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QOTD Thread: The End


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The woman.

I can always give the man what he wants. Money and material belongings can be replaced with relative ease, and I can always attempt to defend myself if worse comes to worst. The situation with the woman is a lot more complex. Parents of missing children tend to be highly irrational. It's entirely possible that she would stalk and harass me if she couldn't be convinced that I didn't kidnap her child. People have had their reputations ruined and lost their jobs over such things.

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I'm honestly not sure, considering no 2 people are exactly the same, either situation could play out in a multitude of ways.

I can't really stereotype because thats kind of lame to do, and I can't really say I've been in either situation so I'll have to abstain from answering.

Edited by Folgore Red II
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Not so serious:

Neither: I'd throw the coinage at the man, lead him to the woman- who I give some notes to- and then run like hell to the nearest police station.


I'm more scared of the man.

If I confront the man: Confront man->get beaten->money taken->woman reports me/sends me to hospital->investigation->???->innocence proven (rightly) /convicted through BS evidence/testimony.

If I confront the woman: convince her to go to the police with me->not get beaten/protected by police->???->innocence proven (rightly) /convicted through BS evidence/testimony.

It's seriously scarier being beaten than not being beaten, if what happens with the woman is the same.

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I'd obviously be more afraid of the man. If the situation came to a fight, and it probably would from someone trying to mug me, I'd likely get the shit kicked out of me. Clubs hurt dude.

An unarmed petite woman, even one that thinks I have her child or something, isn't going to make physics go away. I'd obviously prefer to fight the smaller unarmed person.

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What kind of music do you like? You do not need to specify genre and can be as vague as you want. Blah blah.

I usually listen to the kind of music with screaming in them~ Or core/hardcore/metalcore etc. A lot of those bands are Christian bands, although I'm not even religious... Though I used to be! But I still love a lot of those bands anyway.

Usually I listen to bands with male vocalists.

But ever since being introduced to Kalafina in a car ride, I've been listening to almost only them this whole time x3 Their singing is real beautiful.

I listen to video game music sometimes as well. Or songs from anime.

If you could meet one or more person(s) from the past, who would he/she/they be?

Um, probably nobody. Idk. There's not really anybody I can think of that I would be intere-

Anne McCaffrey

....................................................... Wait she died????????

I never knew.... well I think having a little conversation or hearing about any story ideas she had had would have been fun =D I read a lot from the Dragonriders of Pern and the Catteni series, I enjoyed reading what she wrote~

So I guess I would visit her then!

Otherwise, one of my aunts had a pretty interesting job earlier in her life, that could have been fun visiting her and watch what she did in it =D

What time period would you go back to? You can choose to stay as long as you like, even for the rest of your days in the time period, but the catch is that any actions your perform in the time period will have absolutely no effect on the timeline. Assume that a second, alternate timeline is created for you the moment you enter the time period.

I have no clue when this was, or how much of it still goes on now, but I'd like to go to a time where I could join explorers who were discovering new pyramids~ If they would let me! I think finding one and being one of the explorers to explore those would be soooooooooo fun and interesting.

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh or discovering Petra!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Over a short period, you are approached in an alleyway by two individuals (one at a time). The first individual is a stocky man with a bludgeoning weapon of sorts who wants to mug you. The second individual is an unarmed petite woman who believes you kidnapped her child (assume she is wrong). Which individual would you be more afraid of?

Well by instinct I'm gonna be fleeing the big guy x3 The woman would probably still be tough to take care of and to get rid of, but I would probably end up trying to convince her that I wasn't guilty or get the police to understand that I wasn't guilty. For all I know this is a huge mistake, but I'm a tiny little thing who would avoid big big things like that man x3

Edited by Freohr Datia
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I don't think I'd be able to fight an armed man while unarmed myself, but I can probably deal with a single woman, and have the issue sorted out with the police. Of course, depending on the situation, I could change my mind, but I'd be more afraid of the immediate threat.

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Over a short period, you are approached in an alleyway by two individuals (one at a time). The first individual is a stocky man with a bludgeoning weapon of sorts who wants to mug you. The second individual is an unarmed petite woman who believes you kidnapped her child (assume she is wrong). Which individual would you be more afraid of?

The woman, to be honest. A beating from a mugger is one thing that anybody can survive, and anything that was stolen in the process can be replaced at any given moment. The woman, however, has the power to ruin your life just because she believes you kidnapped her child, which is enough to, at worst, ruin your life if things go further than just an accusation. Emotional/mental pain is much more scarring than physical pain...let's just put it that way.

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I usually listen to the kind of music with screaming in them~ Or core/hardcore/metalcore etc. A lot of those bands are Christian bands, although I'm not even religious... Though I used to be! But I still love a lot of those bands anyway.

Christian metalcore? And like death metal and stuff? wow :blink:

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New question!

Over a short period, you are approached in an alleyway by two individuals (one at a time). The first individual is a stocky man with a bludgeoning weapon of sorts who wants to mug you. The second individual is an unarmed petite woman who believes you kidnapped her child (assume she is wrong). Which individual would you be more afraid of?

I have hidden my answer to this question because I want initial reactions not influenced by my answer.

I would be more afraid of the woman, because she would probably attempt to chase me down with a vengeance in an attempt to exact "justice." All the man would do is take my money and leave me unscathed.

I'd be afraid of the woman.

THe man's not as big of a long-term threat since he's probobly just out for cash.

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I have a feeling it will involve spam or some other kind of magic.

I'd be more afraid of the woman. Getting robbed is infuriating and insulting but overall I'll take that over a psycho bitch stalker who hates my guts because the meds made her believe I kidnapped her child. Psycho bitch stalkers just can't be dealt with rationally or legally.

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Interesting turnout. New question!

What would your dream home look like? You can choose to include any details possible (interior, exterior, surrounding landscape, etc).

Personally a nice two-story house with standard furnishings for one or two individuals near a (slow-flowing) river that connects to a lake with a nice grove of evergreens (to make the house a little more "private") and a yard full of fruit trees and other typical shrubbery would be nice. Specifics would include a soundproofed room (because why not, even though I live alone it'll help) and method to seal outside creatures (particularly insects) away, such as airtight mortaring, (automated) glass doors, etc.

I don't really care though.

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Or anything similar

A narrow, detached house works too

Edit: Might as well put some detail. One that is recently built or updated, with two bedrooms, hardwood and ceramic floors (fuck carpet), 9' to 10' ceilings, a tiny (or even nonexistent) front yard, and looks nice and not cookie cutter (while at the same time, not going over the top either).

Edited by BLS
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Maybe a little something like... this?


Those are actually a set of Polish townhouses in the coastal city of Gdansk. They're quiet beautiful, don't you think?

But I'm actually not that fond of large houses and I'm a bit of a city girl, so I'd pretty much love a home like this. They're very cozy. :)

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