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I can't remember the exact post, but on RoG there was a post analyzing the cost/benefit of Flat AD reds compared to Armour Pen reds. If you're in lane, then you want the Armour Pen, and if you're jungling, flat AD runes because the majority of the creeps have low armour anyways.

Also, Cho has some nice jungling. He's safe, fast, and his ganks are godly if you can land a Rupture. However, he's outranked by the big 3 (Skarner, Udyr, and Lee Sin), and quite a few other common jungler picks (Amumu, Maokai, Shaco, Nocturne et. al.), I really enjoy playing with him.

Also, Fiora impressions? Despite the fact that her damage output is ridiculous if she gets everything off, she's like any other big threat. CC or Exhaust, focus.

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I can't remember the exact post, but on RoG there was a post analyzing the cost/benefit of Flat AD reds compared to Armour Pen reds. If you're in lane, then you want the Armour Pen, and if you're jungling, flat AD runes because the majority of the creeps have low armour anyways.

Also, Cho has some nice jungling. He's safe, fast, and his ganks are godly if you can land a Rupture. However, he's outranked by the big 3 (Skarner, Udyr, and Lee Sin), and quite a few other common jungler picks (Amumu, Maokai, Shaco, Nocturne et. al.), I really enjoy playing with him.

Cho can jungle, but his biggest problem in the jungle is that his matchups aren't good. Counterjungling of any sort beats him down pretty hard. Lane Cho is a bit safer because it's harder to deny him farm when he's in your face kicking your ass. :3

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I noticed that when I jungled as him. Anyways, I've determined a goal for myself of learn how to play one character of each "class". Here's what I have so far.

AD Offtank: ??

AP Offtank: Cho

Tank: ??

Jungle: ??

Assassin: ??

AD: Tristana

Support: Janna

AP: ?? (thinking Morgana)


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Morg is always banned. Learn casseopaeia for a crazy good mid.

Gangplank or Lee Sin for ad off tank.

Nautilus for Tank/Jungle. Or Udyr. Or Skarner.

Obligatory Kassadin, simply because the others are really meh IMO. Just not worth it.

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In the same vein as Soren, doing the same thing:

AD Offtank: ??

AP Offtank: Gonna go with Singed

Tank: ??

Jungle: Thinking of going either Singed or Trundle. Might try Lee Sin but probably not.

Assassin: Akali

AD: Caitlyn

Support: Soraka

AP: Ryze


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Time to jump on the bandwagon.

AD Offtank: Trundle. Or Gangplank. Or any one of 'em, really - I love this class. 8D

AP Offtank: Singed. Sejuani and Cho'Gath as secondaries.

Tank: Malphite. If you're looking for an entry-level tank, pick this guy up. He's got a lot of burst for his role and a fed Malphite is REALLY hard to bring down.

Jungle: Trundle, Skarner, Alistar, Singed, Udyr, Malphite, Jarvan IV, Gangplank, Xin Zhao. This is my main, so I have to have options. :3

Assassin: I dunno...I guess Poppy? MAYBE Talon?

AD: Corki!

Support: I used to main this, but atm my favorite is Taric.

AP: Malzahar.

Comments on the other lists:

Cocaine - Don't buy Lee Sin until you've tried him in a freeweek. He's very tricky. Start with Trundle as your jungler, I'd say. He's a good intermediate-difficulty jungler and he teaches you a lot about ganks just from playing him.

Akali OP.

Caitlyn is a solid AD. Beats out almost any other AD in early game in terms of lane control - people actually use her to counter Vayne.

I used to use Ryze as my AP, but his skill cap is really, REALLY high - either you combo perfectly in teamfights and fuck shit up or you forget to bind your smart cast and get blown up before you can do anything. If you like him, keep with him, but expect faceroll champions like Cassiopeia and Brand to give you a headache at times.

Soren - For your AD offtank, look into Yorick. He's a big presence in lane, like Cho, and does a lot of magic and physical damage. Again, he takes some getting used to, but a well-built Yorick that isn't behind is really hard to shake.

Morgana bans are really common right now, but Cassiopeia's starting to get banned, too. If you want someone similar to Morgana, Lux has a really similar skillset - it's just more skillshot-intensive.

If you like the way Cho plays, check out Amumu for jungling. They fill similar roles (big scary tank that pins people down) and have similar build options.

For anyone that's stumped as to the AP offtank they want, I suggest you try Warwick in lane. I list him as AP not because he should build AP, but because the vast majority of his damage output is magic damage. In reality, he can function quite well without many damage items at all - usually Wit's End is all he needs for DPS and from there you can just build tanky. For example, if you start Doran's Ring and then just build Wit's End and tank items (Frozen Heart, Spirit Visage, GA, etc) he'll still do more than enough damage to keep himself in lane and even push out the other guy.

Edited by Anti-Social Knight 2.0
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Guess I'll bandwagon for the hell of it.

AD Offtank: Irelia, Gangplank, Jarvan

AP Offtank: Rumble, Ryze

Tank: Rarely play, but I guess Leona or Jarvan or Udyr. Maokai if he's free but I'm way too lazy to buy him even though I enjoy playing him.

Jungle: Xin Zhao, Jarvan, Udyr, Tryndamere, Gangplank, Trundle, Kayle, Evelynn (better than given credit for), Cho in a pinch

Assassin: Depends on your definition, but Leblanc (main, jeigan op), Akali, Fizz, Evelynn

AD: Vayne, Tristana, Urgot, can play Ezreal or Sivir in a pinch

Support: Janna, Leona, Soraka if I must, Leblanc (try it)

AP: Uh... Ahri, Anivia, Annie, Brand, Cassiopeia, Fizz, Karthus, Katarina, Kennen (main), Leblanc (main), Lux, Malzahar, Morgana, Orianna, Ryze, Swain (main), TF, Vladimir, Ziggs.

You can probably guess what I usually play if given the choice...

@Morgana: Very solid choice, sometimes banned but probably worth learning regardless. There's a lot of diverse options for mid though and I think it's the lane that requires the most pick strategy, so learning a couple choices is probably good. Morg is strong in nearly all matchups, and that's why she's sometimes banned.

You can definitely roll one pick that functions as jungle/tank/AD offtank situationally. Stuff that comes to mind is Gangplank, Jarvan, Lee Sin, Udyr (although a chunk of his damage is magic even in tiger stance), or Wukong, since that seems like both of you guys don't really play anything of those roles, it could make it a bit easier to focus on just one champ.

Ultimately though, you should play what you find fun, so just experiment with stuff on free week until you find someone that sticks out.

Edited by Silvercrow
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Guess I'll bandwagon for the hell of it.

AD Offtank: Irelia, Gangplank, Jarvan

AP Offtank: Rumble, Ryze

Tank: Rarely play, but I guess Leona or Jarvan or Udyr. Maokai if he's free but I'm way too lazy to buy him even though I enjoy playing him.

Jungle: Xin Zhao, Jarvan, Udyr, Tryndamere, Gangplank, Trundle, Kayle, Evelynn (better than given credit for), Cho in a pinch

Assassin: Depends on your definition, but Leblanc (main, jeigan op), Akali, Fizz, Evelynn

AD: Vayne, Tristana, Urgot, can play Ezreal or Sivir in a pinch

Support: Janna, Leona, Soraka if I must, Leblanc (try it)

AP: Uh... Ahri, Anivia, Annie, Brand, Cassiopeia, Fizz, Karthus, Katarina, Kennen (main), Leblanc (main), Lux, Malzahar, Morgana, Orianna, Ryze, Swain (main), TF, Vladimir, Ziggs.

You can probably guess what I usually play if given the choice...

@Morgana: Very solid choice, sometimes banned but probably worth learning regardless. There's a lot of diverse options for mid though and I think it's the lane that requires the most pick strategy, so learning a couple choices is probably good. Morg is strong in nearly all matchups, and that's why she's sometimes banned.

You can definitely roll one pick that functions as jungle/tank/AD offtank situationally. Stuff that comes to mind is Gangplank, Jarvan, Lee Sin, Udyr (although a chunk of his damage is magic even in tiger stance), or Wukong, since that seems like both of you guys don't really play anything of those roles, it could make it a bit easier to focus on just one champ.

Ultimately though, you should play what you find fun, so just experiment with stuff on free week until you find someone that sticks out.

I smell a fan of mid. :3

This man is smart, though. Listen to him.

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Nocturne is really good it's just a pain getting his build going since much of it relies on the B.F. Sword. Right now I'm playing Fiora, Ziggs, and Warwick since those are the characters I'm best with.

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LB is better for Akali then Abyssal. She autoattacks more than enough to make it worthwhile. Don't worry about losing too much MR - you have your treads for that, and Akali is slippery enough to avoid focus anyway.

I'd probably default to GA for the armor item; it seems to be popular for assassins. If you want more heavy-duty armor, you could abuse the shroud buff with Randuin's Omen, though I wouldn't recommend it.

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Nocturne is really good it's just a pain getting his build going since much of it relies on the B.F. Sword. Right now I'm playing Fiora, Ziggs, and Warwick since those are the characters I'm best with.

You could go Wriggles, Boots, HoG, Philo, Avarice if you really want.

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Nocturne is really good it's just a pain getting his build going since much of it relies on the B.F. Sword. Right now I'm playing Fiora, Ziggs, and Warwick since those are the characters I'm best with.

Actually, Nocturne can just as easily be built with a tankyDPS spin. You don't get as much damage on his abilities, but you get a beefy initiator. Try giving him Wriggles, Wit's End, Frozen Mallet, and Atma's Impaler, Shyvana style. Once you have those, you can very easily transition into IE or Bloodthirster for endgame if you really want a damage item.

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Just bought Akali. Q, R, E, Q, W if needed. Rinse, wash, repeat. Merc Treads, Rylai's, Hextech Gunblade, Rabadon's, Abyssal Scepter, and then some form of armour.

Personally, I think Akali's in a really bad position right now. She's very squishy, due to building like an AP nuke, and if you don't get fed, you're pretty much dead weight. Plus, anyone with a Vision Ward can can bypass your Twilight Shroud and make you an easy kill.

Again, Lich Bane is pretty awesome on her, and I'd say Sheen should at least be part of your core build. She's easily spammable, so Sheen procs would be icing on cake. If you must have an MR reducing item, bother your support about it. :P Another option is Will of the Ancients, but Lich Bane is too good to pass up for Akali.

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Personally, I think Akali's in a really bad position right now. She's very squishy, due to building like an AP nuke, and if you don't get fed, you're pretty much dead weight. Plus, anyone with a Vision Ward can can bypass your Twilight Shroud and make you an easy kill.

Again, Lich Bane is pretty awesome on her, and I'd say Sheen should at least be part of your core build. She's easily spammable, so Sheen procs would be icing on cake. If you must have an MR reducing item, bother your support about it. :P Another option is Will of the Ancients, but Lich Bane is too good to pass up for Akali.

Shroud gives passable durability, it's all about positioning. Even without getting fed, you have a large amount of burst if you farm sufficiently. Generally if they have a vision ward, unless they're capable of bursting you easily, it's probably a good idea to bait them into using it or get a gank. Akali isn't exactly an easy kill given the armor, magic resist bonuses from shroud and the sustain from spell vamp.

I wouldn't get Sheen first though it's fine. Lich Bane is an item you should definitely get but I'm not sure how I feel about getting it first.

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Shroud gives passable durability, it's all about positioning. Even without getting fed, you have a large amount of burst if you farm sufficiently. Generally if they have a vision ward, unless they're capable of bursting you easily, it's probably a good idea to bait them into using it or get a gank. Akali isn't exactly an easy kill given the armor, magic resist bonuses from shroud and the sustain from spell vamp.

I wouldn't get Sheen first though it's fine. Lich Bane is an item you should definitely get but I'm not sure how I feel about getting it first.

Most Akalis I see tend to be out of position when they drop their Shroud, so usually I either drop a Vision Ward into it or I already have Oracle's, so it's gg. I'd get the Hextech revolver first and then work on the Sheen if I were building Akali. But really, LoL is all about adapting to circumstances and trying to outplay the other team.

i really like ahri's playing style(free this week ofcourse) and i might buy her.

hhhnnngggg i see why alot of people like her now

She's so much fun to play~ Dat true damage from her Q, and her Spirit Rush is nasty, even with the nerf.

Edited by Sona Buvelle
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When people are draft picking and someone refuses to tell us what they want, I make sure we already have a mid laner, and then I take Poppy. Last week, I'd just make sure we had an AD, and then I'd pick Cho'Gath. Any lane any matchup, other than the stated one. I think I'll use Kayle next week for this purpose.

tl;dr I agree with guy above who said Gangplank

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I. Love. Kog'Maw. He's a little week early game, but once you get to 6, it's gg. Honestly, his damage output is crazy, especially if you're playing against bad people like I was . 22-1-3, oh what a great first game as Kog <3

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