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Oh nah, someone get pissed when he/she/they was/were stolen by another "thieves". And I "stole" some sprites for my "spritting". And yeah, I was intended to "steal" some sprites from fe7if in order to make some new sprites without its owners permission.

Edited by CaoDung
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Oh nah, someone get pissed when he/she/they was/were stolen by another "thieves". And I "stole" some sprites for my "spritting". And yeah, I was intended to "steal" some sprites from fe7if in order to make some new sprites without its owners permission.

And you would be shunned by both the current English speaking hacking and spriting community.

And from the looks of things from your avy, they're pretty crappy splices.

When you get to a certain level, it becomes your work. You put your time and effort into it. And someone copying and pasting said work, you tend to have some ill feelings.

I certainly can tell that from your attitude alone that you're not anywhere NEAR that level. It's common courtesy. It's etiquette.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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hey cool I can steal stuff

Personally, I've had more than just my mugs stolen without credit given. In all honesty, I never really minded, but I can't apply my logic and how I feel towards things to everyone, so even though I might be fine with someone using my work without my consent, I can't go and use someone else's mug and say that's it okay cause I'd allow someone to do it to me.

can I use your mugs for my hack fire emblem 6.5

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And here recently I was thinking of finishing my FE7if let's play. Never mind that. Don't take from my favorite brand new hack and expect me to send any favors your way. Ilu feoc

Yeah, you should send them an envelope containing faeces.

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90% of the people in this thread are dumb

holy hell agro, you steal other people's sprites and engines all of the time in your own game, i really have no idea why you're complaining about it. Filthy hypocrite.


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this makes me feel like a blood war between communities is starting. xD

weren't you guys just talking about mugs they stole that were made by people in this community?

how the heck did all this Nintendo fiasco started?

I say we break down all of their roms of their music and animations and shit.

Edited by One-punchman
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There are basically two stances on copyright (maybe more, I'm no expert in the domain) :

1. The stance used at least in America, and maybe the whole anglo-sawon world : You have to patent your creation, or anyone can use it.

2. The stance use at least in France, probably in other European countries : As soon as you conceived the idea, it's yours.

That's overly simplified, but it's the basic idea. I don't exactly know how copyright works in Japan, but what they do may be completely legal (except the whole hacking thing obviously, who is more amongst "technically illegal, but not worth attacking.")

But this isn't about legality, it's just basic courtesy, amongst hackers, and more generally all the Internet : You ask before using someone else's work, be it a walkthrough, a faanfic, a sprite, or whatever.

Some may have accepted if asked, but they should have been asked first. It's common snese, and common sense is the thing the most shared amongst humans, so they should understand that.

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arch's sentence here helps to clearly delineate between hackers who "steal" the FE engine and hackers who steal other hackers' creative works:

FE7 is ten years old, it is not a source of profit for Nintendo. If anything, what ROM hackers do publicizes their series. Elibian Nights, Dream of Five and Immortal Sword have all gone to the NCFC (Nintendo Community Fangames Convention), showing the series to some people who haven't experienced it before.

everyone knows that the FE engine belongs to nintendo. if i just steal someone's sprite, animation, routine, or music, no one will know who made it.

EDIT: if you bring the concept of stealing from other hackers to the extreme, you can justify stealing entire hacks. please don't tell me that that can be condoned. that would be like if i took FE7if, published it myself, and claimed that i wrote the script, designed the maps, created the sprites, etc. in their entirety.

Edited by dondon151
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this makes me feel like a blood war between communities is starting. xD

weren't you guys just talking about mugs they stole that were made by people in this community?

how the heck did all this Nintendo fiasco started?

This said, I don't want to take any position in this, but imo this is not a matter of "it's right or not towards Nintendo". After all, both the japanese and English communities are making hacks, thus they should be blamed for this. The matter now is "it's right or not to steal among our communities?"

Let Nintendo out of this, we're talking about ethics of hackers. XP Now someone go make a Honour code for everyone to be followed lol

Like I've already stated, in my opinion this is not an "hacker x Nintendo" but an "hacker x hacker" problem.

Nintendo's games are copyrighted, true, but like Arch and Vincent pointed out, with hacks of a 10 years old game we're basically advertising their own product. It's not that they care that much about a GBA game being hacked at this point, even if it's copyrighted.

So the argument "I can steal from you because you stole from Nintendo" is invalid.

Nintendo has its own rules.

Our communities have ours.

If a hacker steals another hackers' product, it should be judged under the communities rules and not Nintendo's.

So we should make clear once and for all that people here don't like having their work stolen by other hackers. I suggest someone to post a topic there and see what they say about this stuff.

If they say : "We don't give a fuck, you haven't got any copyright on this work", then fuck it, it's safe to assume we can take their sprites and music and stuff from their hacks. It's fair enough.

But taking them without even trying to talk it's just silly imo.

What do you guys think?

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A few things:

- About stealing stuff from FE7if: How about waiting for their answers before doing that? It seems like the word has been spread out more widely, this time. If this was also posted on their preferred board, I'm pretty sure it should sollicit an answer or two. If these hackers are used to a community where spriters put works for anyone to use, there might be some sort of cultural differences at work (yes, even different internet communities have different cultures). If the whole thing degenerates into a thievery war in only a day or so, I'm pretty sure the SF community will in turn look like a bunch of overreacting, uncompromising lunatics, when it could as well be solved peacefully in a few weeks.

- About the OP: It's quite possible that, without a direct statement from the artists themselves, even that request might not be taken seriously... Actually, what is the request in there? Are you asking for a formal apology? Are you asking them to not use any of these sprites on SF as base at all? Are you asking for the original authors to recieve credit?

Considering they did provide an added value to those sprites by editing them further (but without giving proper credit or asking for permission to use the originals as a base), it is more an issue of plagiarism and overall rudeness. Theft, in this domain, is taking an art piece as it is, and calling it your own.

- About Nintendo's stance: Keep in mind they've been rather inconsistent in their copyright policies. One day they'll be putting fan creations on a pedestral, the other they'll use the Content ID shotgun on Youtube. Professionnals who have talked with them about some of their more agressive maneuvers generally report very confused answers, so with them, you can still expect pretty much anything. On that matter, they're basically well-intentionned, but have no idea what the fuck they're doing.

Edited by Miacis
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I think the problem here is that the sprites are ripped from some pretty recent hacks, I mean OoC was just announced like a month ago.

That does bring up a question though. What if you wanted to use an older sprite, but can't get ahold of the creator (assuming the effort is made)?

Also IMO, contest sprites should be free for use, because what else are they going to get used for?

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I think the biggest issues are:

Didn't ask.

Didn't even try to give credit.

Seems to take credit for the sprites themselves.

Nobody really cares that they're using the sprites (Though the fact that they sullied the look of my kawaii desu love interest Bonnie is unforgiveable) but those three things combined are truly the damning factors. Not to mention that they then edit the sprites and make them... uglier?! Had they given credit, or had they made an attempt to contact the sprite creators, I doubt anyone would really care, but they did neither.

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