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10-20 years later, will you still be on Serenesforest?


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I think the better question is will Serenes Forest still be around 10-20 years later.

Answer: Most likely not.

I was going to come in to say this, its only a matter of time before Jyo loses interest in paying for the site.

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I dunno how long I will be coming here~ But I've already stayed here for 5.5 years x3 But even 10 from now will be 15 years and wooooooow I have trouble imagining staying that long

Buuuuuut I've made so many neat friends here, I don't think I could imagine leaving them either ;u; Because even though a lot of friends leave there are still more people joining x3

B-but yeah, who knows if this place would even stay alive for that long~

As for using the site for info, heehee I hardly even do that in the first place!!

Edited by Freohr Datia
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I have a habit of not staying at the same place for too many years. YouTube's the biggest exception (6 years and counting), but that's because people keep making videos worth watching (though less frequently than back in the old times).

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Nine years ago, I thought I'd stick around a community I was with forever. I stopped posting there about four years after I started posting there, and I lost touch with the various members of the community one-by-one. Today I keep in semi-regular touch with exactly one guy.

I loved that place more than I've ever loved SF, so I have no reason to believe I'll still be here in ten years. I probably won't even be here in five. Honestly, I might be all but gone from the forums within one.

Edited by Integrity
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If SF still exists by then... yeah, I could see myself being here. Other than site termination, I don't see myself a reason to leave. Reduced activity, maybe, but not quite leave completely.

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I don't know. It sort of depends on whether SF will give me any reason to continue being here. Although, considering that 10-20 years will be in my mid-thirties to mid-forties, I'd say probably not.

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I was going to come in to say this, its only a matter of time before Jyo loses interest in paying for the site.

Serenes Forest is so active that it pays for Jyo's other ventures.

I don't think he's going to be losing interest in it, lol.


Anyway, I doubt I will be, but who knows. Even if I'm not, I hope it sticks around, because it's pretty important to the FE community as a whole. Vincent is pretty much the biggest FE fan I've ever met, and the hub for the fandom couldn't be in better hands. If his love for the series lasts 10 years then it's gonna be around 10 more years, because the guy is an animal :P:.

We're already nearing our 10th birthday with as much or more activity than we've ever had. What's 10 more?

Edited by Tangerine
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I hope I will be. This is the first forum I've ever joined, and I haven't bothered joining any other thanks to all the wonderful people I've met here and all the interesting things we've talked about, even non-FE related stuff. As some people have said, life will keep moving and I may not be on as much later down the line, but I don't think I'll ever really leave until the servers go down for good. This is such a cool place to be, after all! :D

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I can't say what I'll be doing in 10 to 20 years, but if I could, I might.

I'm not sure. But I have made a lot of great friends here, and I hope to stay with them as long as possible.

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