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You are aware that that damage counter is mostly creep damage, right? It's not particularly relevant to damage output on champions.

That said, Yi is what is considered a low elo pubstomper, which means that once people get good at the game, they learn to cc him and he goes from incredible to useless. Same goes for Tryndamere, whom I also think you'll like, and Fiora. This does not make them actually useless, by the way; it's just perception. Useful in less situations than maybe Irelia, sure. Useless, no way.

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Looks like I'm gonna be losing more than winning for now. Don't really care, 'cause even though I learned nothing (except that when Darius and Jax call bottom after I've picked Vayne, and no one's in the jungle it's gonna suck), I'm slowly getting accustomed to the camera controls.

Also, other notes:

- Next time I get ANYONE who thinks it is a good idea for me to charge in against Taric/Kayle, I'll ignore them

- If I am to do well, I need four people better than me, who know what I mean by "I die in one hit, why do you want me to chase Kayle?"

- The world needs more tanks, and I have half a mind to start learning how to use Garen seriously, because I am sick and tired of going squish because everyone else is made of squish

For my reference


This is what I'm doing for my CS practice:

- First run is with Silver Bolts when possible, second is without any Bolts

- Berserker's Greaves at 5:00 or when I have the gold for it

- I will take note of when I have enough for Zeal (whether I actually go back and get this is dependent on who else is with me and how competent they are)

CS Practice 1: 59 (8:46 for Zeal)

CS Practice 2: 52 (9:15 for Zeal)

I'm relying a bit too heavily on my Bolts. I find that my CS improves greatly once I get my Greaves.

Edited by eclipse
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Eh...no. Go out with just boots+3 and never go back. The point is to cs without skills /or/ items. You'll also find yourself doing better if you click around and only get in the last shot on a creep when it reaches the correct HP. Watch a video sometime.

That guide you linked? It's missing one essential element. The one that says, when someone tells you to do something, do it. If it fails, don't do it again. As long as you're going to lose anyway you may as well learn something, right?

Yeah, I'm mad. Every single game today, win or lose, BOTH teams derp around and throw back and forth and just generally fail at strategy. Ugh. I feel like I'm playing Arena Deathmatch instead of League of Legends. Seriously, just win already, don't drag out our misery, don't give them a chance to comeback. Right? And don't blame your jungler. Just don't. Your jungler most likely knows the best way to throw a game without it looking like a throw. I should know, I do it often enough. Usually starting about 10 minutes after the game should have been over, and yes, I can evaluate that too.

Do I really have to duo ranked with 1700s and above to get any semblance of intelligent games? Really? I had exactly two teammates all day who knew their way around map objectives.

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Eclipse I'm sure I've added you on the NA server already, but I've never seen you on. Add mine: VanguardRaven.

I'm usually on during the wee hours of the morning, your time. I've already added you~!

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Its like 20 to 2 in the morning here in the EU and the goddamn streams keep going down. I love how after CLG dicked about for 35 minutes, were about to win and then got cut off, just like they deserve. Hate them so much, really want them to lose their last match, but they probably won't. Here's hoping M5, the most interesting team, wins it.

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Its like 20 to 2 in the morning here in the EU and the goddamn streams keep going down. I love how after CLG dicked about for 35 minutes, were about to win and then got cut off, just like they deserve. Hate them so much, really want them to lose their last match, but they probably won't. Here's hoping M5, the most interesting team, wins it.

just go to sleep

it's not worth staying up for it

and yeah M5 has my backing for later

edit: and in other unrelated news, I can still CS after not playing for a bit

206 in 20 min starting Boots + 3 and never going back as Vayne

Edited by Manix
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Y'all value yourselves way too highly lol

I know that when I screw up and throw a game, it's a mechanics screwup and not a strategic one. Let me just complain about the terrible non-existent strategy in games at whatever elo I'm playing in that day, which varies according to multi-queue partner/s.

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That's going to be interesting to watch, for sure. Who do you support?

Also, I'm unlikely to be actually around to get to the Riven code - I have things to do on Saturday. Sad face.

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. . .I think I found part of my problem. Played a game, got absolutely slaughtered, didn't mind in the least. The guys I were with were plenty cool about screw-ups, which were all over the place. Even if it was a loss, it was fun playing with a group that didn't care if I wasn't that good. Something tells me I'm gonna use my current account as a casual account, and if I ever decide to go beyond that, I'll create another one.

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On guard duty on base and I just came up with a sick idea.

Support Cho'gath. He might need a Rylai's for ultimate utily but runes and masteries can make up for the money loss of a Philo Stone. Want to try this out when I get home.

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On guard duty on base and I just came up with a sick idea.

Support Cho'gath. He might need a Rylai's for ultimate utily but runes and masteries can make up for the money loss of a Philo Stone. Want to try this out when I get home.

Complete and utter pain in the ass to play against. Go for it.

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Have done before, multiple times. Love it. Just don't try to be the main-tank and don't do it when your ADC can't stand the idea of you killing even one creep for R stacking.

This is my thoughts on building him:

Red gp5.

Yellow armour.

Blue scaling mres.

gp5 quint.

Start: Boots/Ward x2 (500/500)

Back #1: Ruby Crystal/Ward x3/SWard x1 (800/1300)

Back #2: Heart of Gold/Amplifiying Tome/Ward x3/SWard x1 (1135/2435)

From there, Rylai's and support items. Should work in theory.

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Is there information regarding what times you have to watch the live stream to get the Riven summoner icon? She's currently my main and <3 Riven.

Also, I've never even considered spending money on LoL before, however the idea of a Championship Riven skin makes me a little wet. If it looks awesome enough, I might just get it.

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