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Rydia, it really just depends what kind of Inigo you want. Magic Inigo? Henry, Libra, and Ricken will do the trick. Physical Inigo? Stahl, Vaike, and Frederick. Fast Inigo? Virion and Lon'qu will do the trick.

Be warned that Vaike, Virion and Lon'qu will leave him without an offensive proc. And to be perfectly honest, though others may strongly disagree with me, I consider vengeance garbage for apotheosis, especially on boys, so personally for me that eliminates Henry and Libra.

Maybe it's more useful when using brave weapons, but then brave weapons make Apotheosis a joke.

Edited by Alastor15243
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Excluding Chrom, Stahl, Henry, Gaius, Lon'qu, Ricken, and Frederick, who makes a good father for Brady? This for Lunatic and possibly Apotheosis.

Virion and Libra will serve you well in Apo. Ingame, Brady is pretty useless and I'd advise not using him.

My bad, when I said strong I literally meant good Str and Def :p

But yeah, his luck kinda sucks

Kellam!Brady has -1 Str and +1 Def. I don't know what your standards are for good mods, but those don't exactly look like selling points to me.

Anyway, I'm curious, not considering Chrom (who married Sumia) or Kellam who could be Inigo's best father?

Inigo has Fred, Stahl, Ricken, Libra and Henry as strong options. Fred is certainly the most eligible, though Stahl and RIcken perform very well if they're free.

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Be warned that Vaike, Virion and Lon'qu will leave him without an offensive proc. And to be perfectly honest, though others may strongly disagree with me, I consider vengeance garbage for apotheosis, especially on boys, so personally for me that eliminates Henry and Libra.

Maybe it's more useful when using brave weapons, but then brave weapons make Apotheosis a joke.

Doesnt Astra count as an offensive proc?
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Not alone, it doesn't. Its activation rate rarely goes above 40%, which spread across four hits still leaves you with a 12.96% chance of getting no procs- which isn't an acceptable rate if you're counting on it for a KO.

It's very good if comboed with Luna/Ignis, but alone it's either just not enough or not necessary in the first place.

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Not alone, it doesn't. Its activation rate rarely goes above 40%, which spread across four hits still leaves you with a 12.96% chance of getting no procs- which isn't an acceptable rate if you're counting on it for a KO.

It's very good if comboed with Luna/Ignis, but alone it's either just not enough or not necessary in the first place.

I see. Thx for the info :D
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I just beat Secret Apotheosis and am looking to start a new save file and beat the map again. I don't particularly care for aesthetics and am open to all suggestions. My planned pairings are:

MyUnit(+Mag, -Def)













I chose Sumia!Lucina > Maribelle!Lucina, since Sage Sumia!Lucina can reach 66 spd with GM Pairup and Tonic, and 76 spd with rallies, as well as 99% DS with MU. I dont know what to do with Nah. Suggestions for second gen pairings, classes, and skills would be appreciated.

EDIT: In case you were wondering about certain pairings in the above list. I wanted to do something different from my last run. Ex. Lon'qu!Severa-->Vaike!Severa, etc.

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All done on my first playthrough,they're not the best pairings apart from the first one.

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All done on my first playthrough,they're not the best pairings apart from the first one.

The first one is far from the best as well, actually. Morgan can be much stronger than just having Chrom as a parent.

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The first one is far from the best as well, actually. Morgan can be much stronger than just having Chrom as a parent.

I think its the best pairing because I like fem robin and I love chrom plus those two have a great connection :/

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I think its the best pairing because I like fem robin and I love chrom plus those two have a great connection :/

That's nice, but this is a gameplay thread, not a shipping one.

So you like Fem!Robin. I do too. Here's another one of her potential suitors:


Mods: Str+3, Mag +0, Skl+6, Spd+7, Lck+0, Def+0, Res-2.

Give Robin a skill asset and you'd be hard-pressed to find a girl Morgan can't reach 100% DS with with him and his wife as snipers/assassins, and he already has enough speed to double any unit in the entire game as an assassin even without pairup. Give Robin a speed asset and Morgan will be able to double any unit in the entire game even with a no speed pairup, as long as he's in a class with at least 39 speed. Give him a +spd pairup? He can be literally any class he wants and still double Anna and the NS.

And that's just one example of how much better Robin can do in the husband department. Plus, you're depriving Sumia of Chrom, which means one fewer aether user.

As an aside, I used to agree with you that ChromxFeMU was the best pairing. I've since changed my stance after trying out third generation Morgans.

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Another thing about your pairings is that you paired parents with conflicting mods, such as Maribelle and Vaike, as well as wasting fathers who give Galeforce (Gaius!Severa). Next time, pair units based on their mods as well as the class and skill inheritance they offer, such as Gaius and Donnel who offer Galeforce to their daughters. An example would be pairing Henry with Sumia, because he offers a positive magic mod to Cynthia, who can make good use of it as a Dark Flier, or another magic based class.

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All done on my first playthrough,they're not the best pairings apart from the first one.

I have some issues here. First off, is this for in-game or not? Second, at least two of those pairings have some pretty bad mod clash.

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Which of my two mini rally bots (the ones that are meant to work on their own, Alexandria and Katarina) would you guys recommend I ditch in favor of Sumia?

Drop Alexandria, try Apo with both sets on Katarina on separate runs, and stick with the one you like best.

All done on my first playthrough,they're not the best pairings apart from the first one.

OK. Are you asking for advice or...

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I have Maribelle, Miriel, and Nowi left on the mother side.

For the fathers I have Henry, Vaike, Lonqu, Henry, Kellam, and Libra.

Who should I pair with who for the best mods/results?

What should I pass down to to Inigo as Freddy? Luna or Outdoor Fighter?

Gregor should pass down Armthift to Gerome right? Or should he pass down Sol?

Should Gauis pass down Counter to Noire? Or should he just pass down Pass?

Should Donnel pass down Armsthrift to Kjelle? Or should I grind him on Warrior and Pass down Counter for the giggles?

Random Question. How good is Donnel with Dread Fighter?

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Drop Alexandria, try Apo with both sets on Katarina on separate runs, and stick with the one you like best.

How good is Sumia, in your experience, compared to the children? Because I'm starting to suspect that unless she's really good (which I doubt, since she's a first-gen and has inferior stats to the children), adding her isn't worth reducing the number of groups I can split my team into while still having rally bots for each.


I have Maribelle, Miriel, and Nowi left on the mother side.

For the fathers I have Henry, Vaike, Lonqu, Henry, Kellam, and Libra.

Who should I pair with who for the best mods/results? Libra/Henry with Miriel, Vaike/Henry with Nowi, and Lon'qu/Henry with Maribelle.

What should I pass down to to Inigo as Freddy? Luna or Outdoor Fighter? Definitely Luna.

Gregor should pass down Armthift to Gerome right? Or should he pass down Sol? Armsthrift is probably more useful.

Should Gauis pass down Counter to Noire? Or should he just pass down Pass? If you want to use counter, have him pass it down, it's the only way.

Should Donnel pass down Armsthrift to Kjelle? Or should I grind him on Warrior and Pass down Counter for the giggles? I generally pass down aptitude for in-game, and I've never found underdog or counter to be overly useful on her so I generally just pass down Aptitude always.

Random Question. How good is Donnel with Dread Fighter? He's... okay... He'll kick anything's ass in-game thanks to his growths, and he'll be underwhelming once other units start capping out.

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Well, Donnel's capped everything but Magic (20) and Resistance (18) as a Hero, so that's why I was asking.

Should I have paired up Virion with someone other than Panne? Hit+20 on Yarne was too good to pass up, but would he rather have Lonqu as a father because of Assassin class?

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Well, Donnel's capped everything but Magic (20) and Resistance (18) as a Hero, so that's why I was asking.

Should I have paired up Virion with someone other than Panne? Hit+20 on Yarne was too good to pass up, but would he rather have Lonqu as a father because of Assassin class?

Lon'qu!Yarne's only worth it if you proceed to have Robin marry him (and then it's TOTALLY worth it). Otherwise, go for Virion or Stahl.

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How good is Sumia, in your experience, compared to the children? Because I'm starting to suspect that unless she's really good (which I doubt, since she's a first-gen and has inferior stats to the children), adding her isn't worth reducing the number of groups I can split my team into while still having rally bots for each.

As far as skills are concerned, Sumia IS a Gen 2 unit.

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Sumia is a viable unit, about as good as the children in terms of killing things, if you are worried about damage output.

So it's a question of 7 battle competent pairs in up to 3 groups vs 8 battle competent pairs in up to 2 groups. If that's the case, I think I'm just going to go with the former. I didn't really need any more pairs to handle apotheosis, but I think reducing my split up capacity would hurt me.

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How good is Sumia, in your experience, compared to the children? Because I'm starting to suspect that unless she's really good (which I doubt, since she's a first-gen and has inferior stats to the children), adding her isn't worth reducing the number of groups I can split my team into while still having rally bots for each.

As an individual unit? Worse, but not by much.

As Chrom's wife? Better than anyone except Lucina.

Well, Donnel's capped everything but Magic (20) and Resistance (18) as a Hero, so that's why I was asking.

Should I have paired up Virion with someone other than Panne? Hit+20 on Yarne was too good to pass up, but would he rather have Lonqu as a father because of Assassin class?

Donnel has absolutely no perks once your other units start capping. He'll be a bit better compared to him in other classes as a DF, but he'll always be a chump next to your other units.

Virion!Yarne is pretty great.

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