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ok i've been playing this game for almost a year i think(not entirly sure) and i've leaned how to play as everyrole skillfuly but Mid, is there any real advice i can get to playing a better mid game?

The key to mid is to basically know every matchup, meaning have a pretty good idea of the damage, range, and mana cost of both the enemy's abilities and your own. If you have a good sense for that, you can usually control the lane pretty well and at least hold your own if not snowball it in your favor.

Unfortunately there is no easy way to do this other than playing it a lot.

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Oh, and Raven? Less QQ about people calling MIA, more map awareness.

Yes, I know. It's one thing I'm still working (and improving) on. I actually find myself looking at the map just as much as what's happening on-screen.

Oh, here's a first for me: Getting 5 "Honourable Opponent" points after a game had finished. That was nice, considering I said nothing other than "gg" when the game had finished.

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They give more of those when you hard carry a game. And more of the others too. Snowball my ADC hard in lane, keep her alive in all the teamfights, got her insanely fed and carrying a 4v5 with no trouble...and she gets all the honour.

That's life, I guess.

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The key to mid is to basically know every matchup, meaning have a pretty good idea of the damage, range, and mana cost of both the enemy's abilities and your own. If you have a good sense for that, you can usually control the lane pretty well and at least hold your own if not snowball it in your favor.

Unfortunately there is no easy way to do this other than playing it a lot.

THE KEY TO MID IS TO PICK A FARMING MID AND HAVE MORE FARM THAN ENEMY MID WHILE ROAMING/COUTER ROAMING BETTER THAN THEM. Marked that part out cause it's wrong. Just have 200 cs at 15 minutes. That's key to mid. GG.

Seriously new meta involves support tankie junglers, farming mids who do NOTHING BUT FARM basically, and cray shiz.

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I doubt Karthus, Kat, or Darius will see any nerfs.

Eve and Ezreal are already slated to be nerfed, Ezreal losing the attack speed debuff on W and DFG is being butchered so it is no longer useful on nearly anybody.

I have a feeling Orianna will be left untouched since she's probably in the spot she should be in (powerful in the hands of a practiced, skilled player, poor for everyone else) but my intuition could be off here

Karthas won't be nerfed, Kat won't be nerfed. Darius doesn't fit well in the meta and gets countered easily if you know what you are doing.

Orianna isn't getting nerfed either, because she's only good in a good players hands.

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or anybody who gets an early kill really

orianna is really scary right now, and i like that alright lol

she isn't as hard to use as she was a while ago and clearly much more powerful

edit: so do you you suck tits idk about silvercrow tho

Edited by Stolypin Necktie
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You get in normal games with MID PHANTOMLORD. Considering where the rest of us are at, we may as well just label you "good" and be done with it.

Really, compared to the rest of us, you're good. Okay? I can still talk you through most of the theory on almost anything, but that doesn't make me good at the actual gameplay. (The second one is a generic you.)

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BEST GAME OF THE NIGHT: I turned Maokai into support, and he didn't mind (he jumps in, I shoot over his shoulder, lather, rinse, repeat).

WORST GAME OF THE NIGHT: I told my team that they need to peel enemies off of me instead of waiting for me to die before engaging (as good as Vayne is, she can't Condemn four things at once).

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You get in normal games with MID PHANTOMLORD. Considering where the rest of us are at, we may as well just label you "good" and be done with it.

Really, compared to the rest of us, you're good. Okay? I can still talk you through most of the theory on almost anything, but that doesn't make me good at the actual gameplay. (The second one is a generic you.)

I've ran into a few high elo guys in normals (Megazero, meryb, Valkrin, Onionbagel) but they always seem to lose regardless of what team they're on :| so I'm guessing they don't try very hard which takes the fun out of it.

But never had the pleasure to run into a big name streamer in a normal. Oh well.

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BEST GAME OF THE NIGHT: I turned Maokai into support, and he didn't mind (he jumps in, I shoot over his shoulder, lather, rinse, repeat).

WORST GAME OF THE NIGHT: I told my team that they need to peel enemies off of me instead of waiting for me to die before engaging (as good as Vayne is, she can't Condemn four things at once).

you shouldn't run into four people alone, and if you got caught out of position, that might be the problem

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Deathfire Grasp

No longer grants Cooldown Reduction

Active base damage reduced to 15% current Health from 25%

Ability Power ratio increased to 5% per 100 Ability Power from 4%


Now THAT'S a hefty nerf.

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Well... one of the reasons to get the DFG is now gone. The CDR was one of the things I really liked about it, most of the AP champs I like to play have high cooldowns. I understand why it's getting nerfed, almost every AP carry was getting it and it did way too much damage.

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you shouldn't run into four people alone, and if you got caught out of position, that might be the problem

It happens when I'm mid, and enemies come in from the river (one of them being Nasus, who can basically screw me over if I don't see him first).

EDIT: Best and worst games of the day.

BEST: Sejuani support that was patient. From there, it became the Roaming Gankfest of Awesome. Runner-up was the game immediately after that, where it was The Koggie Show (with Ziggs nuking the enemy nexus for giggles before the game ended).

WORST: Nocturne kept telling everyone how good he was, etc., etc. Wound up losing because he whined so much about ks that no one else felt like helping him.

Edited by eclipse
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