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Fakeclaim Mafia - Game Over


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Eager to hunt down the remaining scum, you woke up. Unfortunately, it seems that they weren't as docile during the night as you...

Eclipse has been killed! She was:

Dear Eclipse, you are a Vanilla, as claimed by Eclipse in Mystery Mafia.

In Mystery Mafia, Eclipse subbed in for Elieson and then wasn’t really all that interested in the game. She claimed Vanilla, but I saw through it because I’m a boss, and then she tried to WIFOM me into thinking that she was town in kingmaker so I’d out myself as SK and it ALMOST WORKED but I held my cool and won. Ba-dum-bum-tsh. So anyways, angered at losing after coming so close to winning, you’re here for revenge (since Eclipse doesn’t care at all).

Therefore, you have no day or night actions other than your word and vote. Use them well.

You are allied with the Failed Claims. You win when they are the only ones left.

With 8 players alive, it takes 3 votes to lynch at deadline and 5 votes to hammer. Phase ends on October 7th at 9PM EDT (October 8th at 1AM GMT). You have 72 hours remaining.

Edited by BigBadMarshmallow
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The one kill confuses me. I'm coming up with several possibilities here;

1) There is an undisclosed vig who used up all of his/her shots by Day 2. I find this to be the least likely, since it seems like a vig would have nothing to lose from claiming a shot.

2) Paperblade was the last mafia member.

3) The SK and the mafia shot the same person last night.

Regardless, I said I'd claim my role today, and well, I'm doing it. I am cop, as claimed by 13th in Midnight Crew Mafia. Only difference is that I'm alt night, which is why I didn't want to claim until today. On Day 1, I scanned Kay because she was inactive; her/Marth's alignment is town, so that slot is an INNO. On Day 3, I scanned Euklyd because he was one of my primary scum reads, however I got redirected to Elieson, of all people.

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Fuck you, mafia.

I targeted eclipse last night and was redirected away from her to Refa AGAIN.

##Vote: Weapons

My reasoning from the previous night still stands.

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I'm not sure if it is relevant but I protected Boron last night and the flavor I received implied it was successful so I'm not sure it was generic I did it or I actually stopped him from dying flavor.

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I don't believe doctors are ever actually notified if their action actually protects someone from a kill, just whether they succeeded or failed, so you probably got a generic "action was successful" flavor, I guess.

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Also, the next person who quotes any modcommunication at all will be modkilled, regardless of how minor it might be.

<BBM> im gay


also psych you should sign up for a mafia game some time when im not grounded / hosting

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Sangyul, would your role explain why Refa was redirected?

My guess as to what your role is would not explain that, so unless my guess is wrong (which is a definite possibility), either

  • We're playing a game with two redirectors AND Sangyul's role
  • We're playing a game with a mass-redirector
  • One (or both, I guess) Sangyul or Refa is lying

Or of course my guess is wrong.

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Refa claimed to be redirected to Elieson on N3, right? I don't believe I caused that because I did not target Elieson.

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I was on Psych last night and my action was successful this time. So I guess Levity was responsible for what happened to me N2 after all.

##Vote: Weapons

I'll roll with this. Didn't like the reaction test on Euklyd and the JoaT cc. Think some of his interactions with paperblade imply bussing/distancing.(I'd link post by post but I'm looking at his ISO man and its annoying to do that). Also PoE suggests this too unless Euklyd/Scorri are lying scum but this is a fair shot.

Paper flipping scum means Refa is most likely non-mafia due to interactions.

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Alright, screw it, we're mass claiming at this point.

Grassbridger (1): Bearclaw
SB (7): Boron, Euklyd, Kirsche, Scorri, Weapons, Grassbridger, Elieson
Scorri (6): Eclipse, Refa, Bizz, Paperblade, Psych, Shinori
Euklyd (1): SB


Confirmed Scum

Confirmed Town

Confirmed ITP

Suspected Town

I've already claimed, Refa's already claimed, Psych's already claimed, Euklyd's already claimed, and Boron's half claimed. I'd like MArth and Weapons to claim asap.

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bbm said flavor was generic and i succeeded and i didn't necessarily block anything

but I think I did since that would probably explain the single kill

though if there was an SK numbers are probably 5/2/1 right now?

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Sangyul, would your role explain why Refa was redirected?

My guess as to what your role is would not explain that, so unless my guess is wrong (which is a definite possibility), either

  • We're playing a game with two redirectors AND Sangyul's role
  • We're playing a game with a mass-redirector
  • One (or both, I guess) Sangyul or Refa is lying

Or of course my guess is wrong.

Alternatively, there could be a mafia/3rd party bus driver.

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Wait, how many scum are we guessing existed at the start?

I was operating under the assumption of 4 scum + 1 SK in a 17 player game.

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Alternatively, there could be a mafia/3rd party bus driver.

Yeah, I was kinda including Bus Driver under Redirector, but they're kinda different.

For one thing, I think that if I was driven, the driver would die after 3 phases.

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Good thing I never targeted you, then.

If we're doing a massclaim, then everyone who has night results should out them as well. I'll out mine, but I want Marth and Weapons to claim first.

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though if there was an SK numbers are probably 5/2/1 right now?

Well, if Elie's telling the truth, it'd be either 4/2/1/1 or 5/1/1/1 right now or there's an unclaimed vig.

Speaking of Elie though, I want him in claiming results now.

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Wait, how many scum are we guessing existed at the start?

I was operating under the assumption of 4 scum + 1 SK in a 17 player game.

me too

Anyway Weapons claims before me to avoid dumbshit counterclaims but Boron's a great big sister so she should probably figure out what I'm crumbing by now.

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Well, if Elie's telling the truth, it'd be either 4/2/1/1 or 5/1/1/1 right now or there's an unclaimed vig.

We have 9 players alive atm, your numbers don't quite add up.

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