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How do you build an annie support? I am lost as i have no general idea of how annie wants to build in general. I have heard RoA is a good first item for her (of course this is when she is mid but maybe it translates over to support), but i always feel like getting it 20 minutes into the games is a bit of a waste ( I get frost queen's claim and boots or some other thing first).

Also Udyr is freaking awesome. He got me out of a 6 game losing streak.

I always build Annie as a second AP Carry, buying 3 wards + a vision ward whenever I need, which isn't a lot as there should always be 3-4 trinkets out on the map. Spellthief's Edge fits her so well with her immense auto attack range (which you already do) and as such, I find carrying with Annie much easier, even with mid or top losing out. Of course, which AP items to build depend on the enemies team comp, how your laning went (whether you got a lot of assists/kills) and such.

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i wonder what the european servers will receive as compensation for their shitty quality over the last year

i'm curious if we'll get the same treatment as korea did back in the summer

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How do you build an annie support? I am lost as i have no general idea of how annie wants to build in general. I have heard RoA is a good first item for her (of course this is when she is mid but maybe it translates over to support), but i always feel like getting it 20 minutes into the games is a bit of a waste ( I get frost queen's claim and boots or some other thing first).

Also Udyr is freaking awesome. He got me out of a 6 game losing streak.

start spellthief to abuse autos and for AP

get sightstone of course

pen boots if ahead, CDR if behind for more stuns to peel

you can then build something like morello and voidstaff if doing well for better damage and then evaluate and see how it's going

you can also go tank annie, as it's still really nice with high base damage, and your flame shield used to be as good as leona, for that i recommend stuff like abyssal, liandry's, frozen heart

basically go for damage items if you are ahead, CDR if behind

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So I'm sure you guys already caught wind of this, but...


My take: It's legal, but the only thing it'll really result in is major negative PR. Also, the major reason I suspect players even play adjacent to the stream is because of the queue times (which would be difficult to fix) and in terms of streaming other games whenever on a specific stream, that contradicts a previous statement. Also, this is about as petty (though legal) as removing DotA 2 from Pax Prime.

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watch some trick2g udyr videos, they're both fun and informative, depending on the particular video.

:P he is the reason i'm so aggressive with Udyr and succeed a lot of the times. Trick2g is quite awesome indeed.

Edited by SlayerX
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With regards to LoL telling its players they can't stream while they play LoL, bear in mind those players are being paid salary by Riot and when they stream for League they represent Riot as the company's employees. Employers usually don't take kindly to their employees using company time to do personal stuff like play games other than LoL. I realize queue times at challenger rank/high elo are looooong but I remember hearing about some paid streamers who missed their queue pop because they were playing Hearthstone instead of paying attention to League. It sucks for the stream if there's downtime where the streamer can't play a long list of games subject to change at any time, but I see where Riot is coming from. Still sucks that it's such a long list of games that isn't just League's direct competitors though. Fat Princess banned? Really?

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With regards to LoL telling its players they can't stream while they play LoL, bear in mind those players are being paid salary by Riot and when they stream for League they represent Riot as the company's employees. Employers usually don't take kindly to their employees using company time to do personal stuff like play games other than LoL. I realize queue times at challenger rank/high elo are looooong but I remember hearing about some paid streamers who missed their queue pop because they were playing Hearthstone instead of paying attention to League. It sucks for the stream if there's downtime where the streamer can't play a long list of games subject to change at any time, but I see where Riot is coming from. Still sucks that it's such a long list of games that isn't just League's direct competitors though. Fat Princess banned? Really?

Oh they're totally allowed to do it, but much like my opinions on runepage prices being more of a turnoff to players and harming playerbase retention, this move certainly does more of that.

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it takes me 2-5mins to find a game at diamond 2. just imagine diamond 1/challenger. i don't blame them for playing hearthstone during their queue times

it usually takes me like 3 minutes when I duo queue with my friend and he's only silver 2 while i'm bronze 1

Yeah challenger wait times are more like 30mins-1 hour (if not longer). It's a whole different ball game for them because the tier is so small and exclusive compared to every other tier. Not being able to stream other stuff during the wait is going to suck since the stream viewers have no idea how long it'll be before the queue pops.

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In b4 TheOddOne buys a capture card and streams Pokemon X or Y adjacent to his LoL. I know he has a 3DS.

Would be quite amusing.

I'd laugh if he streamed any Etrian Odyssey.

"THIS is how to look at the minimap, scrubs!"

Oh, right. . .played a game with Blitzcrank/Morgana/Lux on ARAM all on the same team. Suffice to say that it sucks for the opposing team (which it did, despite my inability to play Lux).

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Found a small bug with Face of the Mountain. Here's how to pull it off:

1. Get Face of the Mountain.

2. Get Spirit Visage.

3. Check your cooldowns.

Face of the Mountain behaves correctly around Kindlegem, though. I'm not sure if it does this with other CD items, as I am NOT patient enough to creep farm with Ashe until I have enough for stuff like DFG.

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Would a trundle support be viable this season? I have been giving the idea some thought, and i imagine he would have targon to heal his AD carry. His passive heals Trundle constantly. To attack trundle would use the pillar, plus chomp on the AD carry. The ult being reserved to either supports like Leona or Taric, or just use it to further debilitate the AD carry. The pillar would also be awesome for escaping ganks.

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