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Switching in ARAM has net me two wins. Better that someone gets a character they're familiar with and you get someone you can sorta play versus you getting someone you're familiar with and they have no idea what their character does!

(this made what should've been a disastrous Karma/Sona match into something hilarious)

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In a game with Skarner. I was probably playing the best Lux game of my life and we were all doing well except Skarner. Skarner was just like "Yeah let's ult the tanky Leona while Nidalee is left to run rampant." Fuck me sideways. He also died 21 times, when everyone else was on 11 deaths or below. My score? 19 kills 8 deaths 41 assists. Way to fucking throw it. Fuck. I need a fucking beer or ten.

Oh yeah I'm lv30 on EUW. Who wants to join me in duo ranked games?

Edited by Raven
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In a game with Skarner. I was probably playing the best Lux game of my life and we were all doing well except Skarner. Skarner was just like "Yeah let's ult the tanky Leona while Nidalee is left to run rampant." Fuck me sideways. He also died 21 times, when everyone else was on 11 deaths or below. My score? 19 kills 8 deaths 41 assists. Way to fucking throw it. Fuck. I need a fucking beer or ten.

Oh yeah I'm lv30 on EUW. Who wants to join me in duo ranked games?

If I had an account on EUW I'd join.

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I got demoted to bronze 4 :(.... Had a couple opf succesful games and got to a series... But that didn't last because lol you know what is really fun, fighting with your team and causing it to implode yay :facepalm:

Edited by SlayerX
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tfw you're top garen against singed and he doesn't even show up for the first minute so when he gets there you dominate him the whole game and suddenly the team decides hey you should just carry since ez isn't doing so hot even though you tell them no guys that's stupid so you listen and buy damage items and even though you're like 15/2 you still end up losing because hey who needs tanks right guys hey here comes jax whoops turns out ad garen kind of sucks against him and in general who could have possibly foreseen this event

Although I didn't argue much with it. When I play Rugged Garen all I want to do is stack Crit and AD. .___.

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my own games excluded, from watching friends i've noticed that games that have a support call on one side are generally won by that side

like there are obviously exclusions but there seem to be so few good supports around

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my own games excluded, from watching friends i've noticed that games that have a support call on one side are generally won by that side

like there are obviously exclusions but there seem to be so few good supports around

gee i would almost feel hurt

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well there are a zillion good adc's/top/mid/jungle around but nobody ever seems to want to play support in my games

like i do it because i have to for my ranked team but out of my last 15 games only one time was there an actual support call other than myself

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Amumu/Zilean is really funny in ARAM. Speed Amumu up, put a bomb on his head, and watch the fireworks!

(I'm irritated with Amumu for other reasons)

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my own games excluded, from watching friends i've noticed that games that have a support call on one side are generally won by that side

like there are obviously exclusions but there seem to be so few good supports around

I tend to call support... I have lost most of my recent matches in ranked... :(... Although, i don't think its the laning phase that is the problem here (sometimes it is... I forget wards are there for a reason... map awareness)... I just really tend to fall off late game.

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That feel when you go from your 4th promotional game into Silver V to an 8-game tilt that takes you to 0 LP.

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How do you counter bruiser adc lanes? I was leona and my adc was Ashe, enemy was gangplank and graves... we had a hard time, though after getting my 2 stuns we managed to bring it a little more even.

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How do you counter bruiser adc lanes? I was leona and my adc was Ashe, enemy was gangplank and graves... we had a hard time, though after getting my 2 stuns we managed to bring it a little more even.

Usually just by farming for 25 minutes because bruisers need farm to scale well into lategame, but support Gangplank isn't unheard of and he does have some utility.

In that specific case, Gangplank has limited peeling ability without his ult, and between Leona and Ashe you can CC him for an awful long time (Solar Flare into Zenith Blade into Shield of Daybreak into Enchanted Crystal Arrow into Exhaust into another Shield of Daybreak).

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Usually just by farming for 25 minutes because bruisers need farm to scale well into lategame, but support Gangplank isn't unheard of and he does have some utility.

In that specific case, Gangplank has limited peeling ability without his ult, and between Leona and Ashe you can CC him for an awful long time (Solar Flare into Zenith Blade into Shield of Daybreak into Enchanted Crystal Arrow into Exhaust into another Shield of Daybreak).

then he oranges and pokes you with Parrrley forever

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I tend to call support... I have lost most of my recent matches in ranked... :(... Although, i don't think its the laning phase that is the problem here (sometimes it is... I forget wards are there for a reason... map awareness)... I just really tend to fall off late game.

Does your side tend to win or lose lane? If so, when does that happen? Try to look at your performance objectively, think of who you went against and why things went they way they did, and go from there. You can also bug the people at LoL University for help!

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