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Fire Emblem Link Arena Discussion Topic


Things in the Fates meta that look bannable?  

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  1. 1. (tick many) What looks bannable in the Fates meta?

    • Dragon Ward (Hoshido Noble)
    • Life or Death (Master of Arms)
    • Counter (Oni Chieftain)
    • Darting Blow (Sky Knight)
    • Multiple Amaterasu (Kinshi Knight)
    • Wary Fighter (General)
    • Inspiration (Strategist)
    • Aggressor (Dread Fighter)
    • Galeforce (Dark Falcon)
    • Awakening (Great Lord)
    • Dancing Blade (Lodestar)
    • Ban ALL DLC/Amiibo skills.
    • Other (state what)

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One variant I can see being used is banning dragon transformation but not the dragons themselves, possibly with some restriction on their number. A tide meta, while not a recommended way of playing, could make for some unique games.

all of the dragons get ORKO'd untransformed.

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A Tide meta would make for some unique Turn 1-2s. That's it. You know as well as We all do that its just gonna be a race to kill the Tider(s)

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Gareth's 90 HP/23 def is actually high enough to prevent a ORKO... Considering male Trueblades cap their HP/def at 55/26 respectively. Nasir is a little easier to kill.

And then there's Shade, Provoke and Stillness, which we will have to decide on what they do, that might have a very direct effect on Tide users.

Edited by Espinosa
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I'd be down for a game against... well, anyone really.

How about you face me in FE9 averages+boosters w/ custom skills...

With FE10 units added. I have someone who can host already.

I'll play or host it

Unless you'd rather play than host.

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Anon, I'm down for that... I guess.

Would we be using FE10 skills too?

No, it's still FE9 mechanics currently, as far as I know. It's really just Imbue, sacrifice and something else, I don't remember what, so it shouldn't make much difference.

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Look at my posts a few pages back to see:

Imbue, fortune, sacrifice (just ignore it unless you want to have an activatable Boon?) really

Edited by Elieson
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I think you should keep Sacrifice. The healing part allows for more interesting strategies (well...I think?) but more importantly, it doesn't fall into the trap of stall wars because 1) it drains the user's HP and 2) Micaiah probably gets ORKOed. Huh...I guess it wouldn't allow for more interesting strategies after all.

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I think you should keep Sacrifice. The healing part allows for more interesting strategies (well...I think?) but more importantly, it doesn't fall into the trap of stall wars because 1) it drains the user's HP and 2) Micaiah probably gets ORKOed. Huh...I guess it wouldn't allow for more interesting strategies after all.

Using Micaiah in itself is an interesting strategy.

Look at my posts a few pages back to see:

Imbue, fortune, sacrifice (just ignore it unless you want to have an activatable Boon?) really

I swear, fortune is to expensive.

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Yeah but aren't critical percentages lower as a whole due to higher luck stats compared to FE9? Not many high end weapons give a lot of critical so in most cases it's only going to be Skill/2 + supports + class skills.

Still good for negating the nerfed Wrath I guess.

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Without any critical on their weapon, a capped Sword Saint only has 40 critical, which can be pretty easily negated by one's capped Luck stat. Alondite, Vague Katti and Caladbolg only bring 5, while the Killing Edge and Wo Dao are so weak that they shouldn't be used by a class that struggles to do damage as it is.

Volke poses a threat. Ilyana would if she wasn't laughably slow. Lehran's there, but he can't support anyone. Looking at Bonds, Lucia shows up, but if we go by averages she doesn't look that good.

Eh, forgot to notice most Luck caps aren't 40 this time around.

Edited by Woodshooter
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Well in Average Stats Meta, its still a possibility to run into little bits of crit, primarily against later game units or Laguz

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Vague Katti only 5? Are you sure?

Yes. 20 Might, 10 Weight, 5 Critical.

Well in Average Stats Meta, its still a possibility to run into little bits of crit, primarily against later game units or Laguz

I've made a mistake since I forgot Luck caps weren't uniform like in FE9. Plenty of classes have 30 or 35.

Edited by Woodshooter
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So anyway, back to that match in FE9 averages with the FE10 characters added, we never really decided on a host and I hope Poly is still up for the match, and words that really won't convey a necessary meaning, etcetera.

Yes, Anon, Vague Katti is 20 MT 5 Crit in FE10. Would prefer this over its FE9 hax self ._.

Yes. 20 Might, 10 Weight, 5 Critical.

I kind of like that the Vague Katti is an improved killing edge, especially with the more typical S-rank sword Alondite available. Oh well, that's not how the game works.

I've made a mistake since I forgot Luck caps weren't uniform like in FE9. Plenty of classes have 30 or 35.

This hurts, a lot, but not as much in a meta without a super popular weapon with 35 crit.

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Though, the only good way to fight a Nihil team is to build a Nihil team of your own.

But that's so boring!

If nihil teams continue to prove hard to beat fairly, I think we should ban Nasir. If not, I think he can stay.

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