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QOTD Thread: The End


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EDIT: *sees above post* Mr. Taxi, taxi, taxi XD

mew = sounds kind of like the first half of my korean name, and I like cats.

yeon = second half of my korean given name

I just placed them together, and WA LA. I debated putting a spin on my Chinese name instead, but it gets easily confused with a character from Dynasty Warriors :O Japanese reading of the kanji didn't give me anything interesting to work with either, so...yah I stuck with the Korean version.

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Now this is a story all about how my life got flipped, turned upside-down and I'd like you to take a minute just sit right there, I'll tell you how I got the name called Nightmare.

In north Iran, born and raised, in the house was where I spent most of my days. Chillin' out, maxin', relaxin' all cool and not shootin' some b-ball outside of school when a couple of thoughts, who were up to no good, started makin' trouble in my head. And then I made a character (my self-insert) called Nightmare. He was super cool and edgy and had metallic black armour and also used dark magic. I cut myself on my own edge a lot.

I started internetting shortly after and used that as my first name. Then I kept using it forever.


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Now this is a story all about how my life got flipped, turned upside-down and I'd like you to take a minute just sit right there, I'll tell you how I got the name called Nightmare.

In north Iran, born and raised, in the house was where I spent most of my days. Chillin' out, maxin', relaxin' all cool and not shootin' some b-ball outside of school when a couple of thoughts, who were up to no good, started makin' trouble in my head. And then I made a character (my self-insert) called Nightmare. He was super cool and edgy and had metallic black armour and also used dark magic. I cut myself on my own edge a lot.

I started internetting shortly after and used that as my first name. Then I kept using it forever.


2edgy5me ;_;

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TheEnd was a pun with Fin (the FE4 character... and also "end" in some romance languages). I was actually the first nickname I made in the internet, since I simply used by surname before that.

Then I ragequit the fandom because I noticed Vincent didn't love me ;_; and decided to drop it when I came back to the FE4Thread in shame

By then, I was almost 30 years old, and almost everyone else was in their mid/late teens or early twenties

So yeah

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stolypin was a guy who hung lots of people but he loved tsarist russia and he was cool so i like him, and also his name is pretty cool. it wasn't edgy enough though so i went with stolypin necktie, which is how the noose came to be known for a while in russia

stahl + stolypin



the other name i used to go by and some people still call me (off the top of my head, like, trent and whoever else) is spike which comes from spiky which is a nickname i got in primary school because this one time i shaved my head and i grew a fucking spiky afro or something, it was crazy

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I was browsing a Japanese dictionary and looked up words for 'devil' and/or 'evil spirit'. I found ma. I had a clever idea and combined it with with the word for wind, kaze, to form a word that meant 'an ill-favoured wind' or 'the storm sent by the devil'. It was an actual word. It was my first successful conjugation of the language and my first portmanteau in any language.

I looked it up because I thought it would be a cool word. When I found out that it was a real word, I realized that it was also the direct opposite of kamikaze. Kamikaze means 'a divine wind' or 'the storm sent by god'. It is commonly associated with suicide and nationalism due to being the nickname given to suicide bombers in the Japanese air forces.
If kamikaze represents the deity, self-sacrifice, and loyalty, then makaze represents the accuser, self-fulfillment and independence.

I fell in love.
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I've been using this name for a little over two years. It's actually a combination of the words "karasu" and "azure." Azure is, of course, a shade of blue, and Karasu is Japanese for "crow." So basically my name means "blue crow," even though it's a portmanteau of a Japanese word and an English word.

totally didn't jack Inigo's Japanese name for my own purposes, I swear

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I am never sure whether to mentally pronounce your name "Rando-man" or "Random-man". I usually go with the former because it sounds funny.

I stick with the former, because the Rando at the start reminds me of Lando from Star Wars, who I always found rather awesome.

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I've been using this name for a little over two years. It's actually a combination of the words "karasu" and "azure." Azure is, of course, a shade of blue, and Karasu is Japanese for "crow." So basically my name means "blue crow," even though it's a portmanteau of a Japanese word and an English word.

totally didn't jack Inigo's Japanese name for my own purposes, I swear

How about using the pronunciation of the native word for azure? 蒼 can be あお(い) ao(i) or ソウ (sou). I guess Aokarasu doesn't sound so good. But the kanji for karasu, 鴉, has the on'yomi ア (ah), which means I guess you could make 蒼鴉 "Soua," or perhaps 鴉蒼 "Asou?"

Just sayin~

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The story behind my username isn't nearly as interesting as some of the ones I've seen, but... it's kind of funny, in a ironic sort-of way. Anyway.

So, some background information. One, is that I'm quite a fan of Axis Powers Hetalia, and if we APH fans have a lot of anything, it's that we have a LOT of varying fanon. There's variations in any fandom, of course, but it seems like you'll never run into someone with the same headcanons as you. (And if you do, celebrate and gush over your similarities.) One large aspect of this is coming up with "human" names for some of the cast that weren't officially given one. And two, that the creator of APH came out with some official gender-bends of the mostly-male cast, and the fans took care of the ones that hadn't been made yet.

Long explanation is long. :\

Anyway, I was browsing some fanart and stumbled across a gorgeous one with a LOT of the gender-bends (I'd post it but zerochan sucks) and out of all of them my favorite was the one for Switzerland. So naturally, I just had to give her a name.

Now Switzerland actually has a canon name: Vash Zwingli. So, I shuffled around some possibilities and got this~!

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Weeeeee time for the story that always gets me sneered at~

I was really into the Inheritance series~ And I really liked the made up language it had. So I tried translating the words in a way so that the words themselves would look neat together (imo of course~) and also translated to something that I liked. At the time I thought my name translated to Shadow Mists, but I'm preeeeetty sure it was actually intended to mean Death Mists...

Mean Paolini didn't translate each word individually, just said what each phrase mentioned in the books meant (he could have at least done booooooth his made-up grammar rules are real confuzzling)

Oh and a pronunciation guide would have been cool too =3 I feel like people don't feel satisfied when they ask how to pronounce my name and I say I dunno either

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Well, I have a horrible birth-name. Ever since I can remember I've been teased and made fun of for it, so I've tried countless times to come up with my own, even a nickname that would save me from the persecution.

I remember the first time I came onto the internet, I went by the handle of "LinkGamePro" on an old Ocarina of Time 2D forum, was some stupid project being made by a douche, anyways.
After that, I didn't really branch out much, I was really a newb when it came to computers as I didn't have one until I turned the age of 10, roughly, when we got our first family computer.

The first board I remember being on was the old Fire Emblem World forum, it was in it's dying days and I remember that within my first topic I actually had someone respond with links to other FE forums to join. On FEW I went by the names Harken and Roland(Yeah I made two accounts, shut up.), though they were for only a week or so. (They were named after FE characters, hurdur.)
After that, I joined Arch's forum, Fire Emblem Universe, or FEU. There I'm not sure what name I took first, but the earliest I can remember was Maetira. That essentially was my first serious handle as it pretty much was my tag on everything. From my email to my MSN and Myspace name, all the way down to the name I scribbled on my sheets of homework when I handed them in.

I went through several names that didn't really stick, it wasn't until 2010, when I took a digital photography class.. I had a friend at that time, we used to muck around during class and I remember one lesson we both did this thing where you would put your name in the name of every band you listened to. I went through and listed them off, "Avenged Nikfold", "Breaking Nik", "Dir En Nik", blahblahblah. It was fun an' all, but there was one I really took a liking too. "Nickt". Since that point, it's just been what I've used for everything..

So there you have it, folks. Read it here first.

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ellipse is a twofold joke. One involved the perfect circle deck that was going on around in Yu-Gi-Oh! (you can't have a perfect circle without an ellipse. . .I'll shut up now). The other half involves those damnable dots I type too often. . .

Since this is a FE forum, eclipse felt more fitting. It's a spell with untold power and awful accuracy, which is something that amused me. It's also a semi-tribute to my first-ever run of FE7, where Hawkeye was hit by a 5% Eclipse.


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I thought the kitty thing had nothing to do with mafia and Haze just wanted to prove someone wrong
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