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Today I played one ranked game, and won it.

That's me done.

Well based off past experiences and friend's anecdotes, you tend to win in streaks and lose also. So ride on momentum or just be crazy like Doublelift :x.

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How are you supposed to get diamond? It seems lately like I have to go 20/3 to win a game...and for some reason I haven't been able to get my main role (mid) lately so I've been falling.

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Pray you get matched with good people on a regular basis and don't screw up.

Not even kidding.

...I've honestly thought the same thing. I've talked to diamond players who say there's no difference between diamond and platinum players mechanically and from all the diamond 5s I've seen losing lane against plats I'm inclined to agree. However I still feel like if I can improve my game eventually it should get to the point where I can carry even the most atrocious teams like I can with my main champion. Am I just being naive? Is it really all luck from this point on?

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There are...mechanical limits to how hard you can carry.

So basically the only thing I can do is play my best consistently and hope I get good teammates?

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Ugh... I kinda wanted to get back into playing and now it won't let me log in.

>_> Some security update (cause apparently Riot got hacked or something stupid) and the stupid website's got a server error.

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If you haven't logged in for over a week (since Lucian was released), then you must change your password.

Edit: Objectives, son. Objectives win games.


Edited by Raven
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If you haven't logged in for over a week (since Lucian was released), then you must change your password.

Yeah, I realized that (I haven't been on LoL since S2, BTW) but the website wasn't letting me log on. Kept giving me a "Internal Server Error" message.

Tis since been resolved though, so, yeah. Might try out some ARAMs so I don't tick people off by rolling into Normals and playing like I haven't since S2.

Edited by Airship Canon
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AKA the biggest reason I've been feeling bad about ranked lately, that and getting demoted to Bronze after a server transfer.

I can't take anything as support, so when I know we can take a mid tower or dragon and yet no one does anything....And I do sort of hate that support has transformed more into full ward bitch, rather than supportive items and some wards I just want to ADC all day since mid is taken.

I've been trying to spam 3v3 to get to Gold though since I want that Elise skin.

Off topic, but you guys should look into Smite. It's another MOBA, but like a 3rd person shooter and it's about Mythological gods, and a bunch of other stuff, but it's really cool. You can buy a pack for $30 and get every god and all future gods, so it's a great deal. I'm thinking of getting it for my birthday in two weeks, but it's worth taking a look at.


let me just shove my referral link in here

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I win one game and get 27 LP, then I end up losing like 3 games and it's all fucking gone. Silver is going to break me. Calling it now.

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I've been trying to spam 3v3 to get to Gold though since I want that Elise skin.

is 3v3 much easier?

I want free ward skin...

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AP Rammus is a roll into Deathfire and you basically one shot them. With Zhonya's for the armor and enough health from other items or AP, you can take a tower with one or two ults.

Also I find 3v3 is easier, as there's less to focus on, games snowball quicker, and are shorter as well. Cassiopeia and Zyra are both really good in Treeline and Annie is amazing too. There's a lot of comps you can run, like AoE or a Wombo or something but the basic meta is AD Bruiser top, APC Bot, and then either a jungler or a support botlane with the AP. The support doesn't have to get wards so they can usually afford to go full AP/Tank depending. As the jungler you want to take Smite and rush for the inner health relic. Don't take alters early either, as they don't give a lot of stats early on and are easy bait to get killed around.

CC and Burst is your greatest friend, which is why a teamwide ult on Cass, Zyra, or Annie is ammazing. Annie is also easy to farm with. I just go Boots, Doran's, and two pots, then another Doran's into Blackfire, since it's easy to get a kill with it and her burst. 2v3 is the worst possible thing, so if you can blow someone up out of a fight you basically win.

let's see what else

Trynd, Kayle, Singed, and Trundle are great too, and always make sure one of you has an Exhaust. I recommend taking it on the Bruiser if the AP wants Ignite for burst but if you have a more sustain or poke AP like Cass they can take Exhaust for safety.


That's a good site for the tier list. AD carries, squishies, and people that want to wait for late game are people you want to stay away from. Early game is basically over in 5 minutes since you level quickly, so you want strong middle game people who can burst and snowball.

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AP Rammus is a roll into Deathfire and you basically one shot them. With Zhonya's for the armor and enough health from other items or AP, you can take a tower with one or two ults.

Also I find 3v3 is easier, as there's less to focus on, games snowball quicker, and are shorter as well. Cassiopeia and Zyra are both really good in Treeline and Annie is amazing too. There's a lot of comps you can run, like AoE or a Wombo or something but the basic meta is AD Bruiser top, APC Bot, and then either a jungler or a support botlane with the AP. The support doesn't have to get wards so they can usually afford to go full AP/Tank depending. As the jungler you want to take Smite and rush for the inner health relic. Don't take alters early either, as they don't give a lot of stats early on and are easy bait to get killed around.

CC and Burst is your greatest friend, which is why a teamwide ult on Cass, Zyra, or Annie is ammazing. Annie is also easy to farm with. I just go Boots, Doran's, and two pots, then another Doran's into Blackfire, since it's easy to get a kill with it and her burst. 2v3 is the worst possible thing, so if you can blow someone up out of a fight you basically win.

let's see what else

Trynd, Kayle, Singed, and Trundle are great too, and always make sure one of you has an Exhaust. I recommend taking it on the Bruiser if the AP wants Ignite for burst but if you have a more sustain or poke AP like Cass they can take Exhaust for safety.


That's a good site for the tier list. AD carries, squishies, and people that want to wait for late game are people you want to stay away from. Early game is basically over in 5 minutes since you level quickly, so you want strong middle game people who can burst and snowball.

Oh nice Zyra is great for this. Thats like one of my best champs (thats not saying much).

I might start this soon. Hopefully soon because i start school soon. Also can team drop from a division (say from plat to gold) because they lost too many games?

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I'm not sure. My team has just been doing normals though lately since one member hasn't been able to play. Matchmaking in your placements is weird, and you can win like 4 of 5 games and still be Bronze 3 or something.

Another important thing is to constantly be taking jungle camps, as it's a lot of money. It's why Treeline snowballs quickly, because once you push them to the tower or take the outer ones, you can roam their jungle and not only get more gold, but deny them gold too.

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If you haven't logged in for over a week (since Lucian was released), then you must change your password.

Edit: Objectives, son. Objectives win games.


BS. Baron is a noob magnet. Proven by LCS>

Roxas, this is you, btw.

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Alright, spot the star of this show:


The correct answer is:

Galio, because he made sure that the enemies had a hard time getting past him (and the Warwick that tried learned why you do not duel Kog'Maw with a BotRK). Seriously, that was exactly the kind of tank we needed to win this.

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