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Fakeclaim Mafia - Game Over


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I do wish Levity had summarized her post if she had lost it

I did. It was the post right after that one.

AFAIK, you still haven't provided a reason for voting me. Before you say I really haven't done anything to convince you that I'm town, which doesn't really tell me anything, and then you mentioned that you'd look into it more the same day...and you never followed up on it. Why are you spending more time arguing with Eclipse rather than building a case on the person you most think is scum (e.g. the person you are voting on)?

PoE & I'm a lazy wagon hopper, atm it is either you or Poly, Eclipse likely isn't getting lynched today and I haven't really been very focused on mafia the past couple of days. I thought I would have something but idk.
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PoE & I'm a lazy wagon hopper, atm it is either you or Poly, Eclipse likely isn't getting lynched today and I haven't really been very focused on mafia the past couple of days. I thought I would have something but idk.

I can understand your perspective, but I'd at least like to know what makes me more lynch worthy than Polydeuces.

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Note that when I say that I'm referring to not having been focused on mafia. Honestly wagonhopping strikes me as something scum is more likely to do than town.

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. . .lazy doesn't help the town, Bizz. . .

I'm willing to buy your logic, Boron. For now. Still think that someone needs to do something about Refa.


##Vote: Polydeuces

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Paperblade (3): Scorri, Elieson, Polydeuces

Polydeuces (4): Refa, Grassbridger, Boron, Eclipse

Refa (4): Bizz, Psych, Weapons, Paperblade

Not Voting (2): Kay, Euklyd

With 13 players alive, it takes 5 votes to lynch at deadline and 7 votes to hammer. Phase ends on September 29th at 9PM EDT (September 30th at 2AM GMT). You have 1 hour and 38 minutes remaining.

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Yeah, Refa's not as strong of a town read as other people. But if it's between Polydeuces and Refa, I'd rather lynch the one I was not redirected to. (And I'm not comfortable lynching Paperblade today, but with that said why are you so quiet Paper?)

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okay actually I do like this better I'm sorry


##Vote: Poly

I know being lazy doesn't help the town but it's better to admit I'm being lazy today at least and yeah idk I don't have as much reason to vote Refa as I do Poly and that's my honest mistake

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(although, @Psych, I'm kind of curious why you were afraid of Scorri flipping town when Kevin flipped town and you claimed anyway? You didn't seem to be THAT afraid of looking bad.)

I defended SB so hard and helped turbo scorri yesterday even though she wasn't lynched, so I felt as if it would like like I really had it out for her, and I wasn't sure she'd flip maf.

I wasn't as aggressive towards kirsche, I just didn't like his flippant dismissal of not needed a lynch reason and it was scummy to me, but I ended up picking wrong I guess.

rolespec, but I don't think there's a third party. I can't really think of many third party claims but then again BBM might have used a different claim and simply changed it's alliance. that's just my gut feel though

Polyduces kind of just gave up though, and I'm not sure how I feel about that, but Refa just wanted a turbo lynch and to stop communication and then started sk musing so I'm not really sure who'd I'd rather lynch but I'm going to sit on Refa because he's bothering me more than Poly's apathy.

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rolespec, but I don't think there's a third party. I can't really think of many third party claims but then again BBM might have used a different claim and simply changed it's alliance. that's just my gut feel though

Polyduces kind of just gave up though, and I'm not sure how I feel about that, but Refa just wanted a turbo lynch and to stop communication and then started sk musing so I'm not really sure who'd I'd rather lynch but I'm going to sit on Refa because he's bothering me more than Poly's apathy.

I don't feel that I have more posts about SK musing than anyone else does (I counted 2, both in reference to scorri's possible alignment). I'm not familiar with past games, so I don't know how many third party claims there might or might not be.

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I defended SB so hard and helped turbo scorri yesterday even though she wasn't lynched, so I felt as if it would like like I really had it out for her, and I wasn't sure she'd flip maf.

Also I'd like to know why you felt the need to defend SB so hard. Were you honestly so convinced that he was town at that point, or did you have another reason (by which I mean besides you being scum)?

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Actually, Psych, I'd like an answer to that too. Why'd you find me scummy last phase? You never really gave an answer to that. All you said about me yesterday, as far as I can see is:

#Unvote, Vote Scorri

I like this too, since I don't like the SB lynch and honesty the Refa thing is kind of flimsy since I confused his stance as well as it seems like he's doing a thing

and that you didn't like my attitude towards the SB lynch when, by jumping onto the SB wagon, not only did I get us to deadline lynch numbers but also opened myself up to Shinori's role. Now, do you still think I'm scummy? Because honestly, that's not a whole lot of reasons for why I was scummy and you were the vote that tied the wagons. Interesting that.

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As the day wound down, people finally decided that they'd had enough of Polydeuces watching Fairy Tail instead of trying to help them.

"Clearly he must be an infiltrator! He's barely trying to help us!"


Paperblade (3): Scorri, Elieson, Polydeuces

Polydeuces (5): Refa, Grassbridger, Boron, Eclipse, Bizz

Refa (3): Psych, Weapons, Paperblade

Not Voting (2): Kay, Euklyd

Polydeuces has been lynched! He was:

Dear Polydeuces, you are a Vanilla, as claimed by Serious Bananas in C9++.

SB didn’t actually play that badly, but as a result of his poor decision making (what a chump), he got his only active scumbuddy, Strege, lynched Day 1. He was pretty much doomed after that, with Rein and Rapier as his remaining buddies, and his fate was sealed after one was lynched through a Cop report on Day 3 and the other was killed by a Vigilante on Night 3. Furthermore, C9++ was a semi-open setup in which town managed to roll the maximum amount of power roles they could have, resulting in him getting PoEd down rather quickly. Since it’s completely unfair that you lost even though there was nothing wrong with the claim, you’re here to fight on behalf of the Failed Claims.

Therefore, you have no day or night actions other than your word and vote. Use them well.

You are allied with the Failed Claims. You win when they are the only ones left.

It is now Night 2. You have 24 hours to send in your actions. Phase ends on September 30th at 9PM EST (October 1st 2AM GMT).
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As the claims woke up, ready to purge their group of evildoers, they noticed that two more of them had remained asleep...

Bizz has been killed! She was:

Dear Bizz, you are Duessel, the 3-shot Hooker, as claimed by AstraLunaSol in Sacred Stones Mafia.

ALS didn’t really say or do anything of value all game, and then claimed Town Limited Hooker as the town started narrowing down on non-clears. Since this was Sacred Stones, an NOC mafia game that played like an in-thread OC game, he was lynched in the end for his role not making sense for his character (as well as one of the town leaders being the Hooker themselves, but ignore that). I thought the idea of sending one NPC Cavalier each night to perform a hook was pretty clever myself, but them’s the breaks. He did convince Proto, the mod, to post a fake death scene involving you getting lynched and flipping town, though, which would have been funnier if he’d kept the fake one up for more than 20 minutes, and also if Prims didn’t just do this to me in Kirby and cause me to dislike fake lynch scenes. Now you’re here to fight against the injustice of the situation facing the Failed Claims.

Therefore, at night, you may respond to your role PM with <Night X: ##Block USER>. You will send one of the NPC Cavaliers in Chapter 10 Ephraim Mode to heroically charge and attack USER. They will prevent USER from completing their night actions, but die in the process. Thus, since you only have three men following you, you may only do this three times.

You are allied with the Failed Claims. You win when they are the only ones left.

Grassbridger has also been killed! He was:

Dear Grassbridger, you are Jasmine, the Doctor, as claimed by Helios in Nostalgia Mafia.

...Or wait. Are you the Bodyguard from Carnival Phantasm Mafia? Or maybe you’re the Doctor from Naruto Mafia. Or now that you think about it, you might even be the Bodyguard from Schoolteacher Mafia. Huh. You’ve been claimed by Helios so many times that you’ve kind of forgotten exactly who you are, actually... The only thing you do remember is that every single time you’ve been called upon to help Helios out of a tight spot, you’ve failed. He’s never won a single time he’s claimed you. And now it’s time you changed things.

Therefore, every night, you may respond to your role PM with <Night X: ##Protect USER>. You will spend the night looking after USER and protecting them from all fatal actions. Non-fatal actions will still work.

You are allied with the Failed Claims. You win when they are the only ones left.

Sober from the deaths, you resume your mission...

With 10 players alive, it takes 4 votes to lynch at deadline and 6 to hammer. Phase ends on October 3rd at 9PM EDT (October 4th at 1AM GMT). You have 72 hours remaining.

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Cool we probably have an SK on our hands, unless Psych has another Vig shot.

Also, throwing it out there the I was redirected last night. I'd rather not out who because it has given me some reassuring thoughts about a player that I had a muddled read on.

Also also, Marth should definately post something of value because, well because.

Also also also ##Vote Paperblade because his weak pushes of reads yesterday and jump to PoE so assuredly, as well as his crappy vote on Polyderps when he outted more actual scumreads and arbitratily picked Poly from his list (that specifically called Weapons scum in it, for instance).

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I'm Lute from Sacred Stones. I have a kill, an inspect, a roleblock, and another power.

Honestly I don't scorri, that was me just jumping wagons. I mean I was convinced he was town because I thought it made more sense for me and him to exist or me and Bizz but not him and Bizz and honestly I kind of had a heat of the moment era there and didn't think things through when I should have and didn't react well.

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Elieson is third party

Lol thats pretty neat because I'm actually that. I won't argue myself otherwise. THOUGH REGARDING HUNTING ACTUAL SCUM, I'm pretty confident that Paperblade is scum still.

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