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miles edgeworth is where it's at


(i agree, way better than that miles sells towers from sawnic da hedgehawk)

Edited by Refa
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Your fault for paying attention to Miley Cyrus.

Oddly enough this music is objectively better than the crap she used to do.

She also looks like she's taller, like she's actually an adult now and not some Disney puppet.

Edited by Solais
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Wrecking ball isn't even that bad, the lyrics are legit, not like doing crack like we can't stop. And there are a lot of worse videos out there. Blurred lines etc

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>doesn't like hip-hop

>clearly hasn't given hip-hop a legitimate chance

I had no choice but to give it a chance when I was in my early teens because a lot of people went around playing it, and I didn't like it one bit. Not everyone is going to be into that kind of music.

I just happen to like different types of metal and alternative rock. Along with jrock

That is my taste in music.

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I had no choice but to give it a chance when I was in my early teens because a lot of people went around playing it, and I didn't like it one bit. Not everyone is going to be into that kind of music.

I just happen to like different types of metal and alternative rock. Along with jrock

That is my taste in music.

the hipster comment was a joke.

but chances are that wasn't "hip-hop" you were listening to, it was rap. rap has noisy beats and is usually pretty vulgar in lyrical content (think "Get Low" by Lil' Jon), whilst "hip-hop" is much more intellectually based and super awesome (think "Mathematics" by Mos Def). i like both, but usually when i meet people, they don't understand this distinction. which is totally okay because no one really cares haha.

sweet. heavy metal is my favorite genre.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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wow looks like hannurs is becoming the hurrah pottrah version I made

man, I'm a prophet!

fuck how did I forget about that glorious thing

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i'm pretty sure she signed a contract with disney to act like a saint for 5 years but was secretly a massive party girl

I would be more surprised if that wasn't the case.

Weren't, like, ALL of the girls in "Spring Breakers" exact copies of this case?

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charlemagne is the man, man


>DAE miley syrius is a slut???

>differentiating between hip-hop and rap when they aren't even the same kind of thing

>disregarding an entire genre

can i say "super ebic top lyl" and spout some more dumb memes?

true, but i do my best with explaining the two without boring anyone to sleep.

>top kek

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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