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Favorite Character of each Class: Take 2


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I had made a thread like this a long time ago, and of course it's long dead. But since Awakening was added to the series, I thought I'd remake this! :)

Who are your favorite characters in each class? Here are mine! Note I haven't played any Japan-only games.

Lord: Still Ike! He's my number one in FE forever and always. Not only do I love his character, his design, his skills, and pretty much everything else about him, but he's the first FE character I got to know. Path of Radiance was my first game in the series, and Ike got me hooked. And I first learned of the guy through Brawl (though I did know of FE before that, I just never got around to buying one of the games until after Brawl came out) and my younger brother got me into him. We fought over him all the time in the SSE. XD I'll always love Ike as a favorite game character. :wub:

Cavalier Knight: I can't decide between Frederick and Kieran for this one now! I'm in love with both of them for pretty much the same reasons! Design, character, hilarious relationship with a certain other character (Frederick's with Chrom and Kieran's with Oscar), and you get the idea. lol Though Frederick has one of the best lines in the series. PICK A GOD AND PRAY. Sain is very close behind these guys though.

Archer: Shinon, no contest. He's hilarious, statistically beastly in Radiant Dawn, and I just find his character to be entertaining. lol He also has one of the best lines in the series. "Gatrie, I swear you'd hit on a tree if I dressed it in a skirt! Tell me I'm wrong!" Just. LOL.

Pegasus Knight: This is a tough one too, I really like several Peg knights. Cordelia, Marcia, Elincia, Fiora... It's definitely a toss up between Cordelia and Elincia though. The former I can relate to a lot and I like her character, and the latter because of her development, design, and she's so cute and kind.

Myrmidon: Either Lon'qu or Zihark. Man, Awakening's cast really competes with that of Tellius for me. Lon'qu is just badass and awesome and Zihark is really devoted to protecting the laguz, whom I think are amazing. And he's just so kind.

Fighter: Boyd, no question. He's hilarious and I love it when he and Rolf fight. It's just LOL. XD

Mage: Eh, I was never too fond of mages. Gonna say Erk since he made me laugh a lot. lol

Wyvern Rider: Cherche! Haar is awesome, but Cherche is just a little more awesome.

Knight/Armor: Gatrie. Just Gatrie. lol

Soldier: Aran. He's amazing because he's a freaking fortified wall. That defense lets him survive criticals. While underleveled.

Mercenary: Inigo, no contest. He reminds me a lot of Sain from FE7, whom I love to pieces, so of course I love Inigo too! For Hero though, that would be Ike again because he's a Hero in RD...lol.

Priest/Cleric: Rhys for Priest, Mist for Cleric. Rhys is just adorable for some reason, lol. He's funny in his PoR support with Kieran. Mist is also cute! She's sweet in how she worries about Ike all the time too. And she is brave as hell for standing up to the Black Knight to help her brother in PoR.

Thief: Gaius, for sure. He's so unique and different from the other thieves in the series. His sweet tooth is funny. And I like that he's quite noble for a thief (saving the lives of a girl and her father that he doesn't even know? Dang). And the nicknames he gives people are funny. lol Leila is still cool to me too though.

Laguz/Taguel/Manakete: Ranulf, no contest! I love this guy so much despite that he's a cat (and I'm not a fan of cats). He's funny, he's entertaining, and he's got quite an intellect for a laguz. Also, he's BLUE. My favorite color! And I love his eyes. Two different eye colors is just so cool! I also like Panne and Yarne though, cause BUNNIES! :D

Trainee: Donnel can count as this, right? He's just adorable and I love his accent. lol

I think that's all of them, right? Archer includes Nomads from the GBA games, btw.

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Lord: Hector

Cavalier: Sain (He's hilarious, and immensely useful early and late game)

Archer: Virion (A character Awakening did very well)

Pegasus Knight: Florina (What a pro)

Myrmidon: Rutger (God)

Fighter: Bartre the brave (Vaike done right)

Mage: Lute (AbsoLUTEly amazing)

Shaman: Canas (Bitches love the monocle) Honorable mention to Knoll, for being awesome.

Wyvern Rider: Heath (DAT HAIR)

Knight: Oswin (I had to pick someone)

Mercenary: Damn. I like them all. Personal Favorite? Ummmmmmmm......






...Gerik or Inigo (Gerik's sopport's are amazing, like how he and Tethys make out in their A, and Inigo is similar to Sain, but a HERO)

Priest/Cleric: Moulder the Boulder and Serra (He's a boulder. Serra actually made me laugh, which is something I can't say about all the other Clerics)

Thief: Matthew or Gaius (Matthew is hilarious, and his supports involving Leila are very meaningful. Gaius is hilarious and is a ginger)

Transformer: Yarne (Yeah, you read that right, I actually think he's funny, and a very useful Berserker)

Trainee: Ross the mothereffing boss (Best character in FE8 hands down)

Prepromote: Pent or Echidna (Only prepromotes I actually use. I think that says something)

Dancer: Olivia (Inigo's her son, and pink hair)

Monk: Lucius (Great supports with one of my favorite characters, and one of the only monks I actually use)

Villain: Lyon (I feel his villainry was done right and better than the others like lolvalidar)

Pirate: Dart (Love everything about him, especially supports with Farina and Rebecca)

Troubadour: L'Arachel (Much better personality than say, Maribelle or Clarine)


Added in some more I thought would fit.

Edited for details.

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I'll start with Lord. Descriptions will come later. The three off the top of my head are:

Lord: Between Marth and Ephraim

Pegasus Knight: #Waifu Bias=Cordelia

Trainee: Ross for one reason:


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Oh damn.

Lord: Ephraim (FE8), Micaiah (FE10 and yes she's a lord come at me)

Cavalier/Paladin/Great Knight: Sain (FE7), Kieran (FE9/FE10), Stahl (FE13)

Pegasus Knight/Falcoknight/Dark Flier: Fury (FE4 Gen I), Tate (FE6), Fiora (FE7), Vanessa (FE8), Marcia (FE9/FE10), Cynthia (FE13)

Archer/Sniper/Bow Knight/Ranger: Wil (FE7), Noire (FE13)

Fighter/Warrior: Barst (FE1/FE3/FE11/FE12), Ward (FE6), Boyd (FE9/FE10)

Bard (the FE4/FE5 kind)/Mage/Sage: Homeros (FE5), Pent (FE7), Lute (FE8), Laurent (FE13)

Cleric/Bishop: Lena (FE1/FE3/FE11/FE12), Serra (FE7), Cecille (FE3/FE12)

Thief/Assassin/Rogue: Patty (FE4 Gen II), Rennac (FE8)

Nomad/Hunter/Horseman/Arch Knight/Bow Knight: Lester (FE4 Gen II), Rath (FE7)

Priest/Monk/Bishop/High Priest/War Monk: Brady (FE13)

Sister/Sage: Julia (FE4 Gen II), Sara (FE5)

Dancer/Bard: Leen (FE4 Gen II), Ninian (FE7), Olivia (FE13)

Knight/General: Oswin (FE7)

Myrmidon/Swordmaster: Rutger (FE6), Marisa (FE8), Lon'qu (FE13)

Troubadour/Valkyrie/Paladin: Ethlyn (FE4 Gen I), Nanna (FE4 Gen II/FE5), Priscilla (FE7), L'Arachel (FE8)

Mercenary/Hero: Machua (FE5 and yes I consider her as such), Raven (FE7), Gerik (FE8)

Shaman/Druid/Dark Mage: Salem (FE5), Sophia (FE6), Knoll (FE8)

Pirate/Barbarian/Berserker: Ross (FE8 and yes this counts)

Wyvern Rider/Wyvern Lord/Dracoknight/Griffon Rider: Zeiss (FE6), Heath (FE7), Cherche (FE13)

Axe Knight/Great Knight: Lex (FE4 Gen I)

Free Knight/Forrest Knight: Delmud (FE4 Gen II/FE5)

Lance Knight/Duke Knight: Finn (FE4/FE5)

Master Knight: Raquesis (FE4 Gen I)

Soldier/Halberdier: Nephenee (FE9/FE10)

Manakete: Myrrh (FE8), Nah (FE13)

Laguz/Taguel: Lethe (FE9/FE10), Yarne (FE13)

Other: Xane (FE1/FE3/FE11/FE12)

I think that's that.

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Lord: Lucina (no duh)

Cavalier: Astrid (Bow Knight counts bite me)

Archer: Louise (woah you actually have stats unlike every other archer except for fe10 shinon)

Fighter: Hate them all

Mage/Sage: Pents cool but I like Callil and Miriel too

Cleric/Bishop: uhh lets go with Tina because thief staff

Thief: uh i don't like any of them

Nomad: None

Knight: Eww no

Troubadour: L'ARACHEL!

Hero: Echidna because boobs

Shaman/Dark Mage: Uhh lets pick Tharja

Halberdier: Nephenee

Manakete: Tiki <3

Wyvern Rider: Jill and Cherche <3<3

Pirate: Darros the SF member :P

Laguz: Nailah

Dancer: tethys

Pegasus Knight: Caeda and Catria

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lord: Micaiah, Sigurd or FE5!Leif; not sure really

mercenary: Inigo

myrmidon: FE10!Mia or Owain

fighter: Orsin

brigand/pirate: Gonzales

archer: Jamke

soldier: Aran

thief: Dew

cavalier/subvariants: FE5!Finn, Quan, Ares or Sully

armor: Arden solely on a character basis, or FE11!Draug in gameplay

mage: LEWYN (pent and bastian are pretty okay too there are too many neat mages)

dark mage: Canas

priest/monk: Brady

troubadour: Ethlyn

pegasus knight: Fee, Karin or Shanna

wyvern rider: Altena or Miledy

dancer: Sylvia

manakete: Nah

laguz/taguel: FE10!Tibarn? idk

trainee: pretty much all the FE2 ones together in some single amorphous generic villager blob

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Lord: Marth- he's just the best. He's my SSBB main, first lord of the series and he's just my favorite.

Cavalier/Paladin: Stahl- barely beats out Sain and Oscar for me. He's just a bro and one of the only characters in FE13 that is extremely likeable and doesn't have a ridiculous gimmick.

Pegasus Knight: Palla- she just owns so much. I like her portrait and green hair is just awesome.

Marcia- tied with Palla. She's so funny and my first favorite character ever. She's what made me like Pegasus Knights so much!

Caeda- couldn't leave her out since she's close. She's just so sweet and awesome. Marth made a good choice :)

Archer/Sniper: Ryan definetely. The funnest archer to use for me.

Fighter/Warrior: Boyd.

Mage/Sage: Pent. He's just badasss.

Cleric/Bishop: Lena

Thief/Rogue: FE10 Sothe

Nomad: FE9 Astrid because shes so fun to use

Priest/Bishop: Lucius

Dancer: Feena

Knight/General: Gatrie

Myrmidon/Swordmaster: Edward because third tier too awesome and one of the funnest characters to use. Wrath Resolve shenanigans are cool.

Troubadour: L'Arachel

Mercenary: very indiferent. Echidna/Ogma if i had to say one?

Shaman: Etzel

Pirate: Reclassed Ryan lol. Otherwise indifferent.

Wyvern Rider: Jill because she has a lot of character development for a non-main character and she's cool.

Manakete: Myrrh

Laguz: Panne because she makes a good Wyvern.

Soldier: Nepheneeeeee

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Lord: Micaiah, Lucina and Sigurd are close but the Priestess of Dawn has her place.

Cav/Pal: Stahl, simply da best. There was also Foxcar but Stahl kicked his arse.

Archer: Meh, archers suck but Briggid because dat bow. There's also Louise

Peg: Elincia :smug:

Myrm: Edd

Fighter: Boyd. Vaike's close though

Mage: The list is so long but I'd say Ilyana, Pent, Miriel....

Wyvern: Who won the Tellius contest :smug:

Knight: Oh god this class exists. Gatrie because yes

loldier: Neph

Merc: Ike. Actually, Raven

Priest/Cleric: who cares about healers? Go Lucius!


Dark Mage: Tharja. Eitherway MONOCLE CANAS

Troub: Err... Miriel

Pirate: Dart

Dancer: Ninian

Bard/Heron: Rafiel

Laguz: Nestling

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Lord: Eliwood

Cav: Noah

Archer: Briggid

Peg: Misha

Myrm: Say'ri or Zihark

Fighter: Orsin

Mage: Miriel

Wyvern: Altena

Knight: Gilliam

Soldier: Neph

Merc: Oujay

Priest/Cleric: Sara

Thief: Matthew

Dark Mage: Raigh

Monk: Lucius

Troub: Maribelle

Pirate: Geese

Dancer: Feena

Bard/Heron: Nils

Manakete: Tiki

Laguz: Lethe

Bow Knight/Nomad: Sue

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Dancer: Ninian, Olivia. Because I am feeling the flow - the flow of shadowofchaos725.

Pegasus Knight: Too many to count.

Priest/Cleric: See above. I also like Lana, who is one of the VERY few FE4 characters I like.

Lord: Chrom.

Cavalier: Stahl, Sain.

Mage: Pent, Miriel, Too Cute--whoops, I mean Ricken, Laurent, Erk, Ilyana, Calill

Laguz: Naesala, Nasir.

Knight: Oswin, Gatrie.

Archer: Noire.

Troubadour: Almost all of them.

Manakete: Tiki, Nah

Wyvern Rider: Haar, Cherche

Myrmidon: Joshua, Owain

Mercenary: Severa, Inigo, Gerik

Berserker: Largo.

Thief: Anna, Legault

Fighter: Nolan, Barst

Soldier: Aran; I don't really care for the competition, so he wins by default

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Lord: Hector and Eirika
Cavalier: Oscar
Archer: Ryan
Pegasus Knight: Gonna go with Cordelia
Myrmidon: Edward and Rutger.
Fighter: Nolan. Honorable Mention to Barst.
Pirate: Geese
Soldier: Nephenee
Mage/Sage: Ilyana (should be obvious by now).
Priest/Cleric: Saul
Troubadour: Priscilla
Dark Mage/Shaman: Canas, Salem, Etzel
Wyvern Rider: Haar
Knight: Kjelle
Mercenary: Raven
Thief: Legault
Laguz: Ulki
Dancer: Leen
Manakete: Tiki.

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Lord: Ike no doubt, because he's just a cool guy, and I also have to give props to Ephraim as well. (Shout out to Hector for third place?)

Cavalier: Titania, without a doubt. Best Jeigan ever, comparable only to Seth.

Archer: Rebecca paired with Dart produced awesome results for me....once.

Fighter: Boyd, I guess? Don't really like any of them.

Mage/Sage: Lute. Lute. Aaaaaand Lute. Prodigy ahoy!

Cleric/Bishop: Natasha, who is especially fun when you glitch her into learning dark magic because a bishop using dark magic is phunee.

Thief: Matthew is a champion.

Nomad: Rath? Not much choice...

Knight: Oswin!

Troubadour: L'Arachel of course, who else but the destroyer of evil?

Hero: Gerik I guess?

Shaman/Dark Mage: Leon. He counts. I don't even care.

Halberdier: Nephenee

Manakete: Mir

Wyvern Rider: Jill and Haar and Vanessa (Wyvern Knight...same thing)

Pirate: Dart

Laguz: Nailah, and Lethe because obligatory catgirl

Dancer: Ninian

Pegasus Knight: Vanessa and Farina...and Florina. x3

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Lord: It's between Chrom and Lucina. As his wife and her mother, I'm obligated not to play favorites. XD

Cavalier: Forde, with Franz close behind. As I both recently replayed Sacred Stones, and recently rewatched Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, its hard for me not to like the cool cavalier brothers who so resemble the Elric brothers. No, seriously, its scary how similar they look...

Pegasus Knight: Gonna go with Caeda; she's the first Peg in the series, and she's Marth's queen. That's gotta count for something!

Archer: In the past, i probably would've gone with Rebecca or Rolf, but after playing FE4, definitely Jamke. He's like, the coolest prince ever; he looks like a bandit (and has a horrible family), but he's so kind and really awesome for the usually annoying archer class.

Myrmidon: Ooof, this is a hard one....so many myrms that I adore......welp, its gonna have to be a six way tie between Shannan, Larcei, Joshua, Marisa, Lon'qu, and Owain. What can I say; these guys are too cool. I would've included Ayra and Rutger, but I think six is enough. XP

Fighter: Ehh, probably Vaike since he's funny. Not many other Fighters who interest me enough....

Mage: Uhhh, I KNOW I'm gonna miss someone here....urrrggghhh.......Erk, Lilina, Tailto, Azel, Lewyn, Ced, Arthur, Tinny, and Soren. With many others unmentioned...

Cleric: Between Serra and Lissa. I like their spunky personalities.

Thief: FE10 Sothe!!!! Hands down!!! :D

Nomad: Sue is cool to use. And she had slightly more personality than her father.

Priest: I liked Rhys and Brady.

Pirate: Errr....does Briggid count??? If not, then Geese.

Soldier: Nephenee

Troubadour: Definitely Nanna! ^_^

Dark magic user: Lyon beats all! Other than him, Henry for sure!

Wyvern Rider: Between Jill and Haar.

Knight: Kjelle (and maybe Wendy, if she were useful...too bad...)

Mercenary: Inigo and Severa. No point in deciding between them; they're a package deal for me.

Light magic user: Jullia is death and destruction with a sweet smile.

Dancer: Tethys, Olivia, and Leen are cool. So is Nils. I refuse to mention his sister.

Manakete: Tiki! :D

Cat Laguz: Ranulf!

Tiger Laguz: Kyza!

Lion Laguz: Errm, Caineghis!

Wolf Laguz: I literally can't decide between Nailah and Volug. They're both too badass!

Hawk Laguz: Tibarn! ...is this getting annoying yet?

Raven Laguz: Naesala!

Heron Laguz: Reyson!

Red Dragon Laguz: Ena!

White Dragon Laguz: Errr......Nasir! .....yeah, this is totally getting annoying...

Black Dragon Laguz: Kurthnaga!

Taguel: Panne!

Prince: Um, Leif!

Princess: Uh, Raquesis!

You just can't forget those awesome Master Knight classes those two become!

.......and I'm finally done! Did I miss any...?

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Lord: Eirika, Lyn, or Marth

Cavalier: Kent

Archer: Rebecca or Wil...

Pegasus Knight: Sumia or Florina

Myrmidon: Marisa or Lon'qu

Fighter: Garcia

Mage: Nino

Wyvern Knight: Vaida

Knight: Kellam

Soldier: Nephenee

Mercenary: Inigo

Priest/Cleric: Serra

Thief: Rennac

Dark Mage/Shaman: Tharja

Monk: Lucius

Troubadour: L'Arachel

Pirate: Dart

Dancer: Olivia or Ninian... I'm not sure... Feena's cool too... xD

Manakete: Tiki

Laguz: Mordecai

Bow Knight/Nomad: Robert

Trainee: Probably Ewan (just because he looks cool as a sage/mage knight! ^_^)

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Lord: Sigurd. Hector and Lucina are up there too.

Cavalier Knight: Seth, Marcus, Fin, Titania

Archer: FE12Sniper!Navarre. For non-reclassed, Igrene.

Pegasus Knight: Farina, Tanith

Myrmidon: Ayra and Larcei

Axedude: Hawkeye

Magic user: Pent, Ced, Lucius, and Soren

Wyvern Rider: Vaida, Haar, Miledy

Knight/Armor: Oswin

Soldier: Didn't really like any of them

Mercenary: Echidna, Machua

Priest/Cleric: Yumina

Thief: Legault

Laguz/Taguel/Manakete: Panne

Dancer: Leen for use and Tethys for character, but if we count people with dancer-like functionalities, Reyson beats them in both.

Trainee: none of them

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Cavalier Knight: Seth. Great caretaker and adviser of the twin lords.

Archer: Innes

Pegasus Knight: Cynthia

Myrmidon: Rutger. Never forget to use him when playing FE6.

Fighter: The Vaike.

Mage: Levyn and his son Ced/Sety cause Holsety was such a fun magic tome to use

Wyvern Rider: Cormag

Knight/armor: Lex

Mercenary: Gerrik. Great like most potential heroes, plus I like the relationships he has with the rest of the mercenary band he leads.

Priest/Cleric: Malicia. Funny girl and great cleric too.

Thief: Gaius

Pirate: Gonzales. Yes he's technically a brigand, but he also gets to be a berserker and is featured in the story arc dealing with pirates.

non-human: The Laguz Royals. Don't have a specific favourite here.

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Lord: Micaiah

Social Knight: Aless

Archer: None

Pegasus Knight: Tana and Fury

Myrmidon: Ayra

Light-Mage: Julia

Mage: Tiltyu and Tinny

Dark-Mage: Sophia

Wyvern Rider: Haar

Knight/Armor: Oswin

Soldier: Like none of them

Mercenary: Raven

Priest/Cleric: Lana (I forgot her)

Thief: Patty

Laguz/Taguel/Manakete: Naesala

Dancer: Ninian

Troubadour: Lachesis (she was like an unmounted Troub in FE4)

Axe-locked class: Lex (anyone else goes in the trash can)

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Lord: Leif

Cavalier: Oscar

Archer: Ryan

Pegasus Knight: Marcia

Myrmidon: Eyvel

Fighter: Nolan

Mage: Ced

Wyvern Rider: Haar

Armor Knight: Gatrie

Mercenary: Gerrik

Priest/Cleric: Saul

Thief: Anna

Troubador: Nanna

Dark Mage: Salem

Pirate/Brigand: Largo

Laguz: Mordecai

Soldier: Nephenee

Dancer/Bard: Feena

Bow on a Horse: Shin

Manakete: Tiki

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Lord: Sigurd

Cavalier: Kent

Archer: Shinon

Pegasus Knight: Fury

Myrmidon: Marisa

Fighter: Barst

Mage: Lute

Wyvern Rider: Cormag

Knight: Oswin

Mercenary: Holyn

Priest/Cleric: Moulder

Troubadour: Larachel

Dark Mage/ Shaman: Canas

Theif: Legault

Laguz: Naesala

Pirate: Geese

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Lord : Ephraim

Lance wielder on foot (my fetish), one of the few Lords with common 1-2 at base, Reginleif is amazing (extra MT, accurate, isn't heavy, loads of uses, crit) gets a horse on promotion (lets him keep up), amazing growths and bases, cool and calculated yet also passionate, Overall just a suave motherfucker.

Honorable mention - Ike (generally kicks ass, isn't a royal and is earnest and pure), Lyn (appealing design, some of the coolest crits, bows and swords is a cool combo)

Cavalier : Marcus

Helps out across 2 games (as the actual Jeigan), and carries the team when its needed harder than any other unit of his archetype. Titania and Seth are "better" Jeigans but they exist in a games with generally far more capable growth units.

Honorable mention - Kieran (really funny), Titania (beautiful redhead, yolos entire segments of maps, fully armored female)

Wyvern: Jill

Beautiful redhead, has some of the best development and focus of any side character in the series, female who actually wears full armor, obliterates lategame, has a res stat.

Honorable mention - Miledy (carries the team super hard)

Pegasus: Shiida

WIN SPEAR, best recruit convos, is beautiful, original PK.

Honorable mention - Marcia (cuts all the turns!), Elincia (Prf Brave Sword and Staffbots while flying!)

Soldier: Nephenee

Lance wielder on foot, great growths and bases, wrath, great design, hot, has a shield, cute supports/personality.

Honorable mention - Aran (isn't anyone else to mention lol but I dig that he's basically a Knight with proper mov)

Knight: Oswin

One of the two armors who actually gets to ever do anything in FE games that I've played.

Honorable mention - Gatrie (the other one, but his maps aren't as kind to him as Oswin's were)

Myrmidon: Mia

Sparky and fun personality goes against the Myrmidon trend, great design, hot.

Honorable mention - Rutger (bosskills like...a boss, 30% base crit, can get to over 100% :VVV), Karel (amazing supports, amusing growth in FE6)

Mercenary: Dieck

Won his way to top because he's carrying me pretty hard in my FE6 challenge run. Funny name, massive con lets him use everything easily. Actually having accuracy with handaxes in FE6 is amazing. Looks like a badass. Gives em the Dieck.

Honorable mention - Raven (ballin' jacket as a Hero), Echidna (fast as fuck, can use Brave Axe at base, female hero!)

Archer: Igrene

Hot. Great bases, Blicks in Ilia. Hot.

Honorable mention - Shinon (being so tanky makes him capable of actually being a crazy Knight Archer in RD, and snipers have critbonus in that game)

Nomad/Bow Knight: FE9 Astrid

Cute, Paragon, brings Knight Ward, levels up like a fucking Manakete on her join chapter. FE10 Astrid can go to hell, unsalvagably weak and no training time, awful taste in men.

Honorable mention - Sue (Shin is better but Sue is cute), Sedgar (IS CARRYING ME HARD IN H5, WOLF IS AN EMO)

Fighter: Barst

Incredible bases, amazing growths, good weapon rank, is actually accurate. If only more games had Barsts instead of Bord and Cords...

Honorable mention - Nolan (pseudo Jeigan when you need it in FE10, hot, great growths and bases, crossbows), Boyd (great growth/bases, crossbows, funny and cute supports)

Pirate: Geese

Brings a Brave Axe. Has a skill stat and solid growths, 30% crit in FE6. That's really all it takes considering what this class is like...

Honorable mention - Dart (not many others to name, he's decent)

Mage: Soren

Kuudere to the max. Cute.

Honorable mention - Merric (EXCALIBLICK), Pent (amazing bases and weapon rank, solid growth, fashion sense)

Monk: Lucius

The best glass cannon. Hot. (couragewolf.jpg)

Honorable mention - Micaiah (not really a Monk but there are barely any other pure light magic users to list, and Miccy is cute, Thanibombs things and then staffbots)

Shaman: Niime

Godly staff user. Can nosferatank. Old as the hills and still kicks ass.

Honorable mention - Canas (monocle, killed a snowstorm, amusing supports), Knoll (Phantoms are a really fun tool, supports are revealing)

Priest/Cleric/Troubador: Mist

Gets a horse and swords (Sonic Sword!) on promo for some fun combat. FE10 has swords at base and Florete is an amazing Prf Weapon. Cute.

Honorable mention - Moulder (great stats/growths, best con on a magic user ever), Saul (great stats/growths, pimpin' promotion outfit, promotes just in time to save you from hellish chapters with warp)

Thief: Volke

Smokes a pipe (classy), has insanely good bases and str meaning he actually has good combat (only limited by his weapontype in FE9), has the best lethality animations (FE9 is hilarious, FE10 is badass)

Honorable mention - Colm (easy support with Neimi + Assassin + KE = Funny Lethality gimmicks)

Laguz: Volug

Helps out a lot in 10 when it matters. Ripped as fuck, hot. Loyal. Wolves are fucking cool.

Honorable mention - Naesala (cool battle theme, interesting character, CAW)

Dragon: Myrrh

Is super effective vs monsters in a game full of them. Cute.

Honorable mention - Fae (tanks status staves like nobody's business)

Dancer: Reyson

CAN DANCE 4 PEOPLE AND FLIES AND HEALS AND CANTO HOLY FUCK. Contrasting design and personality is amusing.

Honorable mention - Leanne (dances two people at base, flies and canto, thats cool I guess)

Edited by Irysa
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Lord: Ike

Gold/Silver Knight: Titania

Marksman: Shinon

Marshall: Gatrie

Seraph Knight: :lol:

Trueblade: Edward

Whisper/Assassin: Volke

Lancer: Nephenee

Archsage: Pelleas

Valkyrie: Mist

Reaver: Nolan

Laguz: Vika

Saint: Laura

Hero: Gregor

Beserker: Vaike

Other: Black Knight

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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Lord: Leaf HM: Ephraim.

Cavalier: Felgus - Getting extra 5% of crit in second strike after almost every lvlup isn't enough epic? Also, he is laid-back (like me) and has cool artwork. HM: Forde, Lowen, Finn.

Wyvern Knight: Cormag - That stats... That growth... That badass support convos. He is just epic.

Bow user: Innes - Arrogance, sarcastic, impatient prince of Frelia. How to not love him?

Pegazus: Vanessa - Earlygame filler with not bad stats. If she gets statbooster, she can take half of game.

Knight: Xavier - One of the best general in series. Also epic recruitment and he is a man.

Myrmidon: Joshua - Dat hat... Really good in 0% growth. Best FE artwork ever. HM: Shiva, Rutger, Karel.

Mercenary: Dieck - Probably one of few mercenaries, who aren't overrated. Keep you alive in FE6 HM.

Fighter: Othin - If you have never play FE5, you never understand. HMs: Garcia, Lott.

Anima user: Sety - For everybody, who think that Pent is best magic user in series: Try Sety! HMs: Pent, Saleh, Lugh, Erk and... Leaf.

Dark magic user: Canas - One of my most favorite character in series. Who cares, he is weaker than Erk, or Lucius, he is still usable and has awesome personality (And monocle :awesome: ) HMs: Salem (D in staves in FE5=good unit), Niime (A in staves will be always great, no matter of game).

Priest: Safy or Moulder.

Thief: Pahn - Again, if you don't play FE5, you won't get why he is so damn awesome guy. HM: Legalut.

Troubadour: L'Arachel - I really need to explain, why I like her? :awesome: HM: All other troubadours.

Villain: Nergal - Because he is proto version of Caulder!

Special: Duessel - One of best character in all FEs. Really well-witted! And good unit too!

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Lord: Leaf - A break from the super promising young tactician who gets everything right!

Cavalier: Biraku/Alec - Torn between Mr Yaranaika and the greatest womanizer in the series.

Archer: Wolt - His lo-... dedication to Roy is astounding!

Pegasus Knight: Tate - Generally likeable and pretty reliable!

Myrmidon: Shanam - Best fraud ever! Samto is a near second.

Fighter: Bartre - Super Ham!

Mage: Hugh - So honest!

Wyvern Rider: Altenna - Tough as a boot! Trabant comes second!

Armor Knight: Ardan - Who doesn't love the THWOMP?

Mercenary: Machua - Generally reliable!

Priest/Cleric: Saul - The one, the only, thanks for hanging around all day to meet the great Father Saul!

Thief: Patty - With the right dad, she's pretty potent.

Troubador: Nanna - See the above, and also pretty likeable.

Dark Mage: Tharja - Makes me the nice parent.

Pirate/Brigand: Geese - HONK!

Laguz: Uh... Lethe?

Soldier: Dandev... or Devdan?

Dancer/Bard: Sylvia - Hilarious!

Bow on a Horse: Shin - Nobias.

Manakete: Bantu - Not bad for his age!

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Lord: Hector

Cavalier: Sain

Archer: Louise

Pegasus Knight: Sumia (obviously)

Myrmidon: Say'ri (but I like Mia a lot too)

Mage: Ilyana and Soren are tied for my favorite

Wyvern Rider: Gerome

Mercenary: Inigo

Preist/Cleric: Serra

Thief: Gaius

Dancer/Bard: Ninian (but I like Olivia a lot too)

Laguz/Taguel/Manakete: Nowi

I didn't bother putting the classes that my answer would have been "none of them" for.

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