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actually yeah if people are on the "recommend champs" wagon

ranged supports with a stun, preferably. something like lux. lux is amazing.



Morg (yes Morg)



they changed it so that your border shows based off of the mode for whatever queue you scored highest in any mode. so if you're gold in solo queue but diamond in 3s you get a diamond border shown for all modes next season. because of this some people are desperate enough to buy a spot onto a diamond 3s team(i believe the price is about $30-50 atm). but oh well, even if we don't get borders for being challenger at least we still get icons.


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Based on me acting like an idiot in past ARAMs and using all sorts of things as support. . .

- Orianna sort of works, even if the closest thing you'll get to a stun is her ult knockup

- Blitzcrank. Full stop. I think his grab stuns, and his uppercut knocks up

- Leona has two stuns and a root

- Why has Thresh not been mentioned? He displaces, knocks people up, and sets up ganks/escapes (that lantern is absolutely ridiculous)

- Good luck landing Nami's bubble. Her wave knocks people up and slows them (good for escaping/jungle ambushes)

- If you feel like going Full Idiot, you can attempt Syndra. . .but she's probably better off in mid

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Thresh is banned a lot, as is Blitzcrank, so I didn't mention them. Orianna is funny but I guess I forgot to mention her because I can't Ori for the life of me. Dat Shockwave doe, one of the best skills in the game if you land it... still, she's so much better with AP it's ridiculous, so she's more of a mid.

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I've been having problems being to vegetarian in lane, outside of like Annie. I always just want to farm up and wait for team fights, as I am much better there, or at least I think so. I can never deal with harass as much as the other laner can. It's why I can't top for the life of me, I just pick Vlad or Jayce and poke and farm.

How do I work on this? Other than like

going balls to the wall and full AD rune page with fort pot ignite riven

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More images for my critplank album. I love this guy.

I don't even think Saint is the main problem, as crazy as it sounds. I feel like if they had a mid laner that could A) put more pressure on the map or B) win lane more consistently Curse would be a better team.

Sigh, time to hate myself and hop on the C9 bandwagon since they're the last hope for America at worlds.

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I don't even think Saint is the main problem, as crazy as it sounds. I feel like if they had a mid laner that could A) put more pressure on the map or B) win lane more consistently Curse would be a better team.

Sigh, time to hate myself and hop on the C9 bandwagon since they're the last hope for America at worlds.

I just want an excuse to blame Saint, lol. I really...don't like him much, and it's not because of his "infamous" smiting ability.

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C9 will get stomped by Korean teams.

Both of their solo lanes pick for late game and suck at dealing with people who play aggressive in lane and rely on jungle support for them to survive in the rare cases people do go aggressive.

That's fine in NA because almost no one plays aggressive in solo lanes, but it won't cut it against other nationalities. Meteos would be stretched way too thin against, say, AF. Shy on Jayce/Irelia and Rapidstar on just about anything would mop the floor with C9's solos, and C9's teamfighting prowess would never come into play.

Vulcun is hands down way more likely to do well at worlds.

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C9 will get stomped by Korean teams.

Both of their solo lanes pick for late game and suck at dealing with people who play aggressive in lane and rely on jungle support for them to survive in the rare cases people do go aggressive.

That's fine in NA because almost no one plays aggressive in solo lanes, but it won't cut it against other nationalities. Meteos would be stretched way too thin against, say, AF. Shy on Jayce/Irelia and Rapidstar on just about anything would mop the floor with C9's solos, and C9's teamfighting prowess would never come into play.

Vulcun is hands down way more likely to do well at worlds.

Pretending like Frost will make it worlds. And I have no idea what you're talking about considering C9 plays lane bullies for the whole point of asserting themselves in the early game (Zed, Rumble and Elise all come to mind as popular picks for C9). I think you're exaggerating a bit much. C9 will lose to Koreans but not because of stylistic differences but skill gap differences.

Also when is the last time Shy has played Jayce or Irelia? I'm pretty sure it's like Shen, Zac every game.

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None of the above are lane bullies.

Zed doesn't peak until he gets his BOTRK, Rumble is picked for his ultimate, and Elise is rarely played in the lane following the nerfs.

They don't play aggressively either until Meteos is there to back them up.

Yes, they assert themselves in the early games, but through teamfights and group skirmishes, not by overpowering their lane opponents.

No idea who Shy plays; just an example of a top lane who plays aggressively from early on and would have kill potential in that matchup.


I love the league community acting like they have more game than DL.

Travis made that so awkward :P
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None of the above are lane bullies.

Zed doesn't peak until he gets his BOTRK, Rumble is picked for his ultimate, and Elise is rarely played in the lane following the nerfs.

They don't play aggressively either until Meteos is there to back them up.

Yes, they assert themselves in the early games, but through teamfights and group skirmishes, not by overpowering their lane opponents.

Travis made that so awkward :P

Zed doesn't peak but his damage is still fairly high. The reason for picking Rumble is a fact that is not relevant at all to whether or not he is a lane bully. He bullies the current popular melee picks decently well.

Meteos farms jungle most of the time and shoves lanes, they are still able to assert themselves to a degree.

Their laning phase isn't absolutely horrible at all... You're overexaggerating it greatly.

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Zed doesn't peak but his damage is still fairly high. The reason for picking Rumble is a fact that is not relevant at all to whether or not he is a lane bully. He bullies the current popular melee picks decently well.

Meteos farms jungle most of the time and shoves lanes, they are still able to assert themselves to a degree.

Their laning phase isn't absolutely horrible at all... You're overexaggerating it greatly.

Damage is fairly high but pre-6 he is no match for the vast majority of picks. He stays safe and farms.

No, he doesn't bully the popular melee picks at all, not in competitive play. To the extent that there are melee picks in competitive play.

Shoving lanes is having map presence. He has phenomenal participation in C9's kills.

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Damage is fairly high but pre-6 he is no match for the vast majority of picks. He stays safe and farms.

No, he doesn't bully the popular melee picks at all, not in competitive play. To the extent that there are melee picks in competitive play.

Shoving lanes is having map presence. He has phenomenal participation in C9's kills.

What? Zed is one of the few people able to bully Kassadin significantly early on. Sure he doesn't stomp the lane pre-6 but to pretend he doesn't do significant amounts of damage is silly.

He can bully them and did in the past. Please tell me which champions are such strong lane bullies that C9's picks count as weak lane champions.

Yes but he doesn't interfere with every lane. Their laners can still do things absent Meteos.

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Everyone can bully Kassadin significantly early on.

Almost every common melee in competitive has ranged farming abilities to face 1v2 lanes. Rumble doesn't bully those types.

An example of a true lane bully is Malzahar, Leblanc, or Pantheon.

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Everyone can bully Kassadin significantly early on.

Almost every common melee in competitive has ranged farming abilities to face 1v2 lanes. Rumble doesn't bully those types.

An example of a true lane bully is Malzahar, Leblanc, or Pantheon.

Right... then basically nobody plays pure lane bullies but it's still proportional. You're a lane bully if you pick a character who can bully other picks.

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Pretending like Frost will make it worlds. And I have no idea what you're talking about considering C9 plays lane bullies for the whole point of asserting themselves in the early game (Zed, Rumble and Elise all come to mind as popular picks for C9). I think you're exaggerating a bit much. C9 will lose to Koreans but not because of stylistic differences but skill gap differences.

Also when is the last time Shy has played Jayce or Irelia? I'm pretty sure it's like Shen, Zac every game.


But lots of people can bully while not being lane bullies.

People just don't play aggressive in solo lanes in NA competitive early on.

Not like they do in KR.

Nasus best lane bully top. True story.

(But only if he reaches level 9-11)

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So I've been wondering, is poppy a champion worth learning? Does she scale as well as Gangplank/Nasus/Tryn?

Edit: Basically I'm trying to learn top lane. Who are the strongest/easiest/most rewarding top laners right now?

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She's one of the most stompable laners ever.

As in, if I see someone lock a Poppy I'll immediately lock Singed or Teemo. (or something with true damage)

Right, but after lane phase is the payoff worth losing lane? Who are some easy top laners to play with high payoff?

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How do you use Swain? Like what does he generally want to build? I know he is a DoT mage, but apart from that i'm at a loss about him (and other DoT mages).

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Right, but after lane phase is the payoff worth losing lane? Who are some easy top laners to play with high payoff?

Probably not. Some people will know how to deny you so hard you wished you never picked her.

And then you will be useless. Also apparently in this meta top laners will just keep pushing your face down due to split push, so no farming a lost lane hoping they don't come.

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