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Chrom x Sumia is the best Awakening couple


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On the flipside, I don't see much sense in Chrom fathering Inigo - I just think he's too serious to put up with a philanderer son.

Ignoring the resemblance, father supports, and lampshades, I see even less sense in Cynthia following someone who doesn't even look like her father, assuming said father is Chrom. I think she would know what Chrom actually looks like instead.

It's been mentioned a few times that most of the kids don't recognize their parents, right?

Like Inigo and (IIRC) Brady only recognize that Chrom is their dad after he mentions his name, Kjelle doesn't recognize Sully (or maybe she just doesn't care to point it out), and Cynthia (obviously) doesn't remember Chrom.

But the pies are fun to nitpick at. You missed the SullyxVaike convo has a pie mention.

And Lissa x Kellam has her poisoning him with pies.

"he idea of "two people become one" has NEVER made sense to me"

Isn't this the basic idea of marriage in general or I am mistaken because Im an ignorant 19 years old

In some religious contexts, yeah. It's certainly mentioned explicitly in Christianity, but I'm not confident enough to say anything about others.

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It's been mentioned a few times that most of the kids don't recognize their parents, right?

Like Inigo and (IIRC) Brady only recognize that Chrom is their dad after he mentions his name, Kjelle doesn't recognize Sully (or maybe she just doesn't care to point it out), and Cynthia (obviously) doesn't remember Chrom.

Yet, as Al pointed out, she somehow remembers his nickname for her, and then there is the fact that somehow she doesn't realize that her blue hair came from her blue haired father.

But you're right. Not many of the kids recognize their parents, for one reason or another. The parents ARE significantly younger, and likely not suffering from nearly as much stress/wounds/scars, which can alter appearances.

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And yet, she states that she remembers Chrom calling her "Pega-Pony Princess". If she was indeed, barely old enough to remember what he looked like, then how the nickname thing works is beyond me. That is unless if she heard it from someone else, and just thought that Chrom was the one who said it.

Yet, as Al pointed out, she somehow remembers his nickname for her, and then there is the fact that somehow she doesn't realize that her blue hair came from her blue haired father.

But you're right. Not many of the kids recognize their parents, for one reason or another. The parents ARE significantly younger, and likely not suffering from nearly as much stress/wounds/scars, which can alter appearances.

Unless you're taking it literally, she made that up on the spot and made him say it.

The Japanese version makes that point a lot clearer.

Believing Cynthia remembers her Father with that dialogue is like taking Sumia and Miriel's Summer Scramble conversation seriously like some people have done on GameFAQs, calling her a backstabbing, lying whore.

If we're trying to tear apart each others pairings through dialogue inconsistencies... there's MU's B support with Olivia when saving up money for the theater. The premise that Chrom's her husband makes that entire exchange silly. Considering how depressed she gets when thinking that she'll never ever ever EVER have enough funds for it.

Just take it at face value and accept that Chrom married the generic village girl. That's the only one that makes EVERYTHING have sense and makes it completely hilarious that Tiamo/Cordelia couldn't compete for his Falchion from a generic.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Unless you're taking it literally, she made that up on the spot and made him say it.

The Japanese version makes that point a lot clearer.

If we're trying to tear apart each others pairings through dialogue inconsistencies... there's MU's B support with Olivia when saving up money for the theater. The premise that Chrom's her husband makes that entire exchange silly. Considering how depressed she gets when thinking that she'll never ever ever EVER have enough funds for it.

Just take it at face value and accept that Chrom married the generic village girl. That's the only one that makes EVERYTHING have sense and makes it completely hilarious that Tiamo/Cordelia couldn't compete for his Falchion from a generic.

Did she? Wow, learn something new everyday. ^^ Thank you for clarifying. I hadn't realized that.

I'd... actually forgotten about that. I usually skip through all supports save S's in the game nowadays.

But that makes for a poor Lucina *sarcasm*. (It's hilarious, yes.)

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So Chrom/Sumia won. I'm really not that surprised, but respect is given where respect is due. [/claps]

I really need to get that support conversation for the log itself instead of just watching it on Youtube... see if I can't bat my eyelashes a bit more and make my sister cave. :)

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Also just another note: The "two become one/as one" thing is a phrase in Japanese.


Think of it as an ideal in Japanese. In marriage... and well... that's the phrase they also use to describe... the bedroom.

So the translation went with that ideal intact in mind, I guess.

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Also just another note: The "two become one/as one" thing is a phrase in Japanese.


Think of it as an ideal in Japanese. In marriage... and well... that's the phrase they also use to describe... the bedroom.

So the translation went with that ideal intact in mind, I guess.

Did that come up in game? I was using it in context of a person "living and breathing" for another, and used that phrase as another example of it and how I find it difficult to understand, or like, the concept. (Though knowing that latter part is absolutely hilarious.)

But isn't that comparison a little harsh? I'd legitimately thought Cynthia had remembered Chrom calling her "Pega-Pony Princess" (and obviously I misremembered if it was made up), something that only comes up when Cynthia is her father. The Sumia-Miriel conversation came off as a joke from the get-go, didn't it?

[...Am I even explaining myself well?]

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But isn't that comparison a little harsh?

I do admit, reading it again, it comes out that way.

My beef with it in the localization I guess is that it isn't INHERENTLY obvious that she made it up on the spot.

I absolutely love the name though.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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The problem with the comparison is....

The first one is a matter of:

- Lack of potraits. The fake Chrom might have been potrayed as simmilar to Chrom, but the potraits did no justice

- Maybe localization issue

-....or an in game joke

....While the other is SazukeEX, literally the single dumbest member of Cordelia White Knights

Edited by JSND
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- Lack of potraits. The fake Chrom might have been potrayed as simmilar to Chrom, but the potraits did no justice

That would have sold it a lot better.

But as you noticed, it's the same face as the jerk you kill in Azure/Ichigo/Inigo's map.

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If we're trying to tear apart each others pairings through dialogue inconsistencies... there's MU's B support with Olivia when saving up money for the theater. The premise that Chrom's her husband makes that entire exchange silly. Considering how depressed she gets when thinking that she'll never ever ever EVER have enough funds for it.

well, nitpicking, but in golden gaffe Lissa only has 3 gold coin pieces and frederick 15.

maybe chrom's just a stingy man.

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CWK is like the second most prominent fanboy group after The Owain Brigade and maybe Tharja Mercenary

Eh... while I get that Cordy has fans, the only person I've thought was obloquious enough to be considered a 'White Knight' was Saz.

Edited by Canto
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I do admit, reading it again, it comes out that way.

My beef with it in the localization I guess is that it isn't INHERENTLY obvious that she made it up on the spot.

I absolutely love the name though.

Watching through the vid made me think either way. The wording comes off as that's something Chrom called her when she was little. But the fact that she made it up does also fit in with her character.

...Ugh, ambiguous. (Still funny, of course)

A better portrait for that boss would've helped a lot. Even just coloring the hair differently would've worked.

Also, this is where I reveal I've never frequented the gamefaqs forums. I'm guessing this SazukeEX person isn't exactly the most tactful or polite? I've heard complaints about him (her?) before.

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Also, this is where I reveal I've never frequented the gamefaqs forums. I'm guessing this SazukeEX person isn't exactly the most tactful or polite? I've heard complaints about him (her?) before.

Check the commments here to get a small... SMALL sample.

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Check the commments here to get a small... SMALL sample.

...Well, all right then... someone might need to get their head examined, because that sort of white knighting seems to speak of some sort of disorder. Possibly an anxiety disorder? A belief that they are being targeted for thinking different and, therefore, must speak out in order to try and find a support group where they can feel safe?

...I need to not read stuff while studying for a psych exam. I really do.

Fans like that make me almost sad of my preferred pairings. I mean, it would be funny if I knew they weren't being serious, but they are. *sigh* My preferred pairing for Chrom IS Fem!Avatar, but I readily admit their support isn't the best and mostly like it because I just like the story better with them paired (and I prefer Chrom's other options with... well, other people). Sumia's a sweetheart, even if she does try too hard and not quite make things work. Backstabber is a little much, though. Cordelia's the one who doesn't say anything, right? Like, Cordelia never even seems to TRY, yes?

Sweet jesus, I am glad I've never set foot on the GameFAQs forums ever

Me too. Serenes is all I need. The people tend to be FAR more polite and awesome.

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I vote that we lynch all Awakening pairings, since clearly they must ALL be scum if it causes so much in-town fighting. Who's with me? :P:

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I vote that we lynch all Awakening pairings, since clearly they must ALL be scum if it causes so much in-town fighting. Who's with me? :P:


##Lynch Sangyul

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Polydeuces has been modkilled! He was:

Dear Polydeuces,

You are independent wiggling flan.

You win when you are modkilled.

Polydeuces has won and has been ejected from this game!

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