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Worst Fire Emblem game?


Worst FE  

133 members have voted

  1. 1. Which FE game do you like the least?

    • Dark Dragon and Sword of Light
    • Gaiden
    • Mystery of the Emblem
    • Genealogy of the Holy War
    • Thracia 776
    • Sword of Seals
    • Blazing Sword
    • The Sacred Stones
    • Path of Radiance
    • Radiant Dawn
    • Shadow Dragon
    • Heroes of Light and Shadow
    • Awakening

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FE9 was my second choice, does that change anything?

Clearly FE9 is the second worst FE game! Noone nominated it for first because it didn't deserve that "honor".

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FE9 was my second choice, does that change anything?

Slowness of the enemy phase I assume is part of that? [Personally I love fe9 i am just curious why you dont like it much]

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por has the worst gameplay in the series since the nes games

too bad its story is so wellwritten

I'd disagree on that and say FE4's gameplay was even worse.

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Slowness of the enemy phase I assume is part of that? [Personally I love fe9 i am just curious why you dont like it much]

FE9 was the one that I've played that I enjoyed the second least, I guess. I don't usually think about worsts.

a bit of modification and presto, answer

It's entirely subjective - I just don't enjoy it as much as others. A lot of the culprit is the slow-as-fuck entirety of the game.

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I'd disagree on that and say FE4's gameplay was even worse.

well they both have gigantic empty maps in which you simply charge your calvary for great justice

at least fe4's enemy phase doesn't take DICK LONG



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Just to respond to the OP's original question,

Several users have expressed the belief in another thread that what people view to be the least balanced FE game is also respective persons' least favoured game in the series.

I couldn't find a poll that would be looking for this kind of information specifically, even though we've had plenty of topics where we tiered the games from best to worst. You can also use this thread to emphasise which of the recent games you do not like even if they're generally more appealing than the first innovative titles that haven't stood the test of time. e.g. you want to make it known that you have a thing against Sacred Stones or Awakening or whatever else but cannot stand playing more than a few minutes of the Famicom games, then there would be some merit to stressing your dislike for an already developed series than compare the latest games with the ancient titles.

Any related discussions are welcome, as per usual.

fe4 is still my favorite game in the series, and regardless I'm quite comfortably of the opinion that it's a flawed, poorly balanced game, easily a contender for the worst in the series

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PoR EP is nowhere near as bad as RD EP. Like, nowhere. I actually was playing advance wars during the EP of the last parts of 3 and most of 4 because it takes so long.

Edited by Irysa
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PoR EP is nowhere near as bad as RD EP. Like, nowhere. I actually was playing advance wars during the EP of the last parts of 3 and most of 4 because it takes so long.

thing is though

ferd actually has maps that like

do things

and sometimes are challenging

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Okay, I didn't do a 'speedrun' per se, but I once did a PoR run in about 9 hours and a RD run in about 7-8, but at the time I wasn't speedrunning, so there wasn't any real effort for it, just trying to get Ashnard for the Trial Maps

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  • 8 months later...

I couldn't care about balance as long as the game's fun. It's always quality vs quantity in a Fire Emblem game.

As for my least favorite game, I voted Gaiden. Let me list all of my problems with it.

1) Length- Gaiden is 5 chapters long. Granted, the chapters are about 3 times longer then it's predecessor, but that makes it 15 chapters compared to the 25 that the first game had.

2) Overworld- it's not bad, just unnecessary. There's not much to do in it, to boot.

3) Story- The reason Fire Emblem stories can be so fun is character personality and the fact that the plot is convoluted until the end. Gaiden's story is too straightforward and all the characters have no personality and are incredibly forgettable. That's 0/2.

4) Weapons- Part of FE1's strategy is knowing when to go to an armory without getting swarmed by enemies and knowing what to buy there. In this game, you don't need armories; you have a default weapon that never breaks. Neither do special weapons found in armories. Why carry special weapons when I have a default weapon and stats capping at 40? Why have vulneraries when a healer can do the job just as well an infinite amount of times? Why have strategy?

5) Challenge- With weapons that don't break and chapters being broken into sections, Gaiden is too easy. I'm looking for challenge in a Fire Emblem game.

6) Graphics and Sound- this game's graphics are nowhere near as polished as the first game. There are practically no dark colors to contrast the light colors and certain terrain doesn't look nearly as nice as the last game. The music is nowhere near as catchy as the first game's music. I can only think of 2 themes off the top of my head; the player and enemy attack themes.

Overall, Gaiden is a case of changing way too much way too quickly. It just can't compare to its predecessor or any other fire emblem game. Sorry, Gaiden fans, that's just my opinion.

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