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I made a horrible, horrible mistake... I thought i was going to play bots and played thresh mid vs lux (blind pick so i had no idea until like 2 deaths because i'm oblivious to crap and my game also decided it't be fun to quit by itself forcing me to login again.)... never again.

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One thing I'm not liking about this skin announcement.

SO MANY JUNGLE UDYRS =(. Can't wait till people try Udyr top so I can go Teemo and ruin their lives.

[spoiler=If this isn't ranked 5s stompage, I don't know what is]htlwONA.jpg

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To answer this specifically at higher levels of play generally Elise will just build MAg pen + cdr and tankie.

Frozen heart gives her all the armor she needs + 20% cdr and free mana + a good passive.

It's a great item on her in plenty of situations.

First, you can edit instead of double posting. This isn't the mafia forum, nor is this FftF. :(:

Does Elise go mana-hungry that late? I guess the armor + CDR is nice, but it feels. . .weird. I know she has to get up close and personal, but isn't she more bursty?

(yeah, I'm confuzzled)

I hope that dude in the ranked 5 stompage got a ton of honor (first guy to post something in chat). I really wish that kind of attitude was standard!

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Does Elise go mana-hungry that late? I guess the armor + CDR is nice, but it feels. . .weird. I know she has to get up close and personal, but isn't she more bursty?

I don't think Elise exactly has a lot of mana issues if only because of Spider Form abilities not costing anything. Someone did have to cover the -20% AS debuff though and I guess Amumu already went for some of the other major Armor items so Elise was left to handle the last.

I hope that dude in the ranked 5 stompage got a ton of honor (first guy to post something in chat). I really wish that kind of attitude was standard!

Lol I honored all five of them. They deserved it for putting up with getting destroyed =).

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Fucking Renekton. Laned against him as Trynd, it was hell. Started roaming and they surrendered after we wiped them out for a third time.

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So I think I'm going to start adding some of you if you don't mind (at some point over the next few days). I need more people to play with.

[spoiler=wish this match went on longer...(I was Yi)]h3NduPw.png

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So I think I'm going to start adding some of you if you don't mind (at some point over the next few days). I need more people to play with.

[spoiler=wish this match went on longer...(I was Yi)]h3NduPw.png

Feel free to add me, just know i suck and have been playing bots alot lately so i'm going to suck even more... I have even lost some :o.

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Fucking Renekton. Laned against him as Trynd, it was hell. Started roaming and they surrendered after we wiped them out for a third time.

Trynd top lane is pain unless you're playing against someone that doesn't know how to be aggressive.

At which point it's just great fun getting fed and thwacking people

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Feel free to add me, just know i suck and have been playing bots alot lately so i'm going to suck even more... I have even lost some :o.

That's fine. I'm not particularly great either (I've lost some matches horribly lately too, I just don't show them here lol).

Trynd top lane is pain unless you're playing against someone that doesn't know how to be aggressive.

Or Nasus. Can't forget Nasus.

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First, you can edit instead of double posting. This isn't the mafia forum, nor is this FftF. :(:

Does Elise go mana-hungry that late? I guess the armor + CDR is nice, but it feels. . .weird. I know she has to get up close and personal, but isn't she more bursty?

(yeah, I'm confuzzled)

I hope that dude in the ranked 5 stompage got a ton of honor (first guy to post something in chat). I really wish that kind of attitude was standard!

With 2 % health damaging abilities it's more useful for her to build pen + cdr generally. That's all she needs to do damage. She doesn't need to build ap do do good damage. She doesn't really go mana hungry but she can make use of the armor and the CDR and various passives from the armor.

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An ideal Elise build is usually Sorc Boots, Liandry's, Void Staff (Abyssal Sceptor if they aren't stacking as much MR or they have a fed AP and you need it), and the three defensive items.

I usually like Randuins as you can hop onto them with Rappel and then slow with the active and also Spirit of the Elder Golem even if I'm not jungling her because of the Tenacity. Zhonya's might also be viable but Frozen Heart is also really good.

She can be mana hungry if you spam human form things so Rod of Ages, Frozen Heart or potentially Tear can all work. I only recommend Tear on a more magey-mid Elise because her form change and the added spider spells can let her fill it fast, but they're making form changes not work for tears soon so it's not as good.

Typical combo is Human E - Human W - Human Q - Spider W - Spider Q - Spider E to gap close if they run away. Smart casting her Q can help pull this off quicker.

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Rod of Ages

"I don't build this item unless it's my first item." -InvertedComposer. Even though he's a Singed main this fact does hold true. The stack time is way too damn long to consider building it after Liandry's. I'd rather go with a Seraph's.

Edit: MLG yayyyyy

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that or you build it as a 6th item at like 40 minutes because the game is taking forever and will likely continue for a while

but yeah if you really have mana issues on Elise, Seraph, or after the next patch just go Frozen Heart

Gauntlet might be doable if you're getting kited by rylai's could work and it synergizes with liandry's

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I don't think the Tear nerf is going to hurt AP casters as much. It's more to target AD casters like (blue) Ezreal, Kha'zix, and Jayce who can make it early then build Muramana later and stack it ridiculously fast. Archangels will just have to be built to increase stack rate I guess...

Edit: Well I guess it wouldn't be a Curse match if Saint doesn't screw up his Smite.

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First, thanks Shinori~! That kind of explanation helps, and solidifies the fact that I won't be playing Elise unless I'm forced to.

that or you build it as a 6th item at like 40 minutes because the game is taking forever and will likely continue for a while

Psych, that thing takes 10 minutes to stack. Unless the enemy team is dead-set on screwing around for ten minutes straight, the game will probably end before it's worth it.

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Unless the enemy team is dead-set on screwing around for ten minutes straight


Oh also, they're getting owned by Vulcun. Haha...or they were*

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First, thanks Shinori~! That kind of explanation helps, and solidifies the fact that I won't be playing Elise unless I'm forced to.

Psych, that thing takes 10 minutes to stack. Unless the enemy team is dead-set on screwing around for ten minutes straight, the game will probably end before it's worth it.

you obvious have much more skilled opponents then I usually do

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you obvious have much more skilled opponents then I usually do

Come lategame, my priorities are winning, and doing whatever it takes to get there. If the enemy's screwing around, it's time to shove turrets/yank Baron. Thus, I don't see the point in getting something like RoA late.

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Oh also, they're getting owned by Vulcun. Haha...or they were*

You forgot that CLG's games all really begin at the 40 minute mark. Everything else is for show.

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You forgot that CLG's games all really begin at the 40 minute mark. Everything else is for show.

Yes yes...I forgot CLG NA became S2's CLG EU.

Edit: Added the following users, so don't be scared of the random friend request:




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Considering that the udyr skin got me interested in learning udyr...

does anyone have any tips for playing udyr? I played him once in bot games and went as phoenix udyr in the jungle, however my ganks weren't that great.

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