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Choose You're Own Role Mafia - Game Over


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Day 3.1 Votals

Grassbridger (3): Elieson, Paperblade, Bearclaw

Polydeuces (3): Kay, SB, BBM

Shinori (3): eclipse, Boron, Bluedoom

Strege (2): kirsche, ILDEVYR CANNON!!

Not Voting (7): Rein, Grassbridger, j00, Polydeuces, Rocker, Shinori, Strege

With 17 alive, it is 9 to hammer. You have about 52 hours and 20 minutes left in the phase.

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Kay, how does your role work

OH. I know why Rein's role failed. That was my role.

Anyway, I target someone, if they target me their role fails and I take their items. I can also dump items on my target, regardless of what they do.

Polydeuces, if you are still here, explain your bearclaw read and why you picked Rein as your last-minute vote.

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I didn't use my role last night for two reasons: I wasn't sure exactly how to use it, and it didn't seem like it would affect anything. My role doesn't do anything really noteworthy, so I didn't use it; simple enough, I'd say.

TBH, I kinda wagoned Bear yesterday after Rein gave me a reason to keep my vote off him, but I went back to Rein to try and balance votes enough to no-lynch, since Refa was the only other target and I figured he was town based on what I'd seen of him.

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This whole "lol wagon switch" thing is pretty damn stupid. I only went Rein again due to not having any read on either Shinori or Refa.

TBH, I kinda wagoned Bear yesterday after Rein gave me a reason to keep my vote off him, but I went back to Rein to try and balance votes enough to no-lynch, since Refa was the only other target and I figured he was town based on what I'd seen of him.

more contradictions

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I didn't use my role last night for two reasons: I wasn't sure exactly how to use it, and it didn't seem like it would affect anything. My role doesn't do anything really noteworthy, so I didn't use it; simple enough, I'd say.

TBH, I kinda wagoned Bear yesterday after Rein gave me a reason to keep my vote off him, but I went back to Rein to try and balance votes enough to no-lynch, since Refa was the only other target and I figured he was town based on what I'd seen of him.


Shinori's actually BP, Rein's town IMO (despite my voting him, I just wanted a lynch) and I dunno about Refa. Bear's not an option, so... eh. I don't think I'm voting today, this is so confusing right now and my head/stomach are killing me.

"Just wanted a lynch" and trying to balance votes for a no lynch don't sound like the same thing. Do you need to clarify something further?

Can you give multiple items

It doesn't sound like it but I'll ask.

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From what I remember, Rein's pinging me as town, you're town, Bear's null/slightly scummy (leaning more null considering BBM & Paperblade's pushing elsewise), and... that's about it. I haven't kept up with this thread as much since D3 started, so I'd have to back and read a few ISOs to get a few more reads.

What exactly about Grass is making everyone think he's scum? Just out of curiosity.

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whoops I forgot I had this open for 2 hours

Poly keeps tripping over his own logic and making a lot of moves that seem really hard to justify as town. "Hey I was contradicting myself because I was sick" does not justify it.

I also am scumreading bear a lot stronger than before because of his last minute voteswap onto me despite his previous post that I linked at D2's end, and much of his play has done nothing to convince me of townieness, personally.

still scumreading SB for the same reasons as yesterday, but these other two have surpassed him imo. I need to look into Grassbridger some more.

##Vote: poly for now

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Also I want everyone voting Poly to tell me why they don't want to lynch Grass when I have repeatedly said that there is only one other role claimed (and I am currently aware of every single player's role to some extent) that could have stopped that kill last night.

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