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••!•• Would you prefer: Day 13+14


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Thinking of starting something else like this because I realize I'm making new topics often lately.

Day 1: Would you prefer a theoretical FE14 to be a new game entirely, featuring a new lord, new characters and a new plot OR a prequel/sequel to FE13?

Edited by Elieson
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Definitely a new setting. I don't see any of the existing settings benefiting of a sequel of some kind. They are all nicely wrapped up.

I don't see Awakening providing good soil for a hypothetical sequel either. It's world and story are absurdly bare bone and yet still managed that said story ended up being unbelievable stupid.

A sequel could probably retroactively fix all that.

But I think that investing all that energy and creativity into a new world would reap better results.

Edited by BrightBow
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Sequel. Games usually come in twos, no reason to not continue that tradition. It was also continue the game and series' momentum by including this game's popular character. If you don't want the future generation to get a game, there is still a whole generation of children from timeline B that can grow up and have their own story. That way they can also make design or personality changes if they so choose.

Also the prequel idea we had on couple's contest was pretty cool. It stars Chrom's father, and cover's his assumed tragic fall. First game starts with his rise to power. Second half of the game is his former teammates banding together to defeat him.

Also please correct title's spelling.

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New. Or a remake of FE4 with no Avatar.

If the next game is in any way a continuation of FE13 (prequel, sequel, midquel, adventures of the First Exalt) I might buy it used. I don't care if a new game "fixes" the deficiencies of FE13's plotting and world-building-- I already paid for a brand-new game and a bunch of DLC and that seriously should've been enough to make it work.

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New, I mean Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem is gonna have Chrom and Lucina anyways so its not like they will be a one time thing.

I also kind of feel there isn't really much to do with FE13's world after the game and all its DLC. I mean IF they do make a sequel there is also the pressing issue as to how to avert massive fan backlash, because everyone likes quite a few different pairings, not everyones avatars were even the same gender so you'd have to make some kind of save transfer so everyones headcanons remain intact.

Edited by Folgore Red II
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Normally I'd vote for a prequel/sequel, but Awakening had such strong connection to the Akaneia games with the lore behind Marth, homages to previous heroes/villains and the notable inclusion of a much older tiki that it doesn't doesn't feel necessary. Personally I already regard Awakening as a sequel albeit with a generational gap and different game mechanics.

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I would rather have a new game than an other one that has some connections to Awakening (be it sequel, prequel or whatever)

However i would like if they keep some of the features like the massive class trees and skills, or that two units can participate in one battle (be it with pairup or just standing next to ech other (actually prefering the later)). And a really enjoied that one unit can have a multitude of sopports and not only a few like in older games.

I would also really like if they remade both Elibe games in one new game with the generation system (and other tweeks of course)^^
Or a game which is set in Elibe, but during the scouring, featuring the eight legendary heros as the main cast!

Or someting set in Tellius, more focused on the branded, though this is very unlikely to happen imo :/

Actually i'd be happy with whatever they are going to make ^^

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I would much rather see a new game than a return to Awakening. Sequel would be retarded because of the marriage system in Awakening and a prequel just doesn't interest me since it would be Chrom's daddy as the Lord and was kinda a bad guy.

Not a choice, but I mostly want a remake of FE2. And a download only localization of FE12...

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New, I mean Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem is gonna have Chrom and Lucina anyways so its not like they will be a one time thing.

I also kind of feel there isn't really much to do with FE13's world after the game and all its DLC. I mean IF they do make a sequel there is also the pressing issue as to how to avert massive fan backlash, because everyone likes quite a few different pairings, not everyones avatars were even the same gender so you'd have to make some kind of save transfer so everyones headcanons remain intact.

on the sequel: fan backlash towards canonizing pairs won't matter in terms of sales. there won't be enough people protesting the purchase for it to make a difference in a business sense. Not to mention that there are many ways to get around that.

If the SMT X FE features Chrom and Lucina as the main FE protagonists, then I would mind less that the game doesn't have a direct sequel.

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I'll take anything, but would prefer a new setting.

Although I'd like to know more about Awakening's world, we've already been everywhere and the world and setting wasn't really that interesting : P

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A new setting would be preferred, to be honest. Sure, Awakening was good (in my opinion), but I don't really think it warrants a prequel or a sequel. However, I wouldn't mind seeing some of Awakening's gameplay features returning in the next game in the series, with the exception of a FEW of the things that made the game too easy. Y'all know what I'm talking about.

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