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If he's so OP obviously not all bruisers blow ;p.

Nasus is currently one of the top lane "gods" because he can just build tank items and still contribute.

In short, not sure if that really comes off as Bruiser since he pretty much builds like a bloody supertanker and his Wither utility op =)

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anything defensive

sunfire cape and spirit visage are nice on him

so are randuins and frozen heart because the attack/movespeed debuff passives work well with his own kit

Also I've never tried Jax even once. As a toplane main, I feel like I'm cheating myself.

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On ARAM, he doesn't get to farm Q. . .so I can see why AP would work. However, I can't USE him very well.

On ARAM, just build tanky with Magic Pen items and CDR, R > E > W > Q for levelling. Shred people with your ult.

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I really, REALLY like Nasus (best joke in the game, IMO). I am the worst with him. What the heck am I supposed to do with him?

ARAM go Athene's -> (IBG) -> Liandry's. Max E.

Spam E and proceed to laugh.

[spoiler=For Summoner's Rift]J0IK9nG.jpg

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So I'm leveling a smurf on EUW. Went top lane with Caitlyn, started with boots just for that extra bit of mobility in case of a dive. Fuck me, it's so hard to last hit with no starting AD or runes. And holy shit her base attack speed is absolute wank.

But otherwise, I really like Caitlyn. I want to practice with her more. She has tremendous burst with the auto into Q+E into ult.

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Vayne has the highest base AD for a carry, but get T1 runes. They're one-tenth the cost of tier 3 for like half the stats. Incredibly efficient.

Or just be a noob and use skills to clear.

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That's not a bad idea actually. Being only level 10, the most expensive T1 runes are quints at no more than 165 IP (e.g. cdr quints), while smaller runes cost no more than 65 IP (e.g. hybrid pen), and they'd make my smurf's climb a little more bearable.

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That's not a bad idea actually. Being only level 10, the most expensive T1 runes are quints at no more than 165 IP (e.g. cdr quints), while smaller runes cost no more than 65 IP (e.g. hybrid pen), and they'd make my smurf's climb a little more bearable.

Just avoid T2, those are just an IP dump

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I played an ARAM game on my smurf yesterday (I'm H4rdc0re F1sting). I was quite blown away by how I managed to do so much with so little.


It made me sad that the enemy MF decided to quit after two deaths, though.

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