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••!•• Would you prefer: Day 13+14


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1. Oliver

The guy was supposed to be the embodiment of everything that was wrong with the Begnion senate.

Enslaving and objectifying Laguz. A massive ego that allows him to see lifes other them himself as disposable. Feared by his subordinates and corrupt like you wouldn't believe.

And this guy becomes resurrected.... just so he can play comic relief in Radiant Dawn? I would have rather not seen him again.

2. Robin

Given my above post, this guy can't miss on this list. What I wrote above all obviously applies here too.

It says something that he dares to claim that he changed the world for the better, right after he learned that because of his actions the Grimleal were free to kill the Plegian population as sacrifice for their dumbass dragon.

Of course that statement might be totally true. Technically.

Just like I might "technically" turn the world into a better place if I throw a grenade into a crowd in shopping center. You can never know what dangerous bad guys I might end up killing that way.

And I don't even want to think about the consequences his actions will have for Valm in the power vacuum.

And this in a series that has always stressed the responsibility of authorities. And what consequences their loss has on a country's infrastructure.

His actions don't even get justified like in RD with Micaiah. They are just completely ignored.

3. Michalis

I seriously wonder what the developers of the DS games want with his guy. Let's see: Arran dies from his sickness, Abel and Est's relationship breaks apart...

Why does this guy stay alive in FE12? This man who who killed his father, had his sister to be kidnapped and used to force his other sister into submission.

This guy not not only survives and becomes recruitable but also gets a happy ending where said sisters forgive him and he gets his country back or rules another continent?

Maybe he doesn't count since I still want him to exist and all. Just not recruitable and alive and ruling anything and stuff.

4. Nowi

An impregnable little kid looking like a 10 year old with the personality of a 7 year old wearing skimpy lingery.

But it's okay because she is totally 1000 years old. Sure, she isn't actually written like that. But who cares about such details.

5. Devdan

I guess he is supposed to be ...comic relief. I definitely don't get what they were going for with this guy. He gets possessed by his puppet or something? The Tellius games would be less irritating if he wasn't there.


1. Titania

She has the wisdom, strength and experience to be a great party leader.

2. Soren

His intelligence and knowledge are a great asset. Also magic hax.

3. Holmes

He is a jerkass and an idiot. But he combines great skill with sword and bow with thieving utility. Plus, we already got brains covered anyway.

4. Nanna (Paladin)

Someone who is both a powerful fighter and a Cleric. Plus, a passive support aura for everyone around. And she wields the powerful Earth Sword.

5. Katri

For those days when you just need an invincible dragon with 30 points of defense negating 3x3 area damage. She can also use staffs and summon monster.

Downside: She might be the dumbest person among all Fire Emblem and Tear Ring Saga characters.

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Explaining a bit more.


1) Emmeryn. She brings down the plot along with her. Repeatedly making retarded decisions that the player is supposed to see as noble. Being noble and being stupid are very different.

2) Tharja. Stalker, abusive mother, places curses on allies? Get her out of here.

3) Severa. A complete bitch whose 'inner goodness' is completely overshadowed by her horrible personality.

4) Avatar (FE12/FE13) No more Mary Sues please. And people accuse Micaiah of being a Mary Sue. :\

5) Lifis. He's a just a terrible person. Go away please.


Changing this up since I realized this isn't about my favourite characters.

1) Seth. He's more than justa Yes Man. He can be harsh when the situation calls for it and is an excellent advisor. And god tier unit too.

2) Hardin (FE11) Another great guy. He's skilled and powerful as well as a great leader.

3) Ogma. A powerful fighter who isn't just brawns.

4) Duessel. A powerful general with a sense of justice

5) Ced. Forseti. Just Forseti.

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1. FE13!Avatar: Go away.

2. Inigo (FE13): Go away.

3. Macellan (FE1/FE3/FE11/FE12): He's already worthless.

4. Dolph (FE1/FE3/FE11/FE12): Read Macellan.

5. Trewd (FE5): lol


1. Priscilla (FE7): I need a healer, and she's my favorite one at that.

2. Cynthia (FE13): Need my favorite Ylisse flier.

3. Tate (FE6): Need my favorite Elibian flier.



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Duadexa :awesome:

Dream Team:

Palla - No team is good without THE GODDESSS

Sheeda - No team is good without THE GREAT GODDESS WITH THE WING SPEAR NUKE.

Marcus - Marcus is a god. End of story. Also the team needs a mentor figure, so I just take what IMO is the best of them(I don't know anything about Titania, Arran is sick, Jeigan is a better tactician, while Frederick is inferior version of Marcus)

Marth - The Lord. When the team is a jumbled mess of several characters from different universe who does not know each other(otherwise, I would put maybe Ephraim here) we need a good leader, and who's better at the job than the Hero King himself? Also he is a good unit as well, and he have convoy which is awesome

Nanna - We have Sheeda to flirt with the guys, and stomp logics to the ground. However Sheeda might not be able to recruit guys who is more on a perverted side.... which is where Super Nanna Slap comes in. Being a Mounter Healer with a Sword is also a welcome addition to the team

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Marcus - I don't know why, but I just hate him so much, especially his FE7 incarnation. Yes, he's almost needed for FE6 HM and HHM to an lesser extent. Still, I hate him and want to see he banished from Fire Emblem, even if it means making FE6 and FE7's hard modes 50 times harder and longer.

Micaiah - AKA the radiant bitch

Generic fighter number 1 - I hate most fighters in the series, Boyd being the exception.

Generic fighter number 2 - See above

Gerome - Makes Severa looks likable. Has every negative trait of her personality, but unlike her, has no reason to act like he does and is a crappy unit. Poor Cherche, being such a nice lady and having such horrible person as her child =/


Miledy - I don't think I need to explain this. She's immortal.

Jill - Great in 2 games. The only unit worth of anything in the dawn brigade.

Sully - A great unit. One of the best first gen characters in awakening.

Rutger - Boss killer.

Sain - Amaxing STR, great SPD, good HP, passable DEF. Who cares about the rest?

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Day 11: Easy for me. Geoffrey, Soren, Micaiah, Mia, and Lucina. They're some of my least favorite characters in the series. Plus Geoffrey not existing would give Elincia all the more reason to get with Ike. I'd have listed Sumia instead of Lucina, but Sumia being pushed as Chrom's "canon" wife in Awakening keeps ChromxFemale Avatar from being the most "canon" pairing in the game and I'd rather see ChromxSumia.

Day 12: My dream team of five is easy too. ^^ Ike, Frederick, Kieran, Ranulf, and Sain, my five favorite guys in the series! Frederick as either a Great Knight or a Dread Fighter. :D

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Day 11: If you could get rid of 5 playable FE characters, as in, make it so they never existed, who would they be!

Day 12: conversely, if you had to build a 5 character dream team, who would you include? (provide classes if said units have multiple trees)

Day 11

Henry, Lucina, Stahl, Kjelle and... Eliwood.

Day 12

Dark Flier!Severa

Wyvern Rider!Cherche




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1. Emmeryn

2. Arden

3. Lyre

4. Fiona

5. Half of FE6


1. Haar

2. Jill

3. Heath

4. Cormag

5. Minerva

(If I could have more, they'd be Cherche, Miledy, Altena, Zeiss, and Vaida)

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1. Haar
2. Jill
3. Heath
4. Cormag
5. Minerva
(If I could have more, they'd be Cherche, Miledy, Altena, Zeiss, and Vaida)

You should change your username from knight to wyvern rider.

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You should change your username from knight to wyvern rider.

I was thinking of changing it to Wyvern Knight, but I'm so used to being addressed as "Knight."
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Duadexa :awesome:



Also half of your list looks like something I would do

I was thinking of changing it to Wyvern Knight, but I'm so used to being addressed as "Knight."

Wyvern Knight is a lame name, your name should be Thracia, Ho!

Also my Dream Team. It would have to be the dreaaaaaaaamiest, soooo...

Perceival- Man, he's so dreamy.

Miledy- Her too.

Nanna- What would this list be without her?

Sheeda- Needs to recruit everyone on my team. Also she may or may not be dreamy.


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Another day, another question set.

Day 13: Which character's support(s) do you consider to be your favorite?

Day 14: Speaking of, what's your opinion on the support bonus system in general?

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Another day, another question set.

Day 13: Which character's support(s) do you consider to be your favorite?

Day 14: Speaking of, what's your opinion on the support bonus system in general?

13: Canas' suport conversation are IMO the best.

14: I think it should be really small bonuses. Even smaller than in GBA FEs.

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