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No. It's nowhere near the same thing. Junglers... jungle. And they gank. That's like saying a the supports in a tri-lane exerting presence by hiding themselves in the jungle are jungling. Which they aren't.

And in the case of the current competitive meta, they act as a tri-lane. Just because you're in the jungle doesn't mean you're jungling but if you're 3 man pushing a lane you're tri laning. The analogy doesn't hold when one of your premises require something to completely step out of the traditional role when this is not the case for the tri lane. A more analogous situation would be if the support took smite, rotated through the jungle and roamed through lanes while still existing mainly as a support for the ADC. Are they jungling at this point? To an extent, I'm sure most would agree yes.

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My poor team must've really hated Graves and me. . .I think both of our clients crashed. I got back in at 1:30 and Graves was a minute behind. The result: A WIN OUT OF NOWHERE!

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From my experiences in ARAM, he's pretty mana-hungry. His Q's CD is fairly long, and it's pretty hard to hit. His W can be useful as an emergency heal, but its CD is, uh, long. His E is great for utility, and his ult is gr9mazing. I feel that a lot of his utility is replicated by Lulu, except that her Q is easier to land and has better range (but doesn't function as well for bush checking), her E provides vision, and her W is very annoying. Now, if the other team is REALLY AP-heavy (like, someone being a troll and doing something like Fiddlesticks in place of ADC). . .

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Does no one have any real advice to help me get past plat? Not the usual "there's no difference between plat and diamond" or "just improve your decision making" nonsense please, actual, tangible advice that I can understand and follow and will actually help instead of do nothing

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you're probably begging the wrong people for help, bro. there's not a lot of plat players on this forum. and i've told you whatever i could. tbh you ask really dumb shit like "how many games does it take to master a champion". stop trying so hard to get diamond lol, if you're good enough you will get there.

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I would say something stupid like "watch my stream" but actually, to be honest, it's just a matter of rising to the occasion. Just play some matches and see if you truly belong among Platinum or deserve to rise.

...I'm getting there.

And if I play some matches and accept that I don't deserve to rise is there no hope of improving?

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Eclipse, try not to forget that you play only ARAMs and that screws with certain characters.

Perfect example is Top lane Cho'Gath (or even Jungle) vs. ARAM version. If you spend your time spamming his skills, no shit he's mana hungry. But in a lane where he can farm, his passive gives back HP/MP on minion kill and he's great for last hitting with his Vorpal Spikes. AKA he's not mana starved if you know how to zone with just his W (I think I got that right). Granted, I've only done this perfectly right once but it was against a Kennan so that does count.

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Eclipse, try not to forget that you play only ARAMs and that screws with certain characters.

Perfect example is Top lane Cho'Gath (or even Jungle) vs. ARAM version. If you spend your time spamming his skills, no shit he's mana hungry. But in a lane where he can farm, his passive gives back HP/MP on minion kill and he's great for last hitting with his Vorpal Spikes. AKA he's not mana starved if you know how to zone with just his W (I think I got that right). Granted, I've only done this perfectly right once but it was against a Kennan so that does count.

This also affects assassins tremendously. Evelynn is the worst possible champ in ARAM. She's melee, has no real poke, is squishy, and her passive is useless.

And yet she's incredibly good in normal games due to the stealth and ability to sneak up on people.

ARAM is great for learning teamfight skills, but eventually you need skills in other areas. I play enough ARAM and support enough where I have okay teamfighting skills and map awareness at other roles. I usually have the most wards on my lane at top or mid because I get paranoid about things like that.

But due to that, I suck at last hitting and positioning, as well as aggression. My positioning doesn't have to be too great unless I'm against like a Blitzcrank, but I have a hard time playing Top because I can't judge when to go aggressive, so the other laner can duel me when they want to and I don't have an upper hand. It's also why I don't do as good as I'd like as ADC but I'm still ok. Honestly if I halved my deaths per game, and went on like a 50 game ADC binge I'd likely finally rise into Silver.

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Eclipse, try not to forget that you play only ARAMs and that screws with certain characters.

Perfect example is Top lane Cho'Gath (or even Jungle) vs. ARAM version. If you spend your time spamming his skills, no shit he's mana hungry. But in a lane where he can farm, his passive gives back HP/MP on minion kill and he's great for last hitting with his Vorpal Spikes. AKA he's not mana starved if you know how to zone with just his W (I think I got that right). Granted, I've only done this perfectly right once but it was against a Kennan so that does count.

I was talking about support Galio. He's melee, so he has to rely on his abilities to zone. Otherwise, it's like taking Taric, and getting rid of his stun/aura. Most of the popular supports can AA from range, at least (Leona/Blitzcrank/Taric are exceptions, but two are meant to burst someone down, and the last one can contribute by being an aurabot). If he can't zone without going mana-hungry, then he's there for his W and ult, which isn't that great of a contribution.

If it's a matter of what Galio brings, Lulu can replicate most of it (better), and can use her AA to harass from range. If I were to play Galio, it would probably be top against an extremely AP-heavy team.

I don't really feel like continuing this, because my neighbor thinks he's an opera singer. I'm gonna blow stuff up in ARAM before my temper snaps.

EDIT: Last game had some really nasty team fights. In chat. On my team. Totally not fun.

Edited by eclipse
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Congratulations! Do you mind if I watch your games? :P:

Finally won a game, and I am proud to say that I died all of once (that. . .kind of happens when Leona's on your team, and she doesn't die every time she goes in).

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Congratulations! Do you mind if I watch your games? :P:

Finally won a game, and I am proud to say that I died all of once (that. . .kind of happens when Leona's on your team, and she doesn't die every time she goes in).

I don't mind. I even vod some of the matches, ;o.

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How to carry yourself out of Bronze:

1) Buy Leona.

2) Learn how to time when an enemy gets out of position.

2a) Ward.

3). W -> E -> Q + R at some point.

4) ???

5) Profit!

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