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Fire Emblem Link Arena Discussion Topic


Things in the Fates meta that look bannable?  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. (tick many) What looks bannable in the Fates meta?

    • Dragon Ward (Hoshido Noble)
    • Life or Death (Master of Arms)
    • Counter (Oni Chieftain)
    • Darting Blow (Sky Knight)
    • Multiple Amaterasu (Kinshi Knight)
    • Wary Fighter (General)
    • Inspiration (Strategist)
    • Aggressor (Dread Fighter)
    • Galeforce (Dark Falcon)
    • Awakening (Great Lord)
    • Dancing Blade (Lodestar)
    • Ban ALL DLC/Amiibo skills.
    • Other (state what)

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Hey, I believe Espinosa wanted an FE6 max stats game with me. Is there anyone who's ready and willing to host the game?

Let's wait a little bit, all right? We're kinda struggling with finishing the games we already do have in progress.

Getting the matches that have already begun to progress is top priority right now.

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Who created FE8 tier listn Gilliam is way to high for a character who can get 2RKO and have mid offence.

It was me... Gilliam has good bulk, Great Shield, and if we play with boosters (which we should for more fun customising teams IMHO) he can stop being outsped with Garm. Full weapon triangle control, too. The tier list I offered didn't see that much discussion though, and it's been a while since we last finished an FE8 game, so it might be a good idea to come back to it later and test some more teams with boosters or something. tbqh the organisation is a huge problem right now with people being online at different times but most importantly hosts not being available, though it was like this from the start so no surprises there.

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Let's wait a little bit, all right? We're kinda struggling with finishing the games we already do have in progress.

Getting the matches that have already begun to progress is top priority right now.

Hey, don't worry about it! I'm not in any rush! I'm sorry if I came across like I was!

Edited by FionordeQuester
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Hey, don't worry about it! I'm not in any rush! I'm sorry if I came across like I was!

Ah no, don't worry about it! I'd like to rematch you too, but it might have to wait a little bit.

So I've been wondering this about Wrath/Resolve mechanics... Let's say you're not doubling and you target somebody when outside Resolve HP range and the counterattack gets into that range - do you go on hitting your target or does the round of combat end after the counterattack?

Another instance is attacking somebody with a brave weapon and getting them into Resolve range in between the two hits - will their avoid receive a boost (with Resolve's speed increase) for the second hit, or will the changes only become active after the whole attack is over and the counterattack begins?

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Ah no, don't worry about it! I'd like to rematch you too, but it might have to wait a little bit.

So I've been wondering this about Wrath/Resolve mechanics... Let's say you're not doubling and you target somebody when outside Resolve HP range and the counterattack gets into that range - do you go on hitting your target or does the round of combat end after the counterattack?

Another instance is attacking somebody with a brave weapon and getting them into Resolve range in between the two hits - will their avoid receive a boost (with Resolve's speed increase) for the second hit, or will the changes only become active after the whole attack is over and the counterattack begins?

As far as I know, when a Resolve unit (with Resolve inactive) attacks a unit (that they don't naturally double) and they get countered, and thus, activate Resolve, said unit won't double. However, if a unit attacks a unit, and trigger Resolve on the opponent, then the opponent may double if the AS conditions are met. For the first condition: imagine Micaiah engaging direct combat with a myrmidon, she attacks, gets hit, but won't attack again even if Resolve is active. For the second one: imagine a Berdier attacking Micaiah, she gets hit, triggers Resolve and doubles.

Regarding brave attacks, I assume Sp is increased even in the brave's first attack. Example: 31/45 Ilyana gets braved by a swd gen in 4-E-1, the brave gen deals 12 dmg and Ilyana triggers Resolve, resulting in the avo boost after the inmediate attack, not after the brave round has ended. Iirc, that's how Resolve works, though anyone can correct me.

Edited by Quintessence
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Okay I'm cleared for 5 hours of tech a day. So I can start hosting games once I finish Horace/Espinosa. I'll restart that tommorow, because I have to run all the calcs again.

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Hey Espinosa, I have that FE9 match with AnonymousSpeed IIRC. Just want to make sure you didn't forget, I don't mind waiting if you're busy with the other matches/real life/LTCing FE.

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Valk's avo fixed. Brom's AS is right though; I'm using the rounded up Fixed Mode stats, and Brom starts with 90 there.

Okay I'm cleared for 5 hours of tech a day. So I can start hosting games once I finish Horace/Espinosa. I'll restart that tommorow, because I have to run all the calcs again.

That's awesome; I was wondering where you went.

Hey Espinosa, I have that FE9 match with AnonymousSpeed IIRC. Just want to make sure you didn't forget, I don't mind waiting if you're busy with the other matches/real life/LTCing FE.

Yeah sorry, I haven't forgotten about that. Had a ton of errands to run yesterday, so I'm going to launch that today at the same time I intended to do it yesterday.

And about Ragnell, it looks like we haven't reached any consensus at all there. I think we'll need to hold a lot of games without the Ragnell to make up our minds what to do about it (the same applies to the IxO support by the way), and the event thingy I've got planned once we're done testing the stuff in the last two PoR games we started seems like a perfect place to try out (plus think of all the team variety that these two bans encourage - this is going to make theorycrafting more empirical).

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ok i have time to grind out a few edits to the matches I'm hosting.

I'm not going to be hosting any more matches for the next few days / week (obviously I'm a little pressed for time and such), soooooooooooooooooo just throwing that out there.

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The demand for more games is quite a bit higher than our current capacity to run the games in a timely manner at the moment. If you folks could help with co-hosting some of the stalled games, I'm sure we'd be able to move on to new games much sooner.

The recent PoR averages/boosters matches pose some questions that need answering (forget Ike and his Ragnell/Oscar support, there are way bigger issues to address):

- Are Nasir/Ena too strong to continue existing without a further nerf on booster usage? It is definitely possible to create such a team where you can invest all 4 Speedwings into one of these for one bulky, offensively dangerous 33-34 AS monster.

- What about guys like Ranulf who could receive a big booster stack to receive a similar status? Ranulf's difference is not having enough SP to run all of Renewal/Nihil/Shade, but he could still run Parity/Renewal or Nihil/Shade. We'll probably need another match to determine what to do with Ranulf (as Lethe and Janaff are more or less inferior to Naesala even with boosters), or maybe Nasir in my current game will allow to extrapolate that nicely.

- Resolve affects how carefully you play now - and that's an understatement. I would gather there's some chance that Resolve might be limited to its natural user (Tauroneo), but most likely people just need to realise how important Resolve wars are and run a Nihil/Parity user (or both). A supportless Makalov would be a great user of Parity for example, recovering 5 HP per turn with Renewal.

- There's also the question if all those scrubby Laguz (everybody from Mordecai to Ulki) would benefit from Wrath/Resolve being unbanned from them without breaking the metagame in half - I mean, Mordy can reach 28 AS outside of Resolve with huge bulk (stack robes and shields on him) and then last for a long while in Resolve mode. Without Resolve, he and other non-royal Laguz just suck I guess.

The Laguz gauge still remains a big restraint when it comes to limiting the Laguz's capacity to break the game.

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i think i'm going to be up for running future FE5 and TRS matches, but i don't want to take on anything else.

I'm interested in probing the TRS meta as a battler. I could fight Dio who was likewise interested in it. Last time Dio and I talked about it, we thought Sol Swords could be banned, Shramm could stay because it's not that good offensively, and... I guess we still need to decide about held items (I assume it should be one of each max / no Elixirs) and stat boosters (I suppose that could be left for later).

And I'd similarly limit myself to mostly FE9 for now because that's where most of the things that are really interesting to me are happening right now.

Here's an FE5 question as I'm currently making a team - can Sol and Luna proc on non-sword attacks (bows/magic etc.)?

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I'd open myself up to hosting much more, but for teh next week-ish, my activity on a PC will be anything including Erratic. For the time being, please don't ask me to take up hosting any matches.

Also, a thought occured regarding certain metas with 5 use Seige tomes and Corrode.

Could that make it a viable skill to include (read, skill that can process in a successful way, rather than a heavily desirable skill), since it effectively removes the threat of an equipped seige by destroying it entirely? If activated, it always destroys uses by 5 minimum.

I considered it because throwing Corrode on a Laguz based team (say, Ranulf, or whatever), ends Ilyana/Soren/Calill's Meteor/Bolting seiging (lolpurge).

It doesn't seem like that big of a deal, but I'm just checking to see if it can be included in the meta as at least a Low-tier skill, due to having a reasonable functionality.

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i'm fairly certain that they can, otherwise it would be a pretty crappy skill manual. the only evidence to the contrary would be the possibility of the mechanics being carried over from FE4.

also, i don't think the sol sword needs to be banned in TRS, unless the sword is normally unobtainable. the luna sword is way more dangerous.

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