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Fire Emblem Link Arena Discussion Topic


Things in the Fates meta that look bannable?  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. (tick many) What looks bannable in the Fates meta?

    • Dragon Ward (Hoshido Noble)
    • Life or Death (Master of Arms)
    • Counter (Oni Chieftain)
    • Darting Blow (Sky Knight)
    • Multiple Amaterasu (Kinshi Knight)
    • Wary Fighter (General)
    • Inspiration (Strategist)
    • Aggressor (Dread Fighter)
    • Galeforce (Dark Falcon)
    • Awakening (Great Lord)
    • Dancing Blade (Lodestar)
    • Ban ALL DLC/Amiibo skills.
    • Other (state what)

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The accounts I've read about ingame PvP have claimed that it's really volatile (yet apparently still fun). It's probably really different from the format we've been trying out in this forum. I imagine we will at least try Fates LA when everyone has familiarised themselves with the games.

My reason for this bump is an idea I've just had - playing Link Arena without unique characters but just the bare classes. They still learn skills and have variations in base and max stats, so it might go somewhere. I think this might best be played in Fates than Awakening though because there are a lot more useful skills there (for example, the useless +10 hit / +10 avo skills have been replaced with equivalents that modify damage incurred and inflicted).

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  • 1 month later...

Fates LA is going to be awesome, I reckon, though I'm already horrified of Competitive Generals and Oni Chieftains. In general though, it looks like the caps (speed ones especially) have been made in a way where it's not just Assassins dominating everything besides users of +5 spd weapons and units who aren't doubled by them.

I think we might want to start the LA with a parents metagame where nobody is allowed to reclass with marriage/buddy seals. That should be pretty close to Awakening LA (which we already know fairly well) and also show which classes and skill builds are more effective than others. I wonder if Vengeance is going to be a really dominant skill as well - it's certainly nowhere near as reliable at skl x 1,5 activation rates with lowered skl caps but will still activate often enough to matter. HP caps being lower reduces its potential damage too, but will also mean the target can be taking proportionally more damage to its HP, too.

Purchasing scrolls should definitely be banned though and I reckon so should cooking and statues in My Castle.

Anyone have an idea which weapons will see the most use?

I'll be sure to put up a stat sheet in the usual thread as soon as we know every class's English name, but we'll need the main site to develop resources to be able to build teams somewhat freely to battle one another. P excited about it.

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Fates LA is going to be awesome, I reckon, though I'm already horrified of Competitive Generals and Oni Chieftains. In general though, it looks like the caps (speed ones especially) have been made in a way where it's not just Assassins dominating everything besides users of +5 spd weapons and units who aren't doubled by them.

I think we might want to start the LA with a parents metagame where nobody is allowed to reclass with marriage/buddy seals. That should be pretty close to Awakening LA (which we already know fairly well) and also show which classes and skill builds are more effective than others. I wonder if Vengeance is going to be a really dominant skill as well - it's certainly nowhere near as reliable at skl x 1,5 activation rates with lowered skl caps but will still activate often enough to matter. HP caps being lower reduces its potential damage too, but will also mean the target can be taking proportionally more damage to its HP, too.

Purchasing scrolls should definitely be banned though and I reckon so should cooking and statues in My Castle.

Anyone have an idea which weapons will see the most use?

I'll be sure to put up a stat sheet in the usual thread as soon as we know every class's English name, but we'll need the main site to develop resources to be able to build teams somewhat freely to battle one another. P excited about it.

Ryoma's and Xanders Prfs :P:

Honestly i'm not quite sure, but it'll probably be the most reliable weapons that don't have too much of a backlash, at least we don't have to worry about Vengeance + Nosferatu, considering how much Nosferatu got nerfed (from what I heard.)

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Well, Nosferatu can no longer activate Vengeance, so I'd say it's not going to make an appearance. Also, Mirror Strike cripples any magic users really badly. -20 magic damage on counter? Crazy.

One big difference that we haven't discussed in detail at all in this thread is the expanded weapon triangle and the inclusion of three new weapon types in it. This is going to be huge and we can't estimate exactly what will work and what breaker skills are useful until the metagame starts being shaped.

I think the development of all things-Link Arena should be slow until we've all played the game enough to try it out on a more serious level.

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Wow Mirror Strike, damn thats quite the detriment to magic in general.

Oh yeah, the addition of Bows and Tomes into the triangle along with hidden weapons, which specialty is debuffing, I imagine we'll have wild first matches.

Yeah I should be able to at least play through Hoshido when Fates comes out in english, although I intend on playing all 3. But that was my first choice if I couldn't get the SE which I couldn't.

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There's a shuriken that looks pretty horrifying:


It's 1-range with low power and a self-debuff effect of a silver weapon but lowers the target's speed/def/res by 8 (!!!) points. I have a feeling shurikens and weapon triangle control will be decisive in winning matches.

edit: it will also be a PITA to host lmao.

Edited by Espinosa
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-8 freaking speed. It's not even terribly inaccurate, and while it may just be on paper, that is a pretty powerful tool to be using in Link Arena.

I mean, I also haven't really been keeping up with Fates or anything so I don't know too much about it, but, you know...it'd be fun to watch.

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-8 speed is actually not THAT disastrous when a) the Competitive skill exists, b) Peg's Swallow Strike allows you to double units with the same AS as you, but it can definitely make a difference. Other shurikens with actual 1-2 range shouldn't be underestimated either.

One big question is how we handle aura skills. Back in Awakening LA, and with stuff like brother bonds in PoR, we just had bonuses of this type active for all involved. Question is, do we want differentiate between Sakura's personal skill, affecting units within two spaces, from Camilla's personal which affects the adjacent unit - and who should be the adjacent unit in this case, everyone in the party sans Camilla?

We should also probably ban forges; otherwise, there will be a lot of OHKOing connected to the lower HP caps.

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One big question is how we handle aura skills. Back in Awakening LA, and with stuff like brother bonds in PoR, we just had bonuses of this type active for all involved. Question is, do we want differentiate between Sakura's personal skill, affecting units within two spaces, from Camilla's personal which affects the adjacent unit - and who should be the adjacent unit in this case, everyone in the party sans Camilla?

Well, it's theoretically possible, there's four spaces adjacent to every non-border panel and only five people on a team. Hex only affected units in 1-range combat as we had it, but I'm assuming Camilia's skill is a buff to allies and not a debuff to enemies.

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Camilla's aura grants +3 atk/+1 def to adjacent allies. Sakura's aura grants +2 def to allies within two squares. "Two squares" has never meant anything restricted in Link Arena settings, with supports functioning until a unit is KO'd in spite of the order in which the units were submitted in their team.

There are only 4 kunai-using promoted classes; compare that to 16 classes using swords and 14 classes using lances (many of these come from extra content though, like Lodestar and Great Lord). However, because Dread Fighter is available to everyone now, including females (and it got kunai instead of tomes), anyone can be found using kunai now. Dread Fighter is +5 str/-4 spd compared to Master Ninja, so they're looking promising in the competitive environment.

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I think i found a really easy way to code this into excel.

Espi you would be proud. Tbh though im gonna wait until NA CONFIRMATIONS on all equipment comes out. Not sure if NA will modify some thinfs tbh

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Most likely you'll just have to replace some names tbqh. Also, we still haven't got the mechanics completely down to start playing games, but some primitive early team builder (showing stats and allowing you to paste it on the forums) would be nice. As proud as I was with your work, I remember still doing everything the raw way in Awakening and every other game I ever hosted, which can be a bit of an intellectual effort at times.

Also, on problematic skills:

1) Oni Chieftain's Counter is still broken and probably still needs to be banned. Full damage from pointblank physical attacks is too much.

2) I provoked a series of posts about the woes of kunai usage but anybody with Holy Lancer access can inflict Def-6/Spd-6 on any enemy that they engage in combat and survive it, even if whiffing (kunai need to connect on the other hand).

3) Sun God offers 20% recovery. Renewal + Sun God recovers 50% HP recovery each turn, which is quite something. Multiple Sun Gods on the same team means damage doesn't linger on (though debuffs certainly do and aren't leaving anywhere). We probably want to limit Sun God to one per team, just like we did with Bride's recovery skill in Awakening, but it could want some more drastic measures.

4) We still want Lethality out with its ~6-7% OHKO rate.

5) No coins lmao.

6) We need to think what to do about MU. There's Dragonstone+ tanking (probably not potent at all, but it's the biggest magical nuke out there), Dragon Fang adding huge damage to attacks and Draconic Shield giving everyone in the party a luck stat-dependent PavGis (gotta ban this one if you ask me). If no seals are involved, MU is just a unique unit; if not...

7) Line of Death is at the top of the list of things that could lead to non-stop OHKOing. Calculations must be carried out.

8) Dread Fighter and Dark Falcon skills are very dubious in appropriacy, as is the potentially unlimited availability of Lodestar, Great Lord abilities etc. considering how many skills these offer. We may want to keep them out for a while.

9) Arthur's Unlucky Soul actually sounds really potent in an LA setting for the +15 crit on enemies.

10) Not a skill, but Great Club has 45 hit / 55 crit and deals 4x damage when critting. Combine this with hit-boosting skills (breakers and whatnot) for some cheesy critblicks. Mozu gets club access as a Master of Arms and can utilise Sniper's Raven Strike for +40 hit on player phase.

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I'd be interested in playing FE14 Link Arena. The first matches of a new meta are always fun to play.

I'll probably wait until I've finished Fates until I start doing Link Arena matches though.

It'll be funny to see the crazy strats people try, I EXPECT TO SEE QUITE A FEW KUNAI though.

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