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Speaking of Czar, where the hell is he anyways? Man I missed his pairing advice. : [

Unless I'm very much mistaken, Fates is taking up much of his time now.

Edit: Though, upon checking his profile, it seems he hasn't posted for about three weeks. So I don't really know what's up. Hope everything's okay!

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Hey, I'm the person who asked for help on a gay Apo run a few pages back. Thanks to some new hacking advances, the Spotpass characters, Flavia, and Say'ri can now support. I was originally planning on Chrom/Gaius, MU/second gen, Olivia/Sully, Cordelia/Panne, Sumia/Cherche, Maribelle/Miriel, Lissa/Tharja, and just kinda ditching Nowi. Now, though, Aversa, Emmeryn, and Say'ri are also viable wives, and they all pass Peg. Slightly less relevant are Flavia (passes GK, Assassin, and BK), Anna (passes Sage, Sniper, and Assassin), and Tiki (passes Sage and Wyvern).

Problems I've noticed with the old pairings are that Severa is basically just at base with better mods and Assassin (EDIT: wait, never mind, I'm wrong, she gets Wyvern and the speed for it, this is actually kind of great), Cynthia gets absolutely nothing relevant from Cherche, and of course Nah just doesn't exist.

Note that this is specifically a gay run, so I'm not doing any straight marriages (to mix things up). I'm also going to be restarting the run with FeMU this time.

What should I change?

Hate to be ~that person~ and ask for help twice about the same thing, but if anyone has any advice I'd really appreciate it.

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So the parameters are basically:

1) Chrom x Any male character for Lucina

2) FeMu x 2nd gen female for MaMorgan

3) Lissa, Olivia, Maribelle, Sully, Sumia, Cordelia, Cherche, Panne, Miriel, Tharja, Nowi can all marry each other for dual children, but also Flavia, Aversa, Emmeryn and Say'ri?

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Are you talking about Owain, then I recommend Stahl as he could make Owain a decent physical fighter and a awesome Dread Fighter. If not, good physical dads are as follow; Stahl, Frederick, Chrom, The Vaike, Gregor, Avatar (Depends on your asset/flaw) and Lon'qu.

Good Pairings for Maribelle are Henry (for a sorcerer Brady), Virion (decent mods to pass), Lon'qu (same as Virion but better) and Ricken (more magic power). Overall, Brady is a great character that he don't need a father to even function as well as he do on the battlefield. His Ma already passes down some great classes to him and he only need the mods from his dad and probably nothing else at all.

FoliFF: I've got Stahl!Owain and I can vouch for his effectiveness as a physical unit. I generally agree with all Sil3nt 4sh's other picks, except to note that Lon'qu is slightly wasted on Owain due to class overlap.

Brady's definitely good with a lot of different dads. I actually think Libra is among your better choices: his stats are close to what Henry would give, and he doesn't really need Berserker so Henry can be put to better use elsewhere, either to pass down Berserker or to give Cynthia a good +Mag dad when Chrom marries someone else (typically the Avatar or Olivia).

Sweet I completely forgot about Dread Fighter until you mentioned, Stahl!Owain it is then! I guess I gotta give Bardy more love this time around considering he fell to the side lines on my previous playthroughs. xD

And as I feared about Taguel in general... It seems Panne and Yarne will get benched ones again. Doesn't help with my big bias on Manaketes too.

I guess I probably should post my pairing for my Lunatic+ run then:







CordeliaxFredrick/Kellam - Fredrick has more edge here being the better father to one of my favorite units that is Severa for that lovely motherxdaughter combo.

GregorxMiriel - Never tried this pairing and it might work.

CherchexFredrick/Kellam - Honestly only reason why Fredrick is here is because I love their support and ending card lol. Also Gerome is like one of the children I never use...

MaribellexLon'qu/Henry - Honestly I can't decide on which... but Henry more balanced mods though. I might go for that Sorceress Bardy as I type this.

OliviaxLibra/Kellam/Lon'qu/ - same deal can't decide which...

Pannexwhatever that's left.

Bold are set, while the rest isn't. Who will be left single and be forever alone... If you guys have other suggestion I'm all ears.

As for paring for the children character... Hmm I dunno really. I'm open for suggestion. Honestly what clicks for me are OwainxMorgan(/Cynthia if Morgan wasn't female xD), SeveraxIngo/Bardy. I also read many go with LucinaxLaurent but considering I'm not going mage with Lucina it's probably not ideal.

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Given your picks at the bottom are not chosen, do you mind if I really shake 'em up a bit and suggest a few you aren't considering? Because if so, then I'd recommend...

Cordelia x Lon'qu -- Severa has solid stuff to begin with, and Lon'qu brings a lovely +6 Spd/Skl cap.

Gregor x Miriel -- Everything I've heard says this is great so I'm not gonna question it (haven't done it myself yet--next file!)

Cherche x Henry -- Fixes one of Gerome's main weaknesses, the lack of Berserker. If Henry isn't needed for Sumia, this is a great place to use him.

Maribelle x Libra -- Despite being only a so-so dad, Libra is almost as good as Henry here, and Brady is already good enough on his own that he doesn't need much expansion to his kit.

Olivia x Fred -- Again, despite being only so-so as a dad in general, Fred is pretty good for Inigo. Decent stats, and more importantly, strong class inheritance (Wyvern and Cavalier).

Panne x Virion -- Technically it doesn't matter, if you're benching Yarne. But Virion is a competent choice--not the best possible, but you don't need the best here.

I'm not so sure on the kid pairs. Haven't read as much about how to really exploit that.

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Why would you bench Yarne? In the second gen you are going to have:

Male - Owain, Inigo, Brady, Laurent, Yarne, Gerome (6)

Female - Lucina, Severa, Cynthia, Noire, Kjelle, Nah, Morgan (7)

Unless you are just not looking to use everyone, Nah would be the most likely to be benched.

I think amiabletemplar's suggestions are good. Although I would consider:

1) Running Virion!Severa (better hair), LQ!Brady (allows him max speed on sage with dark flier pairup) and Libra!Yarne (slight downgrade).

2) Using Ricken (if you choose not to use him with Olivia). He makes a great Dark Flier Severa if you wanted to run that, and is an upgrade on Gregor for Laurent if he is hard-supporting as Sage.

For second gen marriages, ideally you pair off physical and magical. For the most part:

- Owain, Brady are normally magical units (although your Owain will be physical)

- Inigo varies on his father (Libra, Ricken = Magical, Fred, Stahl, Chrom = Physical)

- Gerome and Yarne are physical hard supports

- Laurent can be either physical or magical hard support (Laurent makes a fine berserker)

the females have more variation

- Lucina, Cynthia and Morgan(F) can run either

- Kjelle, Nah, Severa normally physical

- Noire normally physical, but can run dark flier too

You can try to balance marriages around that, but you can always just run physical x magical anyway.

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Honestly Barbarian - Berserk line is probably the only line I don't run since I never found it be interesting class nor skills other than Axeflaire. Has to do with I never run with Axe wielders on my team other than classes that can wield axes like Hero and GK. I can now see why Gerome can need it for that Axeflaire though. Looking at skills selection letting Henry pass down Tomebreaker while Gerome getting Axeflaire is now a doable option. With that I also want to make Sorcerer!Bardy with Libra which I forgot. That's two pairing that is checked then.

I've been thinking of Cordelia x Lon'qu for that lovely +6 Spd/Skl on Severa, so it's a great pick.

Which leads me to Olivia x Fredrick. Well it's either him or Kellam for Olivia. They are close to each other except Freddy is more offensive while Kellam is defensive.

edit: oh shit ninja'd gotta read that.



Sorry I have such a huge bias on Manaketes so Nah is a must in my team. As for Yarne I just don't know what kind of set up with skills I want with him. I can see him be a great beast killer and support unit but other than that not really.

My problem with Virion!Severa are lack of skills that I feel worthy to pass down compared to Lon'qu, (Astra and Swordflaire comes to mind).

I'm a bit lost on your second recommendation though. Do you mean Ricken!Inigo will be great pair up with DF!Severa?

Also thanks for the 2nd gen marriages. I'll take that into consideration. Otherwise I'll do like I always have done. Pair up which support on which support they fit best each other to.

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Yarne is just an effective hard support for postgame. Supports actually end up doing more damage than leads. They aren't particularly fun to use (although there is no reason he can't run a more fun class before postgame), but effective. Berserkers with aggressor have insane damage on the player phase and give great pairup boosts (+7 STR, +5 SPD) to the lead unit

Ah if you are using Nah, I would suggest leaving whichever of Noire and Kjelle didn't get Gaius on the bench. No matter what, someone will be forever alone.

Virion!Severa and LQ!Severa do most of Severa's most important things equally well. Astra is actually fairly useless on Severa, you normally want to run it in combination with Luna (which Severa doesn't have). Only Stahl gives her both. If you are planning to give Severa a sword-wielding class, neither LQ or Virion are a great option unless you are running something gimmicky (e.g. the LQ!Severa breaker set that used to be around).

Ricken!Severa is actually a solid choice is what I meant, sorry for being unclear. Gives you tomefaire, luna if you wanted it and a nice magic mod. Ricken!Inigo does make a nice pairup for DF!Severa anyway, incidentally.

All my recommendations concern making the kids strong for apotheosis though, which it is pretty clear isn't your aim (if you are using manaketes and sorcerors). You will also find Lunatic+ incredibly restricting in terms of what you will be running unless you grind excessively. I have always just powered through with 2-8 units then powered up everyone for postgame.

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I see now. Ricken does gives a nice selection skills to Severa. I can then run sol+luna combo and with tomefaire she will indeed be a good DF. Wonder why I haven't thought about that before. With that I have nailed down who will be Severas dad.

Actually I intended to use both Noire and Kjelle too, heck I intended to use all the girls xD

I tend just play the game I want too, even though I might restrict myself unintentionally. Shouldn't be much of a problem though, considering I'm grinding. I might try apotheosis in the end even though it isn't my aim. There will probably be only one man left standing, but hey I'm on causal so I don't have to worry about losing my guys. Something tells me I need to prepare many Limit Breaker skills for that though.

With that my final pairing will be:

MaMU x Tiki

Chrom x Sumia

Donnel x Sully

Lissa x Stahl

Giaus x Tharja

Vaike x Nowi

Gregor x Miriel

Cherche x Henry

Cordelia x Ricken

Maribelle x Libra

Olivia x Fredrick

Panne x Lon'qu/Virion/Kellam - I'll try find some love for Yarne but as it stand right now I don't see it. If so should he remain as Taguel after I got the skills needed or should his final class something else?

With that thanks for the helps, I got some new pairing I didn't think of. This lunatic+ run will be interesting.

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FoliFF: Actually, Sol/Luna is generally not seen as a good idea, as the two procs compete with each other. Sol has higher priority than Luna, so if both of them proc, you miss out on the bonus damage. Since Severa always has access to Dark Knight, if healing is something you care about, it's better to go Lifetaker/Luna. Lifetaker isn't a proc, and when paired with Galeforce, it can get you 100% healing per round, making it far more efficient than Sol. It's still generally considered better to run something that boosts offense (either directly e.g. Faire/proc, or indirectly e.g. hit booster/weapon breaker), but at least you avoid the possibility of competing procs.

[spoiler=Proc stuff]Going for two procs is a calculated choice: you want the expenditure of a second slot to give you the best chance of doing the biggest effect possible. So Sol is only really good to pair with Aether, because Aether is the only other proc that can heal, since it's basically a better version of Sol to begin with.

This thread lays out info about proc stacking/interfering, but I'll quote the most relevant bit here.

Procstacks with positive Synergy:
Aether+Sol = Consistent Healing [Note the only Sol combo to have positive synergy]
Aether+Luna= Consistent Damage
Aether+Ignis= Consistent Damage
Luna+Ignis= Consistent Damage [not as strong as A/L or A/I]
Aether+Luna+Ignis= Extremely high Proc chance. [Dropping Ignis in favor of a -faire becomes better at ~75 SKL, unless you -need- constant proc, ignoring average output, because you're one of those "OMGERR you don't have 100% not consistent, lucky." people]

Negative synergy: Don't use these combos.
Sol+Vengeance = Higher Priority Skill does less Damage, Reduces power of Vengeance
Aether+Vengeance = Reduces the power of vengeance
Luna+Vengeance (Past ~54 Damage taken) = Higher Priority Skill does less Damage
Astra+Luna= Higher Priority Skill does less Damage
Astra+Ignis= Higher Priority Skill does less Damage
Sol+Luna = Higher Priority Skill does less Damage
Sol+Ignis = Higher Priority Skill does less Damage
Astra+Sol = Nothing beneficial from them, conflicting uses.

To be fair, Lethality+Anything outside of Apo has positive Synergy, as Lethal has the highest priority and just up and kills the opponent. [it's fairly good for L+ Skirmish (Hello, nearly Apo level enemies who don't have Dragonskin) and Streetpass (both as used by SP team and against them) applications, but other than that, it kinda sucks.]
In Apo, Lethality+Anything has negative synergy, as Lethality does less damage than all actives except 0 power Vengeance and Sol, and has highest priority.

The only caveat to the above info is that Astra CAN do more damage than Luna. Which one is better depends on the stats of the enemies you're fighting. For very low-Def/Res units that can't dodge your attacks, Astra is much better than Luna: 2.5x damage, with good chance to crit 2-3 times, is MUCH better than a measly +3 or +4 damage. For regular maps and challenges, you'll rarely see Luna outperform Astra. But for DLC and *especially* Apo, Luna is/can be waaaaaaaaaay better than Astra; sky-high Def/Res plus Dragonskin+ and Aegis+/Pavise+ means hitting for half damage is hitting for almost no damage at all, whereas Luna can easily double the damage you're dealing.

As for Yarne, I don't think anyone will recommend that you keep him a Taguel. Assassin is an acceptable choice if you want to keep similar stats--Taguels with Beaststone+ have almost identical stats to Assassins (and very nearly identical pair-up bonuses). Berserker is generally the recommended class for physical male supports, and that's what Yarne will be best at doing with any of those three dads. (My vote goes to Virion, for Hit+20, but Lon'qu theoretically gives stats that are just a hair better.) If you want more mobility, Wyvern Lord is also an option.

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Thanks for the tip, didn't think of the skill priority. Welp, I'm still planning what skills I should pass down to their children, other than the gender exclusive classes to the opposite gender that is. For example I don't want to pass down GF if the girl herself can learn it and have some other important skill from a class to pass down to skip the unnecessary grind. For Severa case I'll pass down bowbreaker and tomeflaire from Cordelia and Ricken respectively and with that I can skip the merc line and go for lifetaker then and then reclass to DF as final class. With that while I would love to ask which skills I should prioritize to pass down to my children I don't know if this topic belongs here.

Meh why I ask to keep Yarne as taguel is because I like to have my units as closely to their original class line as possible. Could be the the biggest reason why he gets benched so often with his mother. However, if assassin is the class to go I might find some use to him. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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For non-gender-exclusive inheritance, your priorities are (1) speeding up levelling, (2) skipping undesirable reclassing, and (3) getting something really useful early on. So Galeforce is close to the best option: girls will level up much faster with it. The Avatar's Veteran skill is similar, being a straight-up XP boost, especially since the other Tactician skill (Solidarity) is...meh.

Using Severa as the example: Cordelia will almost surely have GF when you recruit Severa, so that saves you grinding time and makes map clearing with Severa faster. You'd AT LEAST need to reclass and promote to get GF (reclass to Peg Rider, promote to DF), and probably want to promote to Hero first--that's a long time to go without Galeforce, and being able to wait and go into Dark Flier (if that's what you want her to be) only at the very end can save you some effort. As for Ricken, he can't give Severa anything male-specific, nor anything that speeds up levelling, so you want to look at classes you'd like to skip if you can or classes that focus on stats you don't care about but give skills you want. Sage is a fantastic class to go through, since it can level up by spamming Rescue (Rescue Staves essentially convert gold into XP, :P:) So having Ricken pass something else is probably worth your time. Bowbreaker is a valid choice (since Ricken can learn it too), though you could also go with Discipline (faster weapon skill gain is a form of faster levelling), Luna (procs = more kills), or Lifetaker (early grinding can leave units vulnerable).

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It's +10 Str and +8 Spd with every other stat receiving +3 except for Res since since Yarne's Res growth is ass. Zerker pair-up bonus is +5 Str and +3 Spd, A/S support gives pair-up bonuses +2 (so +7 Str and +5 Spd), then for each stat over 10/20/30 it's +1/+2/+3 so Yarne @ Zerker gives +10 Str and +8 Spd.

You can basically assume the all stats +3 from every pairup. It is the class-specific bonuses (+7 str, +5 spd) that matter.

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Sorry for asking this but what is a good inheritance skills to pass down to (+Mag/-Def) Sumia!Lucina!Morgan.

I am stuck with the choices: Wrath, Counter and Axefaire.

I like to pick Counter but with Avatar's flaw and Lucina's mod, Morgan receive a lower defense compared to others and feel she be taken out fast even with Sorcerer and Norfesatu/Aversa Night tanking.

Axefaire is for the choice of abusing Armstift Helswarth Wyvern Lord when doing Wyvern Lord x Berserker or Hero pairing with Libra!Inigo and using its extreme strength of Helswarth to perform incredible damages but feel like a waste of an inheritance as I can get the other -faire but the idea though hmmmm....

Wrath is to go for the obvious VVW combo with either a Sage or Sorcerer class but can't help but feel it won't compared to the other two with ideal situation in skirmishes or Streetpass as it required calculated thinking to get your life low and for you to actually get the critical as even with high value like 80%-90%, it won't activated much and the unit will get kill- at least in my experience with it.

I would like opinions on this matter if you don't mind. I have a habbit where I must pass down an only- gender skills to the opposite gender child, I really wish I could care less but I can't.

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Yeah, Axefaire is really the only highly-desirable skill for dads to pass down to their daughters. (Well, I guess Donny's Aptitude/Underdog might also count, but those aren't really "highly" desirable--they're just not as bad as Counter and less situational than Wrath.

Though I'm curious, Not_The_NSA: is 100% Dual Strike even possible? S support gives (sum of skill)/4 + 60. Add another 10 for Dual Strike+ gives you 70. So it's simple algebra to solve for the sum of skill values: Skl total = 4*(100-70) = 4*30 = 120. With tonics (two +2s so +4 total) and the base pair-up bonus (+3), I suppose that takes it down to 113 total...but it still sounds like it would be hard to reach. Without Dual Strike+, you're looking at an extra 40 points, which makes it essentially impossible to hit--even with tonics, All+2, LB, a +Skl/-Def Avatar parent, and all the Rallies you can get, you're still only looking at each one getting, roughly, (62+2+2+4+4+2) = 76, which means 152 combined, +3 base pairup, + 3 best class bonus for pairup, +2 to class bonus from S support = 160...so I guess you can achieve it if you blow literally all of your resources on it. Seems like a bit of a waste, though--is the difference between 90% and 100% really that dramatic? I honestly wouldn't know.

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My first RNG proof run (no DLC/9 unit low deploy) used FeMUxChrom V/V/100%DS. Sage/Sniper squeezed in just enough Skl for the 100% DS thanks to DS+.

I've done other perfect clear runs with V/V that don't need/use 100% DS (in fact, I unequip for 0% DS for the consistency). Those were for no dlc/no rally and a "zero condition" runs. I did no dlc/no braves on paper, but that used 100% DS.

Sometimes you need the 100% DS; sometimes you don't. I think you should ask yourself is it worth it to spend a lot of resources getting that 100% (sometimes it's not realistic even if it is plausible). If that's a yes, then understand you might be forgoing other skill options (you might be running Skl+2/Defender/etc. just to bleed out a few points). But that doesn't apply to only DS. You can say the exact same thing about hitting 75 Spd vs 69 Spd as well. There's a lot of things you should consider when reaching for specific benchmarks.

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So the parameters are basically:

1) Chrom x Any male character for Lucina

2) FeMu x 2nd gen female for MaMorgan

3) Lissa, Olivia, Maribelle, Sully, Sumia, Cordelia, Cherche, Panne, Miriel, Tharja, Nowi can all marry each other for dual children, but also Flavia, Aversa, Emmeryn and Say'ri?

Yep, pretty much.

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Chrom/Gaius seems like a no-brainer due to Galeforce for Lucina and Gaius outclassing Donnel.

- Cynthia can no longer get aether, so she just wants mods. Sumia herself is great for mods, but also might be needed for galeforce.

- Severa also mainly wants mods, but Cordelia might be needed for galeforce.

- Noire would love a second parent who gives Sage and Dark Flier. AKA Lissa, Sumia, Maribelle or Emmeryn.

- Kjelle just wants galeforce mainly. Sully gives a decent SPD mod to the other child, too.

- Nah wants galeforce and proc. Sumia, Cordelia, Aversa are the only options.

- Owain/Inigo both want a proc (luna or vengeance), plenty of options for that.

- Brady only wants mods

- Yarne wants galeforce + proc. Like Nah, Sumia, Cordelia and Aversa are the only options. Ideally Cordelia I think for mods.

- Gerome again falls into the same category of wanting galeforce + proc. So Sumia, Cordelia or Aversa.

- Laurent wants galeforce, but he already has vengeance so not really much else. Miriel ideal for magical partner.

So from this, I would start with combining Nowi/Cherche/Panne with Sumia/Cordelia/Aversa. Cordelia x Panne would yield insane mods for Yarne and Severa (4 STR, 5 SKL, 6 SPD). Probably Cherche x Sumia and Nowi x Aversa from there.

Tharja x Lissa would be good for both Noire and Owain.

Miriel x Maribelle would give Laurent galeforce, luna if he wants it and give nice mods to both.

This leaves Inigo and Kjelle. You could just run Olivia x Sully. Although Sully x Say'ri and Olivia x Flavia might work a bit better.

Lucina would obviously be great for FeMu. Otherwise Noire or Severa depending what class you are running.

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Hi, I had a question regarding my Apotheosis pairings, mainly how should I pair the 2nd Gen units up? First, here's my pairings:

Chrom X Sumia

Lissa X Henry

Sully X Donnel

Miriel X Stahl

Tharja X Gaius

Maribelle X Lon'qu

Panne X Ricken

Cordelia X Gregor

Nowi X Vaike

Olivia X Libra

Cherche X Virion

FeMU (+Mag/-Def) X Yarne

Basically I was wondering what the best way to divide up my galegirls and galeboys would be. Should I prioritize double galepairs? Laurent and Yarne I guess will function as hard supports so I'm thinking Berserker for both.

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Axefaire, it gives Lucina!Morgan the option to go reclass to Hero.

VVW needs 100% Dual Strike, otherwise your unit is going to get killed in Apo. Amazing how many people watch airshipcanon's video, but seem to miss this important part. So Wrath isn't useful.

Counter: just don't bother. If you're grinding ad nauseum, your units are going to dodge/Dual Guard/take minimal damage and it's nullified by the tougher enemies. You only have five skillslots, use them wisely.

Yeah, Axefaire is really the only highly-desirable skill for dads to pass down to their daughters. (Well, I guess Donny's Aptitude/Underdog might also count, but those aren't really "highly" desirable--they're just not as bad as Counter and less situational than Wrath.

Though I'm curious, Not_The_NSA: is 100% Dual Strike even possible? S support gives (sum of skill)/4 + 60. Add another 10 for Dual Strike+ gives you 70. So it's simple algebra to solve for the sum of skill values: Skl total = 4*(100-70) = 4*30 = 120. With tonics (two +2s so +4 total) and the base pair-up bonus (+3), I suppose that takes it down to 113 total...but it still sounds like it would be hard to reach. Without Dual Strike+, you're looking at an extra 40 points, which makes it essentially impossible to hit--even with tonics, All+2, LB, a +Skl/-Def Avatar parent, and all the Rallies you can get, you're still only looking at each one getting, roughly, (62+2+2+4+4+2) = 76, which means 152 combined, +3 base pairup, + 3 best class bonus for pairup, +2 to class bonus from S support = 160...so I guess you can achieve it if you blow literally all of your resources on it. Seems like a bit of a waste, though--is the difference between 90% and 100% really that dramatic? I honestly wouldn't know.

I see.Thank for the help everybody. This stumps me out of all the children I done as I have a set plan and Morgan can literally be everything but I wanted a nice skill to pass down. I gonna chose Axefaire for that Armshift!Helswarth Wyvern Lord x Berserker pairing with Libra!Inigo. It is a good alternative to their orginal class set which was Valkyrie x Sage.

Seriously, I can't thank you guys enough. : ] :XD: :XD:

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Hi, I had a question regarding my Apotheosis pairings, mainly how should I pair the 2nd Gen units up? First, here's my pairings:

Chrom X Sumia One of Chrom's best pairing as both Lucina and Cynthia get Aether, which is a kickass skill and supply both of them with good mod and skills.

Lissa X Henry Henry!Owain is actually a good pairing. It is not strong as Ricken!Owain but it come somehat close. Owain benefit from Henry's +1 str and +1 magic, and getting the Sorcerer class is pretty big which Ricken doesn't supply. The only downside I see to this is that it might be a waste of Henry's husband potential. But feel free to go for it.

Sully X Donnel Second best pairings for Kjelle as he provide a wide varity of class choices for to choose, good mods and a great hair color (Hair color is what truly matter in this game, not stats, not mods but hair color...just kidding I think). Gaius is no. 1 though but he usually pair off with Tharja or Nowi.

Miriel X Stahl Good mods, with Luna and Dual Guard+. As always, Stahl's kids can perform well as support Assassins. He can use Vantage to increase his chances of survival, specially if he is a Sorceror. He can be a pretty great support Berserker. He is just Armshift to be as great as Gregor!Laurent.

Tharja X Gaius The only parent that I know that could make her the ultimate frontliner Sniper that she always she dreamt of. Astra, Vantage and most of all Sol.

Maribelle X Lon'qu All Brady needs to be great at his job is great mods and Lon'qu provides supreme mods for Brady to abuse the hell out of it.

Panne X Ricken Yarne will be the first and ever magical bunny performing at movie and theater but beside my ver terrible joke, Yarne has great mods, and they are slighlty lacking for HIS standards, but they are still great. The equal offensive mods lets him try to support either as a Tomefaire Sage or Bowfaire Assassin very well, specially because gets Dual Guard+.Luna, Aegis and Paladin are also very good, although Yarne isn't built for leading and he lacks Swordfaire to go with Paladin

Cordelia X Gregor Very good modwise. Severa gets access to Vantage, exactly what she needed to be a powerful Sorceror if pass down Wrath, and with a good Speed to back up. But her Strength is also very good, and she gets many new options. Npt very optimal as he provide almost no good classes and also no Luna which Severa want to have but it is not necessary. He also provide one of the best hair color for Severa though I have to hand it down to my favourite Sniper Virion for that Miku Severa.

Olivia X Libra He have good mods that are more magic-oriented, but can be good on a physical build too. Vengeance fixes his Offense problem and can do awesome combos with Wrath and Vantage. He gets more healing options and a good magic support class, if you wish him to do that

Cherche X Virion Great pairing for story as a duke and his servant learn to fall in love with each other and try to save their country but for gameplay......... Awful is one word to describe it. Somewhat balanced mods, but Gerome gets basically nothing useful out of this. The best we can do is to use Bowfaire + Warrior for support.

FeMU (+Mag/-Def) X Yarne I honestly don't know about this pairing from my personal experience but from what I hear it is pretty badass but if you want to create a speed demon Male Morgan then do Lon'qu x Panne and then +Spe or Skill/-Luck!FeMU x Yarne. It create the fasted character in the whole game but beside that your pairing will lead a speedy magic bunny that will cause terror on the battlefield

Basically I was wondering what the best way to divide up my galegirls and galeboys would be. Should I prioritize double galepairs? Laurent and Yarne I guess will function as hard supports so I'm thinking Berserker for both.

You don't have to use double galepairs if you can then by all means, abuse shit out of it. If I have to pair your character then I would do;

Kjelle x Inigo

Cynthia x Owain

Noire x Laurent

Lucina x Morgan

Nah x Brady

Severa x Gerome

This is what I can come up with. Remember that I have not use some of the pairings you have us and I'm not the best player on this site so this might not be the to unleash this team full potential. I wish Czar was here but he' not from what I heard. I hope my advice help you in anyway. Don't be afraid to ask if you still have problem.

Note: If you mind the incest in the Cynthia x Owain then you can switch Owain and Brady if you want to.

Edited by Sil3nt 4sh
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Braves are much, much better than what Helswath offers.

I would also say that Armsthrift is also not very good either. You can enter the map with as many weapons as you want, and you can buy braves. So there isn't any value besides convenience for Armsthrift. Sure, you can include it, but it won't actually help you compared to a proc or hit skill could.

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What do you think is more useful:

All Stats +2, Hex (already using Anathema), Demoiselle or Swordbreaker?

Unit used is Gerome, with father Henry. I still not sure to pick Henry above Gregor.
If Gregor would be his dad, what to pick above the names skill?

Berserker Gerome; Limit Breaker, Aggressor, Axefaire, ??? and ???


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Also would like some help on Nah. No clue what to do with her...

My other pairings;

Owain!Kellam ~ Sage Tomefaire/LB/GF/Aggressor/Luna

Inigo!Ricken ~ Sage Tomefaire/LB/GF/Aggressor/Luna

Brady!Lon'Qu ~ Sage Tomefaire/LB/GF/Aggressor/Luna

Laurent!Libra ~ Sage Tomefaire/LB/Aggressor/Anathema/Hex (or AS+2 over something?)

Kjelle!Gaius ~ Assassin LB/GF/Luna/Swordfaire/AS+2

Severa!Vaike ~ Hero LB/GF/Luna/Axefaire/Anathema

Gerome!Henry ~ Berserker Axefaire/LB/Aggressor/Hex/Anathema

Yarne!Stahl ~ Berserker Axefaire/LB/Aggressor/Hit Rate+20/Prescience

Cynthia!Chrom ~ DF Aether/Luna/Tomefaire/LB/GF

Lucina!Sumia ~ DF Aether/Luna/DS+/LB/GF

Noire!Donnel ~ DF Luna/GF/LB/Anathema/Hex

Nah can get; Frederick or Gerome? Virion doesn't offer her much. Always been struggling with her. Used to give her Vaike, but I think he does (much) better on Severa. If not, Severa would get Stahl. Then Yarne gets Virion I guess.

Your opinions? Others look good, right?

Maybe switch Noire and Kjelle?

Kjelle!Donnel~ DF LB/GF/Luna/Armsthrift/AS+2

Noire!Gaius~ Sniper LB/GF/Luna/Bowfaire/Anathema

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