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Twisted ankle pretty bad over some stupid decisions I made

Nothing was broken but there was a big-ass swollen bit whoops

Walking was hard for a week and then even after it healed for the entire semester it still hurt to go down stairs

It's fine now though

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I get little things all the damn time but never anything remarkable. I mean, twisted my ankle a few times, jammed a finger once, but... nothing bigger than that.

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Hmm... nothing really. I've never broken any bones... but if it has to be the worst for my body, I guess spraining my ankle multiple times and my knee once.

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Smashed the right side of my body into a large pile of jagged rocks after a big jump, right side of body went numb. Face bleeding intently, skin torn up in my hand, bleeding everywhere... 10 minutes later, randomly discovered the worst wound, in my side, strangely not bleeding, but the wound was so deep, bone was slightly visible, strangely did not feel pain at all... later ate 5 cheeseburgers that day, almost like it was an offset to the lack of pain.

I have quite an ugly scar on my waist as a result of that day.

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Smashed up my knees pretty bad in middle school, resulting in physical therapy for a year or two.

Haven't broken anything, though!

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I put my hand on a halogen lamp and burned it pretty badly. It isn't anything that bad, though. Probably just 1st degree.


When I was a little baby kittykate I thought it was a bright idea to touch a lightbulb with my finger~ pun intended

So I do have a little scar on my finger from that~

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When I was a little baby kittykate I thought it was a bright idea to touch a lightbulb with my finger~ pun intended

So I do have a little scar on my finger from that~

I went full palm on it. It was a lamp in a front walkway up to a small little hotel (like one in a house instead of one of the ones with hallways of rooms) in Washington DC, IIRC.

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My brother and I were kickboxing years ago --that is, roughhousing while wearing MMA gloves-- and he threw a side kick. I was going to monkey his leg back with the bottom of my foot but misjudged the speed of it and it nailed me right at the top of my shin. I'm pretty sure it cracked the bone and healed improperly, as that spot is really sensitive now and if it's hit even lightly the wrong way not only hurts like hell, but I feel a weird sensation that's hard to describe, kind of like a line of electric tingling.

Ever since then I've been paranoid that one day I'm going to apply weight incorrectly on that spot and my leg will just straight up snap at that spot, but I hike and run a lot at full tilt and I've never felt pain or suffered any injury as a result. Knock on wood, I guess.

I really knocked on wood.

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New question!

What is your favorite junk food? You can feel free to name brand names or whatever. Candy does count (but if you do list a candy, at least list a non-candy alternative answer), but the general scope of the question is to cover all foods with minimal nutritional value (like the various chips and such) that would typically show up on your store shelf.

I would have to say all forms of (sea) salt and vinegar potato chips wins it for me. I love the sharp, acrid taste. I'm sure my body is drowning in sodium (chloride) given how much of that I eat.

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Oatmeal cookies.

Store-bought, I guess it'd be...Doritos, probably? I'm not a huge fan of any one type of junk food...

If they count, It's-Its. Possibly the frozen lemonade stuff you can get at the store.

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It depends on how far you stretch the term "junk food". I know a lot of people who class McDonalds food as "junk". So, if we're including fast food, then the McDonalds Fillet O' Fish burger.

If we're sticking to crisps, biscuits, sweets and the like, then chocolate cookies. Not the piddly little Maryland sort; the big round doughy things that turn up in the bakery section of the supermarket.

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original ruffles, god almighty

EDIT: candy alt answer: those sweet&sour stuffed twizzlers oh man

Edited by Integrity
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