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I don't mind Vayne's voice, and I really like Anivia's one. Varus' one was fine, and even though I'm not touching him with a ten-foot pole, I'm fond of Garen's voice. Why do Ezreal and Corki have to have the weird ones?

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I don't mind Vayne's voice, and I really like Anivia's one. Varus' one was fine, and even though I'm not touching him with a ten-foot pole, I'm fond of Garen's voice. Why do Ezreal and Corki have to have the weird ones?


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I said Garen not Lux. :P:

I should play more random guys, because I usually complain more about the female voices than the male ones. . .yet it's the reverse here!

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I said Garen not Lux. :P:

I should play more random guys, because I usually complain more about the female voices than the male ones. . .yet it's the reverse here!

Garen shouts DEMACIAAAAAA too because Garen and Lux are siblings and are both from Demacia.

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Then Corki is all yours~!

Ezreal's biggest point in his favor is his ability to get out of situations that would normally kill him (Shift over walls, laugh as the opponent can't reach me before I'm home free). I'm also getting the hang of landing his shots, but I'm not accurate enough for my liking yet. Funniest move was me firing my ult from base, and somehow getting a kill. Best game was with four other really good people; worst was a game where the only initiator was Nocturne, and, uh, I was the only one that could snipe Blitz.

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That isn't exactly his biggest point, the thing about Ez is pretty much everything. His trading is superb in lane, and he's just really strong early on. He has global presence with his ult, and a really good escape. He's sort of op at the moment, and Riot's said he's gonna keep getting nerfed probably. They're gonna remove the as debuff from his w, which is huge, but it's still gonne be a good poke tool. What Corki has going for him is his poking, his stupid damage late because of the shred, and a pretty reliable escape.

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Ezreal is going to be nerfed hard. 0_o; If you are against a player who knows how to use him, there is a good chance that you will be stomped in-lane. I always found his late-game damage a bit lacking though... dunno why. I'm more fond of the late-game AD carries myself, anyway.

Actually, just listening to some of the commentators for Solomid's tourneys, who evidently have connections with Riot, a lot of the Season 3 re-work is going to be aimed at rotating out a lot of the overpowered champions so other ones get playtime/love. Meaning Ezreal is definately getting hit with the nerfbat, Karthus and Katarina too, and after worlds, Orianna. Darius will probably be smacked, and Rengar is on perma-ban status. Eve too, it took a bit for people to figure her out after the re-work.

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I doubt Karthus, Kat, or Darius will see any nerfs.

Eve and Ezreal are already slated to be nerfed, Ezreal losing the attack speed debuff on W and DFG is being butchered so it is no longer useful on nearly anybody.

I have a feeling Orianna will be left untouched since she's probably in the spot she should be in (powerful in the hands of a practiced, skilled player, poor for everyone else) but my intuition could be off here

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So for someone on an IP budget, what's the best Tier 3 runes that could be picked up? Which runes should not be touched with a barge pole regardless of what champion and build is being used?

There are two free rune pages, so I'm thinking I can have an AD rune page, and an AP rune page. Any advice?

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So for someone on an IP budget, what's the best Tier 3 runes that could be picked up? Which runes should not be touched with a barge pole regardless of what champion and build is being used?

There are two free rune pages, so I'm thinking I can have an AD rune page, and an AP rune page. Any advice?

General use pages with only 2:

AD: Flat AD marks, flat AD Quints, flat armor yellows, flat MR blues

AP: Flat Mpen marks, flat AP Quints, flat armor yellows, flat MR blues

They're relatively cheap pages that share runes and one of the two can be used with nearly any champion. They're not optimal for almost anything, but acceptable for nearly anything.

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By flat I assume you mean the ones that don't increase through leveling. I always assumed the ones that did get better through leveling would be the better choice, however I guess that by the end you'd have items boosting your stats, so runes wouldn't have much to offer in comparison by then anyway.

Alright, thanks.

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By flat I assume you mean the ones that don't increase through leveling. I always assumed the ones that did get better through leveling would be the better choice, however I guess that by the end you'd have items boosting your stats, so runes wouldn't have much to offer in comparison by then anyway.

Alright, thanks.

Yea, flat meaning not per level.

The reasoning is basically that winning earlygame usually guarantees that you'll win the rest of the game, so bolstering it with runes is the best option. Also items are flexible enough that you can fix any shortcomings later through items, while using certain runes for lategame locks you into that choice.

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The other reason is relative stats. When you have all of 50 AD, +15 is huge. When you have 200, +3 (relative to having used flat AD) is...meh.

My numbers might be off, I don't use AD/lvl. I do know that HP/lvl is fairly useful in yellows - again, relative stats. 200 is significant on a 1600 base however you slice it, and if you're not buying HP items, you will indeed have a 1600 base as a mage at endgame.

This is up in the air right now because S3 jungle rework, but if you wanted to jungle in S1/S2 you'd set up a generic mixed page of AD/AS and ArP. A 10 ArP rest AD page will serve well for most bruiser jungles, top laners and ADCs. For the longest time I was using just my AS/ArP page for all AD champions, even ADCs, because I jungled a lot and didn't have a lot of rune pages. It sucked for ADCing, by the way.

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The good news: FREE VAYNE!

The bad news: 3/3 in games that didn't know what "protect the carry" meant. Worst one was that one of those games featured Soraka. Who used her ult all of twice. Yeah.

I know I was playing Ezreal all wrong, but being able to Shift the hell out of danger was what kept my otherwise incompetent self from dying more often. Shift and Flash together means that he's not being caught short of someone standing in his way. That's what I liked about him.

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Uh, what? Ez can and does play highly aggressive early game with that E, though never to the point of danger, but in later game it's one of the best escapes. Particularly if your team doesn't know how to protect the carry.

Also, if you're going to learn ADC positioning, use Ez. Shift allows him to reposition on-the-fly in a teamfight - makes it easier than learning on, say, Kog. Vayne's tumble helps too but that's fairly short range, if spammable.

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How aggressive I play is entirely dependent on how competent I think the other person is. If I feel I have a really good support, I can attempt to use his E to finish (think I did that all of twice); otherwise, it's reserved for escaping. Most of the time, I was using Q to reset R (still need to learn how to fire the latter a bit more effectively), with W to keep enemies off of the slower members of my party.

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How I know that I'm in ELO Hell: First pick bans Sona/Soroka/Leona, autolocks Yi and claims ADC. Umm... No.

It frustrates me that my ELO keeps dropping due to Mid and Top feeding so hard, no matter how much I rape Bot. Fed my Graves nice and well playing Blitzcrank and it means nothing when Jax can tower dive us at Level 13 and not feel a thing thanks to a retard in Top.

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ok i've been playing this game for almost a year i think(not entirly sure) and i've leaned how to play as everyrole skillfuly but Mid, is there any real advice i can get to playing a better mid game?

Speaking of i also have terrible luck in mid lane, I chose TF since i want to get better with him again, then i face some season 1 TF pro with a skin i never saw before. "its all in the cards" indeed...

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Over the last week or so I've been rotating Garen, Lux, Riven and Master Yi.

I must say I find Garen to be the most reliable of them - quite capable of soloing a lane, while Yi's ability to backdoor is quite acceptional. For example, in a recent close game (we destroyed more turrets, but they had more kills), the whole of the enemy team was pushing mid and was about to take down the final turret before the mid inhibitor. The top lane path was already clear of turrets right through to the nexus, so a few minions and I took it out whilst everyone else was at the other side of the map. That was fun. It's also quite entertaining to have an enemy target me while I'm at low HP, I use W (meditate), then watch and smile as my allies break him in two. So yeah, Yi's definitely the most fun of those, I think.

Lux requires a bit more effort to use, and when you have allies who don't call MIA, it's risky business being mid with her.

Riven's basically a nuke with good mobility. Lack of range can be a problem (not counting her ult ofc), but with the right items and playstyle, she's dangerous. I used to use her a lot, but now less so since I've started using Garen (who I mained before Riven), Lux and Yi more. I just don't have enough free hours in the day to play a lot of every champion.

As for mid, I'd suggest someone who has good area control and range. Speaking from experience, someone like Lux is good since her E slows enemies in its area, then explodes after a few seconds. Very useful for getting a large group of minions down to low hp so you can last hit them, racking up a lot of gold. Also since she relies on mana so much, Clarity is extra useful and saves you unnecessary trips back to base just for a mana recharge.

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Can we not turn this into an elo hell QQ thread, because it doesn't even exist. Seriously, there is no such thing as elo hell, get that straight. If you can't carry 4 scrubs against 5 scrubs, you're a scrub. Make sense? Unlucky games and unlucky streaks happen, but it all averages out in the end and I'm tired of hearing all these complaints. (Oh, and Raven? Less QQ about people calling MIA, more map awareness. Scrubs, I swear. >.>)

Alright. Now that I've got all the yelling out of my system, I should probably clarify that "scrubs" as I use it is not a derogatory term. It just means you're not particularly good at the game. A subset of "scrubs" is "clueless", which specifically means you're not particularly good at game sense, though your mechanics might be fine. And "not particularly good" actually means "bad", see I can be tactful too!

Oh yeah, wait for Silvercrow to show up, don't take just anyone's advice on mid lane. There are SFers who are good at this game, and then there are SFers who are scrubs, and as far as I can tell there's 3 of the former (Silvercrow, Shinori, Vaidren) and a lot of the latter. In particular, Silvercrow has mentioned earlier about his 1.5k games played in mid. Ask him!

Edited by Kiriane
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Can we not turn this into an elo hell QQ thread, because it doesn't even exist. Seriously, there is no such thing as elo hell, get that straight. If you can't carry 4 scrubs against 5 scrubs, you're a scrub. Make sense? Unlucky games and unlucky streaks happen, but it all averages out in the end and I'm tired of hearing all these complaints. (Oh, and Raven? Less QQ about people calling MIA, more map awareness. Scrubs, I swear. >.>)

Alright. Now that I've got all the yelling out of my system, I should probably clarify that "scrubs" as I use it is not a derogatory term. It just means you're not particularly good at the game. A subset of "scrubs" is "clueless", which specifically means you're not particularly good at game sense, though your mechanics might be fine. And "not particularly good" actually means "bad", see I can be tactful too!

That's fine but I can't carry games as a Support when Jax appears in Bot lane after 10 minutes with four kills and a nearly completed Trinity Force. I can carry but when people are near the point of intentionally feeding, I just don't have enough power myself to counter carry.

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