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Favorite class and least favorite class (promoted)


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Favorite class is definitely Great Knight! I love that they look awesome, can use the whole weapon triangle, can tank and deal a lot of damage, and get awesome skills. I'm loving Luna and Dual Guard+. ^^ Dread Fighter is really epic too though, imo. Those combat animations. :o Bow Knight is also up there because I like horseback archers that can also use swords (see Link from Legend of Zelda lol). I'd have liked the Nomad/Nomadic Troopers in FE7 for the same reason, but I don't like their design, so...

Least favorite in this game is Knight/General. They just look f***ing stupid. And their tanking can just as easily be done by Great Knights, but with more movement.

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Favorite: Tactician/grandmaster. For some reason, I really like the combination of magic+swords. (By this logic, I also like the dark knights, but I'm not a big fan of the dark knight attire.) Bow knight and sage would be close runner ups.

Least favorite: Knight/general. Never really liked them because of movement issues.

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Favourite: General. They never take damage and I've seen Morgan as a General taking one damage from Thoron on a level 20 Valkyrie on Conquerors Whetstone.

Least favourite: Sniper. For normal battles with other units they're good, but grinding... you either take another unit with them, which means getting exp will get harder, or get one enemy on either side of them and L R Start.

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Favorite would be Dread Fighter (Magical Heroes FTW), but without DLC Grandmaster.

Least Favorite is General because I hate Armour Knights in General. Design wise my least favorite is Great Knight.

Edited by Kamina
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Favorite: Trickster

Personally I am a sucker for classes which can heal allies and stop those trying to hurt them by force. It also helps that E-Staff is actually useful right off the bat.

Least Favorite: Griphon Rider

Now WarCraft II might be one of my first games ever but these particular Griphon Riders here seem kinda redundant to me.

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My favorite class is the Hero class. More than half my avatars have ended up with that as their final class. It works best with one of my favorite Avatar's Shulk.

My least favorite class would have to be the Valkyrie. I think I have literally used it once just to see what is was like. I was not impressed.

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Hero is my favorite, but the design was much better in the days of Raven and Linus.

Least favorite is 1. Sorcerer, because I once saw a guide that said to make every single child possible a sorcerer, and I'm not too sure why, but that made me hate them, and I haven't used them since. (Except to get Vengeance for VV sage)

And 2. Knight, General, and Great Knight, what the hell is up with that armor? For all of the classes. Knights are stupid looking, generals expand on that stupidly, and great knights have armor nearly as bad as the generals. Also, none are good classes. Great knight and general are incredibly outclassed by Wyvern Lords. They attack and tank better, and they fly.

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I once saw a guide that said to make every single child possible a sorcerer, and I'm not too sure why, but that made me hate them, and I haven't used them since. (Except to get Vengeance for VV sage)

Where was that guide?

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Fred's and Walharts [ok, Wally is for conqueror, which pretty much a GK anyways] is badass, everyone else looks derp as derp gets.

Ah, okay. I still think other Great Knight armor is cool too though, especially Stahl's cause of that green. :D

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Favourite: Heroes and Great Knights. Heroes cause they're a classic choice of mine and they get the sol skill which I like passing down to the kids. I like Great Knights cause they get have full control of the weapon triangle, I find them visually appealing especially in the color blue and I think they make great bodyguards thanks for pairup.

Least Favourite: Villager. Great skills, but too much of a hassle to raise.

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Fred's and Walharts [ok, Wally is for conqueror, which pretty much a GK anyways] is badass, everyone else looks derp as derp gets.

IMO, that's a better track record than Berserker, where ANYONE in that class just looks like a derp.

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I will GK!Sully all the way (even if it weren't gameplaywise one of my favourite classes) because it lets her gain those pants she really needs, being the only female GK to have a panted model

Why can't the other femGKs do the same >|

Sucks when my favourite gameplay class looks ridiculous most of the time but at least I can ignore it until it's time to kill Grima

Why can't we animation off that part too

Edited by Ezio Auditore da Firenze
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