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The trolls come out on the weekend, and I have friends who swear that they get +200 elo from nothing more than the holidays starting. The effect can be observed at all levels of play, and is worth 200 elo even at the 1000-1200 range.

I have a friend who swears to this, but I've honestly never seen it. Seems like confirmation bias to me.

At absolute worst I've maybe seen more instances of "sorry guys my mom needs to check her email" on the weekend, but otherwise I'm pretty sure the amount of trolls is relatively constant.

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The skill difference on weekends (and to a lesser extent evenings) is observable, at least during the school term, and on holidays as well. At least, I've observed it.

As for the troll count, do remember that more of the idiots/trolls hang out in 1100-1300, which is substantially below where Silvercrow plays at, even in normals. Basically, you've already self-selected out of that zone.

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Heart of Gold has just gotten the boot along with the Meki Pendant and Force of Nature.


EDIT: Eleisa's Miracle is a huge buff to Heal and CV. Like huge. Might be worth it on supports who run CV.

Edited by Am Yisrael Chai
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first they made it stop building from Cloth Armour, and now they just removed it

what an indirect Mundo nerf, removing both HoG and FoN

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okay so having actually finally read about the item changes I'm honestly not quite sure what to think

except that itemization will no longer be stagnant (read: Ranged AD)

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Just had an exciting match with miss fortune. First time i kill 17 people on pvp while at the same timekeeping my death count under 10 :3

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Pretty desperate for a ranked duo partner at this point, if anyone's interested in the silver elo bracket. I main jungle top and mid.

Edited by Xander the great
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I have no PvP sense.

Anyway. . .figured out what my problem with Ezreal was when I played a game as Vayne. The latter kills stuff in four hits. Ezreal. . .uh, doesn't, and requires a lot more thought. With that in mind, I was quite a bit more effective. Favorite moment today was using myself as a human shield so Udyr would survive (but he didn't take the hint and rushed into three enemies at 300 HP. . .I tried, dammit).

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I have no PvP sense.

Anyway. . .figured out what my problem with Ezreal was when I played a game as Vayne. The latter kills stuff in four hits. Ezreal. . .uh, doesn't, and requires a lot more thought. With that in mind, I was quite a bit more effective. Favorite moment today was using myself as a human shield so Udyr would survive (but he didn't take the hint and rushed into three enemies at 300 HP. . .I tried, dammit).

Yeah, Tumble and the silver bolts proc just add so much extra damage when they have the same AD compared to Ez. Ez is a lot safer overall, and has global presence with his Ult, but Vayne is better at melting down a target.

And yes, HoG will be sorely missed. It was one of my favorite items, I think I built it on almost everything.

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Philosopher's Stone is my go-to item. Get at me. :P:

In all seriousness, I kinda wanted to see how good Force of Nature was, but never got the opportunity to buy it. Was it really that insane/uncommon?

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Philosopher's Stone is my go-to item. Get at me. :P:

In all seriousness, I kinda wanted to see how good Force of Nature was, but never got the opportunity to buy it. Was it really that insane/uncommon?

I believe it was because it sort of has an odd mishmash of stats tacked on. MR, HP/5 and MS was an... interesting combination. Of course, I might just be misremembering what they had said.

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FoN built out of a weird recipe build (Negatron + 2 Regrowth), and the passive health regen bonus was only useful for full built tanks who could tank a lot of damage and had a decent amount of health (and yet still be useful, which relegates it to use on only a select few otherwise you're wasting its potential)(read: I only found myself using it all of like once or twice (Tankplank once (which I honestly don't recommend))

Other MR items like QSS and Banshee's (on mages/AD's) or Wit's End/Merc Treads (on melee) and other MR items were generally far more useful than FoN so I can understand why it got the axe.

edit: also in other news I really need to play properly again sometime soon shrug

Edited by Manix
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@Xander you won't get any responses if we don't know your summoner name. Silver's also a fairly wide skill range at this point, so more specific numbers would be appreciated. And finally, is that S2 or S3 silver, pre- or post- tier changes? not that there are a lot of SFers in that zone anyway. Besides, l2p is a much better way to work things out and rise in elo than finding a duo mate.

As a general rule, sacrificing yourself for a teammate is a Very Bad Idea, except for support-type champions in higher elo (gold and above) games. There are various Reasons for this, but the important point here is Don't Do It. Particularly as an ADC.

I liked FoN. It was a nice slot-efficient way of saying Screw You to an opposing team with lots of magic damage, if I was tanking. Though I did find myself building Abyssal a lot more, because most often I didn't need that much MR. Also probably because those champions I played fell all on the tanky-AP spectrum; the tanky-AD people didn't have very much itemisation choice for MR, before Maw. FoN shows (showed) up a lot in ARAMs too, because survivability and HP regen are amazing there.

I'll get stuck into a few support games after the patch and see what works. Odds are that there is still exactly one efficient way to build, at least until the choice of big item. The key now is to find or theorycraft it.

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Philosopher's Stone is my go-to item. Get at me. :P:

In all seriousness, I kinda wanted to see how good Force of Nature was, but never got the opportunity to buy it. Was it really that insane/uncommon?

Philosopher's stone got nerfed quite hard as well... the HP regen was more than halved.

Their "problem" with Force of Nature was that it was an item solely dedicated to screwing over mages and that it gave a weird potpourri of stats. I don't think it really justified its removal but whatever.

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New masteries are the shit. Until I try them out, of course. Have a couple pages for how I'm going to play my specific support.

Time to relearn support.

EDIT: My pages are a super passive page (Gold and EXP based), Sustain, Kill Lane and I'll see if I need another one.

Edited by Am Yisrael Chai
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I believe it was because it sort of has an odd mishmash of stats tacked on. MR, HP/5 and MS was an... interesting combination. Of course, I might just be misremembering what they had said.

It was good on Mundo. If I had the spare dosh I'd build one often. Spirit Visage with it gave great HP/5, though the latter could be a waste of space.

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Yeah, Mundo and Singed built it the most often because they're the only tanks who really care much about MS. It was otherwise a situational sort of item for tanks if the opposing team was really MR heavy.

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@Xander you won't get any responses if we don't know your summoner name. Silver's also a fairly wide skill range at this point, so more specific numbers would be appreciated. And finally, is that S2 or S3 silver, pre- or post- tier changes? not that there are a lot of SFers in that zone anyway. Besides, l2p is a much better way to work things out and rise in elo than finding a duo mate.

As a general rule, sacrificing yourself for a teammate is a Very Bad Idea, except for support-type champions in higher elo (gold and above) games. There are various Reasons for this, but the important point here is Don't Do It. Particularly as an ADC.

I liked FoN. It was a nice slot-efficient way of saying Screw You to an opposing team with lots of magic damage, if I was tanking. Though I did find myself building Abyssal a lot more, because most often I didn't need that much MR. Also probably because those champions I played fell all on the tanky-AP spectrum; the tanky-AD people didn't have very much itemisation choice for MR, before Maw. FoN shows (showed) up a lot in ARAMs too, because survivability and HP regen are amazing there.

I'll get stuck into a few support games after the patch and see what works. Odds are that there is still exactly one efficient way to build, at least until the choice of big item. The key now is to find or theorycraft it.

I only shield my teammates if I know I'll make it out alive. In this case, I knew where everyone was, so the odds of me dying were pretty low (and Arcane Shift/Flash were both up). Thus, I wasn't too concerned about dying. Usually, it's some less-than-intelligent bruiser that complains about me running away (hey, it's NOT my fault you decided a 3-on-2 was a smart idea, and I know I can't burst people down).

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Anivia wins. :P:

Anyway, I found two situations where grabbing Karthus is a good idea.

1. Under turret, with no other enemy champs around.

2. When he's at 100 health and has no Veil.

Somehow, both happened in the same game. Teemo was amused.

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