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Is Lugh or Lilina a better unit?

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Last time I checked, hand axes dominated fe7 and fe8 is stupid easy to begin with sooo....

Forgive me for forgetting that. It's been awhile since I've played FE7.

Also I apologize for completely derailing the thread, please go back to Lilina, Lugh stuff.

Edited by Folgore Red II
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Back to the topic, I'd say Lugh definitely has the advantage support wise (Ray, Chad and Ellen vs Roy, Roy, and... Roy. Maybe Oujay too.).

Edited by Levant Fortner
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Lilina's Magic growth is overkill more than useful. I don't see why people are hyping up her Roy support, either, as it just gives more superfluous atk and a mere 1 Def/7 avo at A, which isn't going to help her awful durability. I guess the Hit boost is nice, though, considering it's FE6. The Spd and extra chapters really make the difference here in putting Lugh on top, though even he is just kind of average.

Lilina is bad. God forbid you end up in Sacae with her.

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Lilina's Magic growth is overkill more than useful. I don't see why people are hyping up her Roy support, either, as it just gives more superfluous atk and a mere 1 Def/7 avo at A, which isn't going to help her awful durability. I guess the Hit boost is nice, though, considering it's FE6. The Spd and extra chapters really make the difference here in putting Lugh on top, though even he is just kind of average.

Lilina is bad. God forbid you end up in Sacae with her.

Well, it's about her only decent support, which is why I mentioned it. Other than that, there's Oujay, and... then you're scraping the bottom of the barrel support wise.

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Her Heal will definitely be on par to Clarine's Mend. And yes, Aircalibur has enough uses, but with a Mage / Sage's low defences I'd still rather one-shot Wyverns myself.

Any way, I'm guessing it's all about preferences.

But I, myself strongly prefer Lilina.

By the time clarine's mend is not enouh, you should already have Niime, who's a better staff user than lilina anyway. Sage!Lugh should be also able to heal almost everyone completely with a heal staff. And there's also the fact that she won't be able to use any high rank staff, for a long time.

By the way, even on HM it's really easy to recruit gonzales and the other guy who requires her, even with a level 1 lilina.

And her support with Roy is kind of irrelevant, considering he's better supported with alan and lance

Edited by Nobody
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Roy/Lilina is good for drafts/efficiency in general, since you barely get any time to grind supports compared to FE7. Too bad Lilina isn't :/

I'd say Lugh is better due to earlygame and doubling more, but Lilina is definitely worth considering, being both powerful and accurate.

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Well, in my only FE6 run Lugh has 6 magic at ~14 level (but also something like ~15 speed).

But even with dat magic he was good unit. He does heavy damage to all physical units, ORKO Wyvern with Aircalibur and he is dodge tank (especially with FE6 hit rates).

I don't really know how good is Lilina, mainly because I stop using her when she has level 5. She was just wasting my slot.

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Lugh is better in efficiency because of the early chapters where his chip is way better than Wolt's but is best dumped when the maps become long because you don't want to carry such a scrub around.

In manipulation-heavy LTC (like, rigged to the max), Lilina's support with Roy apparently makes her an appealing choice for sieging and that kind of stuff, so she becomes essential for such a run (that only one person has ever bothered playing anyway).

Couldn't the same be said for Lugh? I mean, he joins earlier and has a better affinity too.

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this makes no sense when you consider that most leveled mounted units outclass lilina

Also he ignored Percival, which is just wrong.

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