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FeMU x Priam FTW because I'm fucking bias and nothing is going to stop me from getting Priam!MMorgan!

You've said that a lot so we kind of know that already. And I'm not a fan of Priam!Morgan either, too much effort has to go into getting him (litterally last chapter of the game to unlock spotpass chapters on the map as well as gaining the 18 or what have support points on top of that which require grinding either through DLC or using paralogues) which is the biggest turn off for me. Same goes for any spotpass characters that you can marry your avatar to. Heck I'd marry Tharja to Robin before I'd marry a spotpass character (and I don't like Tharja's supports with either Robins). Or the child characters (who could/would probably take a while to do the same thing and I like having all of the children avaible as quickly as possible). I'd say that it is more personal reasons that I feel that way and I never really went for Priam. 1 because his chapter is a pain in the ass to do and 2 I think Priam and Ike aren't as cool as Marth...and I'm kind of a Marth fangirl...*hides*

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To be frank, Armshrift is in no way a bad skill at all. But when it comes to making use with the 5 available skill-slots, I just don't see Armshrift as a priority besides Limit Breaker.

Also, another skill worth supplementing for -faire is All Stats + 2. Otherwise, its up to you.

Oh, no certainly AT is nowhere near as good as LB, full stop. I included it in my "final picks when you're looking for one more skill" section for a reason. That said, your set and mine, once I factored in LB, were only different in that you used Lifetaker while I used Armsthrift. Lifetaker is great for healing, but gives exactly as much offensive boost as AT: zero.

All+2 is definitely worth looking at for some characters, but it's vastly inferior to LB. If it gets you over a breakpoint (I believe 69 Spd is one such point?) then it's awesome, better than a Faire by far. But if it doesn't push you past a new breakpoint, it's kind of a meager benefit. Since I don't think Chloe is going to be running deep calculations or heavy optimization, I figured All+2 is probably too fiddly to recommend.

Chrom and Female Robin are the best pair-up. They have hilarious, meaningless supports and meaningful conversations in-story. Robin is naturally going to feel attracted to him, as far as she can remember, Chrom was the first person she ever saw. They are a power couple who can easily defeat any enemy when together. Their children are even more powerful. Morgan looks great with blue hair and Lucina is an awesome sister for him.

Yeah, their supports are...silly and don't really reflect the closeness of their friendship, I feel. You see it expressed in everything *else* Chrom and the female Avatar do: they spend nearly every waking hour together, that's bound to create a close connection even if it isn't romantic. And I completely agree that they're a power duo, regardless of whether they get married: even M!Robin and Chrom are clearly Best Buds and Fire-Forged Friends.

Blue haired Morgan is one of the main reasons that I pair F!Robin and Chrom, another being that Lucina gets every gender permitting class and can get Ignus. And I don't want to break that family appart. Funnily enough that's why I marry M!Robin to Lucina...blue haired Morgan :XD:

I don't really have a horse in the Morgan hair-color race (that was a weirder phrase than I intended...), for me it just seems imminently natural in terms of story and group dynamics. They're close friends, and unless you're intentionally avoiding the use of F!Robin, they fight together in literally every battle of two different wars. The Avatar consoles Chrom over the loss of his sister; the Avatar is there for Chrom's wedding; the Avatar's first solid interpersonal memory is Chrom's face, with Lissa nearby. Even if you don't think they're "bound by a thread of fate," they're constantly spending time around each other. As I said earlier, even Lucina notices it if she isn't F!Robin's daughter.

A friend of mine absolutely believes that M!Robin has to marry Lucina. No ifs, ands, or buts.

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Oh, no certainly AT is nowhere near as good as LB, full stop. I included it in my "final picks when you're looking for one more skill" section for a reason. That said, your set and mine, once I factored in LB, were only different in that you used Lifetaker while I used Armsthrift. Lifetaker is great for healing, but gives exactly as much offensive boost as AT: zero.

All+2 is definitely worth looking at for some characters, but it's vastly inferior to LB. If it gets you over a breakpoint (I believe 69 Spd is one such point?) then it's awesome, better than a Faire by far. But if it doesn't push you past a new breakpoint, it's kind of a meager benefit. Since I don't think Chloe (Chloey there's a y on the end :XD: the tricky letter!) is going to be running deep calculations or heavy optimization, I figured All+2 is probably too fiddly to recommend.

Yeah, their supports are...silly and don't really reflect the closeness of their friendship, I feel. You see it expressed in everything *else* Chrom and the female Avatar do: they spend nearly every waking hour together, that's bound to create a close connection even if it isn't romantic. And I completely agree that they're a power duo, regardless of whether they get married: even M!Robin and Chrom are clearly Best Buds and Fire-Forged Friends.

I don't really have a horse in the Morgan hair-color race (that was a weirder phrase than I intended...), for me it just seems imminently natural in terms of story and group dynamics. They're close friends, and unless you're intentionally avoiding the use of F!Robin, they fight together in literally every battle of two different wars. The Avatar consoles Chrom over the loss of his sister; the Avatar is there for Chrom's wedding; the Avatar's first solid interpersonal memory is Chrom's face, with Lissa nearby. Even if you don't think they're "bound by a thread of fate," they're constantly spending time around each other. As I said earlier, even Lucina notices it if she isn't F!Robin's daughter.

A friend of mine absolutely believes that M!Robin has to marry Lucina. No ifs, ands, or buts.

I will say that your set for Gregor!Severa seems more in line with my way of playing, although I don't really have much use for armsthrift (yet I may make a good use of that).

I will add that out of all the possible brides for Chrom, Robin is by far the easiest to marry him either on chapter 11 or before (I can get them married as early as chapter 5 with less DLC grinding as Priam other charcters that you can have to marry Robin) except for Sumia (for the sake of best parent for Lucina).

M!Robin has to marry Lucina eh? Well that works, especially since the pair works well enough.

So here is the set up I am thinking of for Gregor!Severa while I'm waiting to get limitbreaker:

~Obviously galeforce


~ Vengence



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Ouch, my bad on the spelling thing. It always gives me a twinge when people misspell my name or username, so I really shouldn't be making those sorts of mistakes myself. Thanks for being understanding!

Sol is adequate while grinding, but if you really want regen, Lifetaker is where it's at. That is, if Galeforce is doing its job, you're getting two kills a round with Severa. Lifetaker gives 50% of max HP for every kill, guaranteed, while Sol only gives Skl% chance of healing half the damage you deal. Also, Sol has higher priority than Vengeance, so even if you do get her to 100% Vengeance proc rate, Sol would override it Skl% of the time (healing you without doing any extra damage). So while Sol will be fine to start with, definitely try to replace it with Lifetaker before the end--you'll notice the difference.

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Yeah, their supports are...silly and don't really reflect the closeness of their friendship, I feel. You see it expressed in everything *else* Chrom and the female Avatar do: they spend nearly every waking hour together, that's bound to create a close connection even if it isn't romantic. And I completely agree that they're a power duo, regardless of whether they get married: even M!Robin and Chrom are clearly Best Buds and Fire-Forged Friends.

Yeah, I always get a little annoyed with people who say they don't like ChromxRobin simply because the supports are meaningless and silly. There's so much going on between them in the main story that the supports don't really matter.

Yeah, Male Robin and Chrom take bromance to an entirely new level....


Other awesome pair-ups:

Lon'qu and Tharja, he's scared of women, and she's really a creepy one. Not only that, you get some backstory to Lon'qu as well.

Panne and Virion, I like this also because of backstory reasons and because of Yarne. He's the only one who can pull off the grayish blue hair and it makes a lot more sense that he'd be worried about his father cheating. I mean come on, can really put it past Virion?

Lissa and Fredrick, they've known each other for a long time and this way he can get even closer to Chrom.

Male Morgan and Nah, they are just so cute together. Morgan is one of the few children characters who looks around her age, plus he's just so sweet to her. He went through a lot of trouble to please her and then tried to make sound like nothing.

Severa and Owain, she's a bully and he's a weirdo. As we've seen in Severa's supports with Noire, she gets along with weirdos (sort of). The S-support is adorable too.

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You've said that a lot so we kind of know that already. And I'm not a fan of Priam!Morgan either, too much effort has to go into getting him (litterally last chapter of the game to unlock spotpass chapters on the map as well as gaining the 18 or what have support points on top of that which require grinding either through DLC or using paralogues) which is the biggest turn off for me. Same goes for any spotpass characters that you can marry your avatar to. Heck I'd marry Tharja to Robin before I'd marry a spotpass character (and I don't like Tharja's supports with either Robins). Or the child characters (who could/would probably take a while to do the same thing and I like having all of the children avaible as quickly as possible). I'd say that it is more personal reasons that I feel that way and I never really went for Priam. 1 because his chapter is a pain in the ass to do and 2 I think Priam and Ike aren't as cool as Marth...and I'm kind of a Marth fangirl...*hides*

In that case, please leave this thread or STFU because I'm fucking bias. jk But even still, I would argue that Priam is so much better than Chrom that Priam can kick his royal ass any day, any time and any place, thats just the way it is. Also, if you find that his paralogue chapter is tedious, its either because Priam is too good for you or you haven't tried hard enough, so there's that. o3o As for Ike, he is so much cooler than Marth because at least he ain't no royal-bishonen snob, but thats beside the point.

Edited by Formerly Colm
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In that case, please leave this thread or STFU because I'm fucking bias. jk But even still, I would argue that Priam is so much better than Chrom that Priam can kick his royal ass any day, any time and any place, thats just the way it is. Also, if you find that his paralogue chapter is tedious, its either because Priam is too good for you or you haven't tried hard enough, so there's that. o3o As for Ike, he is so much cooler than Marth because at least he ain't no royal-bishonen snob, but thats beside the point.

Wow that is really rude and out of the nature of this thread even if you are supposedly kidding? Even so I still don't like Priam (have read support with F!Robin and ending etc) and to me he seems very lacking as a character (although truthfully the same could be said of Chrom but I just happen to love his confession that much more and find Priam's to be irritating at best). Chrom if given the time of day can beat Priam (like I said Marth fangirl here). Plus from the research I've done on Marth is that he is the nicer guy, but that could be wrong. Of course I am basing this on what I've learned through Awakening and I have seen Ike's recruitment speech (DLC) and I'd have to say that compared to Marth, Ike comes off as condesending (a bit like Priam). Anyway this is a pointless arguement so I'm not going to waste my time trying to convince you otherwise. You like Priam and I like Chrom and that is that :D: so let us instead turn to the more pressing issue at hand:

Gaius!Yarne and Gregor!Severa and anyone who isn't Lucina and Morgan for the simple reason that I have those two sorted and need to focus now on the other children.

This is the point where I kind of point out the obvious but I really hate risky strats, I hate having characters down to even half HP. I guess I really want to make absolutely certain that everyone survives without so much as a scratch, selfish I know, but that is how I roll. I want to make set ups for both of them that reflect this.

I think that I have Gaius!Yarne sorted:






~All stats +2 or some skill that will give Yarne some extra boost like swordfaire? Not to sure what to put in for that last slot

Next Child on my list is Vaike!Brady. I know that I'll be giving him galeforce (because it will help the guy) and probably go for dreadfighter, skills though...I am not so certain. Obviously he'll be spending some of his time as a support for Severa (really like their support and pairing) and some leading. So I guess what he'll need is a combination of skills to reflect that?

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So I just unlocked Lunatic+ classic and I'm planning on doing a run. I had done a vanilla lunatic run on casual and classic, both runs had me solo with F!MU and Chrom and just getting Morgan. I have the bloodlines pack and rogues pack as well as the golden gaffie and exponential growth. I want to use the children and want to know what are the best possible pairings for them, as well as the skills and classes to take. Should I use F!MU this run or M!MU and what asset/flaw if you are getting MU!'s children?

I don't have any knowledge about optimizing pairings and don't have the final dlc.

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Wow that is really rude and out of the nature of this thread even if you are supposedly kidding? Even so I still don't like Priam (have read support with F!Robin and ending etc) and to me he seems very lacking as a character (although truthfully the same could be said of Chrom but I just happen to love his confession that much more and find Priam's to be irritating at best). Chrom if given the time of day can beat Priam (like I said Marth fangirl here). Plus from the research I've done on Marth is that he is the nicer guy, but that could be wrong. Of course I am basing this on what I've learned through Awakening and I have seen Ike's recruitment speech (DLC) and I'd have to say that compared to Marth, Ike comes off as condesending (a bit like Priam). Anyway this is a pointless arguement so I'm not going to waste my time trying to convince you otherwise. You like Priam and I like Chrom and that is that :D: so let us instead turn to the more pressing issue at hand:

Gaius!Yarne and Gregor!Severa and anyone who isn't Lucina and Morgan for the simple reason that I have those two sorted and need to focus now on the other children.

This is the point where I kind of point out the obvious but I really hate risky strats, I hate having characters down to even half HP. I guess I really want to make absolutely certain that everyone survives without so much as a scratch, selfish I know, but that is how I roll. I want to make set ups for both of them that reflect this.

I think that I have Gaius!Yarne sorted:






~All stats +2 or some skill that will give Yarne some extra boost like swordfaire? Not to sure what to put in for that last slot

Next Child on my list is Vaike!Brady. I know that I'll be giving him galeforce (because it will help the guy) and probably go for dreadfighter, skills though...I am not so certain. Obviously he'll be spending some of his time as a support for Severa (really like their support and pairing) and some leading. So I guess what he'll need is a combination of skills to reflect that?

To be fair, I did stated that: "...if anyone says otherwise, fuck you! jk," which is why I have parts of my comments striked as a warning. While I don't expect anyone to take my posts seriously, just because I'm fucking bias who thinks FeMU x Priam is awesome, your post was in response to my previous post (which is explicitly towards me) - and I prefer not to be told otherwise. As for the whole excuse of how Priam lacks character developments just doesn't get some back story, etc.,etc., well I don't touch any of the other paralogues until I first play through 23 - that way he has more playtimes with my FeMU and to get Priam!Morgan of course. o3o Also, if you think that Priam and Ike are both condescending, rude, etc., that just means they're total badasses (in the good way), which is all the more reasons why I prefer them 10x over the 'nicer' Marth and Chrom. (I mean have you ever played FE9/10...? <_<) Point is, do I think FeMU x Priam is awesome? Fuck yes, and thats not going to change! And no, I don't expect you or anyone to try that pairing nor am I encouraging it either, unless of course 'you like Ike!' No puns intended.

Anyways as for Gaius!Yarne, I have no opinions with regards to this set besides some class-overlaps. : I

@ Yumi_Fujibayashi: I generally prefer FeMU & Male Morgan just to have Galeforce for both. However, MaMU have its own purposes as a non-Galeforcer by benefiting as a potential father for other children, while Female Morgan can always learn Galeforce on her own anyways. As for Assets/Flaws, the most ideal for Lunatic classic is +Speed/-Def (iirc?), though I normally have mine as +Magic/-Luck because thats just me.

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I'd say that Awakening both bought me into the Fire Emblem franchise (was into Pokemon before) and Lucina's backstory was the saddest...plus I don't like seeing her crying because it hurts right in the feels. One of my favourite memories was the discovery of Morgan (though the accidental marriage to Chrom :XD:)

I believe that this answers any questions


Anyways as for Gaius!Yarne, I have no opinions with regards to this set besides some class-overlaps. : I


Yeah I know Gaius has some class overlaps but for this playthrough it can't be helped. I will of course be doing a slighty more balanced and optimal pairings for my Apo team which I will be making mostly for actually getting through apo. I simply want to know what the best skillsets would be for an assassin Gaius!Yarne...and a dreadfighter Vaike!Brady with limitbreaker and galeforce.

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So I just unlocked Lunatic+ classic and I'm planning on doing a run. I had done a vanilla lunatic run on casual and classic, both runs had me solo with F!MU and Chrom and just getting Morgan. I have the bloodlines pack and rogues pack as well as the golden gaffie and exponential growth. I want to use the children and want to know what are the best possible pairings for them, as well as the skills and classes to take. Should I use F!MU this run or M!MU and what asset/flaw if you are getting MU!'s children?

I don't have any knowledge about optimizing pairings and don't have the final dlc.

Unfortunately, for some of this, there is no clear answer. That is, most children have multiple possible applications/uses, so the spread of possible options is too great to cover all in one fell swoop. However, there are a few things I can recommend/note from the outset that will help narrow things down:

1. Getting Galeforce on as many kids as possible is useful--it gives you greater flexibility. In general, this means you need to marry dads who pass down Pegasus Knight (Gaius and Donnel) to moms who don't (Tharja, Sully, and Nowi). Generally, the preferred choice is Gaius/Tharja and Sully/Donnel, as Gaius!Noire's strengths compliment her Archer/Sniper role, while Donnel's weaknesses as a father don't harm Kjelle's growth. Nah is, unfortunately, a little too limited to justify giving her Galeforce, so she gets relegated to a support role of some kind.

2. Certain dads are Not Very Good and you want to avoid using them if you can. Kellam is almost always at the top of the list, but Frederick, Donnel, and Libra are also up there. But you'll need to use all but one of them for most children, so a degree of mitigating the negatives (or, rather, settling for second-best) is required.

3. Some parents have restricted options. Chrom can only marry four ladies (+FeMU); Sumia can only marry four men (+MaMU). So you need to decide who they're going to marry first, lest you use up all their options.

4. The Avatar is always the best parent for any child, straight up. The ability to choose your own asset/flaw combined with giving ALL gender-allowed classes is incomparable. So, you need to decide this based more on personal preference than anything else--and it may have trickle-down effects on other pairings. For example, if you go MaMu and have him marry Olivia, whoever would've married Olivia can go to someone else.

5. Think about what kind of unit(s) you want the Avatar's children to be. If you want a Mag-heavy unit like Sage, Sorcerer, or Dark Flier, take Mag as your Asset. If you want a physical attacker, take +Str. In general, the most frequently recommended asset/flaw pairs in no particular order are +Mag/-Def, +Str/-Def, and +Spd/-Def. -Def is almost always the recommended Flaw, because Awakening is an offense-heavy game and it reduces only one stat that affects offense (Lck) by a single point. +Mag and +Str are fairly straightforward; +Spd is to make doubly sure that Morgan (and Morgan's sibling, should the Avatar have another child) can double enemies, and also turns the small Lck penalty to a small bonus.

6. Some dads give their kids *zero* classes, and many dads have substantial class overlap with their children, which is somewhat wasteful. Sometimes that's not avoidable--e.g. if you want to make the BEST use of Ricken's major Mag boost, you probably need to marry him to someone who would have at least one class in common with him. Other times, it's completely avoidable, and you'll be doing yourself a major favor if you avoid overlap where possible. (For checking on these things, I make use of both of the Fire Emblem wikis: http://fireemblem.wikia.com/ and http://fireemblemwiki.org/ because they're organized differently. The first is better for quick comparison of the stats and classes children can inherit; the latter is better for planning out skill builds once you've already chosen your pairs.)

So, given those things, you'll want to make a few decisions:

  • What kind of Avatar+children do you want? Physical (+Str), magic (+Mag), or generalist (+Spd)?
  • Do you want Morgan to be a "third gen" character? (This concentrates modifiers even more, but you miss out on a second char with access to all classes)
  • Who will Chrom and Sumia marry? (Usual advice is Chrom/Sumia, unless the Avatar marries one of them)
  • Who will Sully and Tharja marry? (Typical advice: Sully marries Donnel, Tharja marries Gaius)
  • Do you have any specific thoughts about what certain children should be?

Answering those questions will get you a long way toward focusing the MANY options available to you into a handful of strategies that you can select from.

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I am new to this thread but I want to know if this is okay for my Second Gen Pairings;

Lon'qu!Brady x Chrom!Cynthia

Libra!Inigo x +Mag/-Def Sumia!Lucina!Morgan

Vaike!Gerome x Donnel!Kjelle

Gregor!Laurent x Virion!Severa

Ricken!Owain x Henry!Nah

Stahl!Yarne x Gaius!Noire

I am starting my first Lunatic Run, with DLC and want to ask if I can get through Lunatic with these pairing and Apothesis as well (final goal). If not, please recommend why it is not good and any pairing that would provide more benefit or a change in parent.

Edited by Sil3nt 4sh
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It depends on what their classes are, but yeah that can work.

I guess I would do it something like:

Sage x Dark Flier


Berserker/Hero x Paladin

Sage x Dark Flier or Berserker x (Wyvern Lord/Sniper/Bow Knight)

Sage/Dread Fighter x Valkyrie/Hero

Berserker x Sniper

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Any suggestions for a skillset for Vaike!Brady @dread fighter? He will be paired with Gregor!Severa @Hero. I am thinking that both will have galeforce at the very least.

I don't typically use Vaike!Brady because of the conflicting mod between Maribelle and Vaike but I know that he will play as the support unit in the pairing.

Vaike!Brady @Dread Fighter (Limit Breaker*, Aggressor*, Tomefaire, Luna and Galeforce)

If you don't have DLC, you can change the following * with Dual Guard (extra protection), Wrath (get his life by half and keep him supporting to get some good critical on his part), Magic +2 (for more magic) or Filler.

I hope this will help!

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It depends on what their classes are, but yeah that can work.

I guess I would do it something like:

Sage x Dark Flier


Berserker/Hero x Paladin

Sage x Dark Flier or Berserker x (Wyvern Lord/Sniper/Bow Knight)

Sage/Dread Fighter x Valkyrie/Hero

Berserker x Sniper

Thank man, this will seriously prepare me for Lunatic.

I was reading about Vaike!Gerome and saw that he will have a bit of an accuracy problem.

Will this affect his contribution with Donnel!Kjelle

If so, I could change the pairings to;

Henry!Gerome (which has Hex/Anathema to help improve Hit) x Donnel!Kjelle

Vaike!Nah x Ricken!Owain

And leave the rest the same.

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Any suggestions for a skillset for Vaike!Brady @dread fighter? He will be paired with Gregor!Severa @Hero. I am thinking that both will have galeforce at the very least.

I'll second Sil3nt 4sh's set, it looks solid. The only thing I might argue different would be that Luna does nothing if Brady spends all his time in the back--so if you find that you aren't attacking with him directly very often, consider swapping Luna for Dual Guard+.

I'm going +Strength/-Defense and I'm going to marry Olivia. Chrom and Sumia will be paired together. I don't want to miss out on the second character and having access to all classes is nice.

Alright, that takes care of several pairings. Baseline advice at this point then, in addition to Robin/Olivia and Chrom/Sumia:

Donnel/Sully: As stated, Donnel!Kjelle gets Galeforce, and despite Donnel's weakness as a dad she comes out just fine.

Gaius/Tharja: Same as above, gives Noire GF, but Gaius!Noire is decent stat- and class-wise as well (3 new class lines, +6 Skl and Spd cap!)

Lon'qu/Cordelia: Lon'qu!Severa is solid, with a nice spread of classes and options.

Ricken/Miriel: This makes Laurent the best damn mage he can be, and gets him decent skills (Have Miriel pass down Dual Support+)

Gregor/Cherche: Gregor!Gerome has access to the Berserker class, which is a big plus.

Virion/Panne: Virion!Yarne gets Hit+20 and access to the Wyvern Rider line.

Stahl/Lissa: Stahl!Owain is solid all around, esp. if you want to keep him as a Dread Fighter.

Vaike/Nowi: Vaike!Nah has solid Str, access to Luna and Hero. It'll work out well.

Henry/Maribelle: Second-best Mag bonus, and much, much better class options than the alternative (Libra).

Though it goes without saying, all boys that can get Galeforce from mom should. That *should* cover all the kids (4 kids in the two pairings you've chosen, plus 9 more, gives us the 13 total children).

As always, I defer to the more-experienced members here; this list was mostly compiled by reviewing advice previously given to me when I asked a similar question, with slight tweaks (because I had F!Robin marry Chrom).

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I think the main issue with Sil3nt 4sh's set was Luna. I think the main reason is that I don't tend to actually use Luna that much. I think I'll probably mention that Vaike!Brady is going to be both a front and support unit (i.e he leads one attack killing/defeating the enemy then switching to Gregor!Severa to let her score a kill) I'm not sure what sort of set up would work for that...

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I think the main issue with Sil3nt 4sh's set was Luna. I think the main reason is that I don't tend to actually use Luna that much. I think I'll probably mention that Vaike!Brady is going to be both a front and support unit (i.e he leads one attack killing/defeating the enemy then switching to Gregor!Severa to let her score a kill) I'm not sure what sort of set up would work for that...

Luna is super good against things with high Def/Res--better than Astra. Its strength is that it provides *scaled* defense piercing, so that the tougher your enemy, the harder you hit with it. Against typical non-Apo enemies, though, Astra is often better--but if a unit is going to lead the attack, some kind of proc is better than no procs at all, generally speaking.

For a set where you're going to have the two spend very roughly equal time in front (by which I mean "Severa attacks, then Brady attacks, then Severa attacks again"), Sil3nt 4sh's set is fine. It's mostly passive stuff, and having a chance to proc Luna 1/round is fairly worth the slot.

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Brady is a tough one alright, mind you I still need to work out what to go with for Gaius!Yarne's last slot. I think most of his skills are alright and I guess that last one should be a map by map basis...

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I don't understand what's with this fighting, but I would marry Priam over Chrom any day. It's funny. Priam himself was wasted potential because he doesn't show up in the main game, only in the paralogues. I did like that villains like Walhart, Aversa and Gangrel got a redeeming support after you recruit them. I wish they did the same in Fates though, and no I am not referring to the Prison mechanic, it doesn't count because no supports.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is there a general list for recommended in-game hard/lunatic pairs?

Pairing discussions almost always seem to focus on post-game and heavy grinding.

I'm sure I can bumble through fine on my own, even with horrible matches, but I would prefer to have indecisive and bad inclinations mitigated by an idea of what the consensus of much more experienced players is.

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