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Fakeclaim Mafia - Game Over


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I have a roleblock left.

What did Refa claim? Cop? I just saw where he outed his results.

I feel like Boron could be lying and be a mafia driver, but I'm leaning town on him.

I think Marth and Elie are town, since I'm pretty sure Elie probably wouldn't have idle'd if he was SK

And I don't really have a reason to think Scorri isn't town.

I'd like Euklyd to be lynched, with Weapons after that, but I just get a vibe from Boron even though he seems really town to me.

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Copped Marth (Day 1)

Idled due to role specs (Day 2)

Copped Euklyd, got redirected to Elieson (Day 3)

N1: Drove Shinori and Polydeuces. Was redirected from Shinori to Refa, so drove Refa and Polydeuces.

N2: Idled

N3: Drove eclipse and Weapons. Was redirected from eclipse to Refa, so drove Refa and Weapons.

According to these, we still have 2 redirects floating about. If we're to believe Boron is town!Driver, then we have 3 redirection roles on our plate that we're dealing with. This is getting a little out of hand.

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Right now, I'm starting to think that the last anti-town people may be between Weapons (reasons given), Elieson (confirmed third with an unaccounted kill around), and scorri (although I think she's likelier to be an SK than scum).

Alright, so you think that Weapons is scum, Elie is probably SK and I'm also probably SK?

Question: Why do people think I'm not town?

I'm currently worrying about Boron due to where her claim comes from and also because of a role that BBM was on an offsite game where he was a SK bus driver and the fact that the bus driver claim comes from a SK with a drive. This is completely rolespec based I'm aware, but it's all I've got right now. Hopefully I'll have time to read later.

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Is 11/5/1 balanced/is it likely?

Why would not-town redirect Euklyd given PGO?

Refa, why didn't you cc my cop claim D2? Why did you investigate Euklyd?

Why shouldn't we kill Elieson given that survivor can joint?

Psych, can you post your night actions?

I am most probably not going to shoot Psych or Marth today.

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Refa, why didn't you cc my cop claim D2? Why did you investigate Euklyd?

I wasn't sure if you had any other modifiers or things that would distinguish your role from mine (thus allowing for two cops, although I'm not sure how likely that would be) so I was hesitant to CC you at the time; this is why I agreed to lynch Euklyd at the time, since I felt that would help verify the validity of your claim moreso than me CCing would've done. I investigated Euklyd because I didn't believe his role, as it seems like something that would be easily faked by scum.

Also Psych has like claimed his actions every day. AFAIK, his actions were;

Vigged Kirsche Night 1

Copped Elieson Night 2

Docced Boron Night 3

Feel free to correct me if I made any errors on that front.

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Why shouldn't we kill Elieson given that survivor can joint?

If his claims are to be believed, I don't think we should be lynching/dayvigging/what-have-you-ing him. Yes, he can joint win, but he can also joint win with town, so killing him off is just a wasted kill that could've gone towards hitting scum/SK.

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I feel if Euklyd is scum, PGO is just an easy fake that Paper or Manix gave him since it's his first game and he wouldn't have to keep things straight later on.

I'd be happiest with his lynchout of the others. ##Vote Euklyd

If there is an SK, then that's 11/4/1/1 leanings probably, and giving the town 2 vig shots leaves little room for error, so I'm not sure how much weight I'm putting in for that.

11/5/1 might be more likely, since 12/4/1 seems heavily town

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If his claims are to be believed, I don't think we should be lynching/dayvigging/what-have-you-ing him. Yes, he can joint win, but he can also joint win with town, so killing him off is just a wasted kill that could've gone towards hitting scum/SK.

In LYLO/MYLO, survivor is effectively traitor.

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Also, does anyone remember a game with a successful dayvig fakeclaim? This could clear me.

I think you firing a bullet could you know, clear you. Clear your role anyway. There's nothing specifying that a Day-Vig has to be town, but it would at least help us towards identifying one of the additional 2 Redirectors (assuming Boron isn't screwing with us).

Working with what I've seen, and claims thus far, I think that Psych and Marth are the only ones with proven roles (Psych because he's pretty much done exactly what Lute has done, Marth because my failure on Psych during last night).

Weapons COULD prove his role, and thus help us towards finding a Redirector, but as long as you hold on to your bullet, we're stuck wondering if we should trust you. How about we not try to go out of our way to argue your innocence, and instead, you do it for us.

Euk has a Passive role, so we can't prove that unless we sac a player on him (and with the current timeline, that's gonna be hard to do)

Refa claims Alt-Night Alignment Cop, which is fake-able. He also targeted Marth and Euk->Elieson, which are both non-provable. Even if Marth were to die and flip town, Refa isn't cleared, because if he's scum BS'ing us, he could fake results easily-as-hell.

Scorri's role is well, entirely reliant on her telling us the truth WRT her sensor copy, if she even has a copy at all.

Boron's redirects all happen to have been on players who died during her respective active nights. Either she's legit being redirected, or she's literally claiming to have targeted kill targets 2/2 times, and just happens to be more or less framed for it at this point.

tl;dr if Weapons would do something to prove his role, we could have it broken down to a point where Rolespec (yay I know, we absolutely love this) could help us identify a potential redirector or 2, out of the non-role-proven 50% of the players. If Boron is actually Town!Driver, then we have 2 redirectors on top of her being a Driver, which I think is ridiculous.

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Weapons (3): Boron, Marth, Refa

Euklyd (1): Psych

Not Voting (4): Elieson, Scorri, Euklyd, Weapons

With 8 players alive, it takes 3 votes to lynch at deadline and 5 to hammer. Phase ends on October 7th at 9PM EDT (October 8th 1AM GMT). You have slightly under 55 hours left in the phase.

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Refa have you claimed which game your Role came from yet? AFAIK, you're the only one who hasn't (well and Weapons, but IDK)

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Elieson, you realize that if I were to shoot right now, I'd probably shoot you? I want to talk things through first before making a decision. And dayvig can be clear due to the flavor of the game, given that there has never been a successful claim.

Still doesn't necessarily make you auto-town. That's what I was getting at primarily. And I full-well know I'm prime candidate for eating your bullet, given the information that we have right now.

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Refa have you claimed which game your Role came from yet? AFAIK, you're the only one who hasn't (well and Weapons, but IDK)

I'm pretty sure I did. 13th in Midnight Crew Mafia.

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Also according to the flavor, the original role wasn't alt night. Not sure why BBM made that retroactive change, but there you go.

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I can't defend myself against rolespec and getting redirected when I don't even know why I keep getting redirected. Besides, if I were lying about my results, why would I claim to attempt to drive the person who just died the previous night? Shinori claimed a powerful role, so of course I'd try to drive actions away from him. But eclipse? She was looking town, but it wasn't a given that she would die, just my strongest town read at the time. I even tried to drive myself with Weapons first before BBM told me I couldn't self-target.

If I were scum, why would I claim to have tried driving eclipse and failed, getting redirected to the same person I was redirected to on N1, when this obviously makes me look suspicious?

Regarding the rolespec thing, though. You forget, scorri, that Paperblade's fakeclaim was also made by an SK. Except that said SK won whereas mine didn't. Obviously Paperblade wasn't SK. If Marth is telling the truth about his claim, then his fakeclaim was made by TOWN. So why is my role more likely to be SK just because the person who claimed it was an SK, hmm?

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Ugh, this is the part where I start doubting my reads. >_>

Weapons should dayvig soemone (let it be Elieson if it has to) to prove his role. Mafia having a dayvig AND a commuter sounds too much IMO. Could be some sort of SK, but w/e.

Euk still looks suspect to me especially some recent posts, like suggesting Refa lynch.

Refa and Scorri are more likely to be non-mafia due to interactions with paperblade, Eli.

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Weapons should dayvig soemone (let it be Elieson if it has to) to prove his role. Mafia having a dayvig AND a commuter sounds too much IMO. Could be some sort of SK, but w/e.

Mafia didn't have a commuter, that was a fake claim of Paperblade's. Read his flipped role, it's different.

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3night ascetic is pretty much the same thing as commuter, only it's auto.

Does it bother anyone else that we still have two redirects unaccounted for?

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