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Fire Emblem Link Arena Discussion Topic


Things in the Fates meta that look bannable?  

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  1. 1. (tick many) What looks bannable in the Fates meta?

    • Dragon Ward (Hoshido Noble)
    • Life or Death (Master of Arms)
    • Counter (Oni Chieftain)
    • Darting Blow (Sky Knight)
    • Multiple Amaterasu (Kinshi Knight)
    • Wary Fighter (General)
    • Inspiration (Strategist)
    • Aggressor (Dread Fighter)
    • Galeforce (Dark Falcon)
    • Awakening (Great Lord)
    • Dancing Blade (Lodestar)
    • Ban ALL DLC/Amiibo skills.
    • Other (state what)

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send me the teams and I can host it for you guys. I'm such a swell guy.

also posting most resolve stuff, one sec.

OK figured things out. Few scenerios.

Lucia was attacked by a 17 AS tiger in Chapter 28. She had 20 AS with the Runesword.


He knocked her into resolve range, she countered, healing over half hp, but attacked again anyway, meaning resolve allows doubling in this case. Notice the tiger in the above picture is at 6 hp, taking 19 damage twice.


On the other hand, I had her tank a hit so she was in resolve range, and initiate an attack with said tiger. It displayed that she'll double, but when she heals to full, she does not attack again, despite tiger knocking her below half health again. Strange, but apparently that's how it works.

So Venno, in your case, if Mist had hit Naesala last round, despite being technically no longer in resolve range, naesala wouldn't have doubled. This round however, if Mist attacks someone, she only gets the resolve boost when attacking, initially. Actually I'm not sure if she gets it when defending, but Lucia did get hit by a 29....

I'll see if i can find an enemy that has 0 hit on her in this chapter to confirm.


Edited by General Horace
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Actually, let me try to remember what these things were:

- will Wrath proc crits against units with bond supports (test against C21 boss with Ike/Soren or Marcia/Tanith)

- you attack a unit with Resolve (Tauroneo or the wyvern boss in the rock chapter) with a brave weapon, knocking them into Resolve range with the first hit - will the spd bonuses kick in before the second hit goes off? Hard to check and might require save states with RNG abuse to have a coherent idea of it. Best checked with high avo units, say, within the range of 20-30 or so hit where the difference between true or displayed hit is more spelled out and you can more easily estimate what's going on.

- Parity + Deadeye (on either side)

- Miracle. Does the HP or damage round down when the current HP number is odd? Will Miracle activate at 1 HP?

- Does Renewal's HP recovery round up or down? Might BEXP a bit in the base to see the specifics.

And I guess more tests with Parity, Nihil and other skills wouldn't hurt, even if it is to confirm what we already think we know.

Espi, wasn't this discussed months ago? But, iirc:

1) Wrath works against bonds. Though the site isn't clear enough, but by enemy crts I assume crt derived from unit's skl stat, bonds and weaponry.

2) I'm positive the resolver gets the avo bonus for the second attack.

3) If Deadeye is a battle skill, then Parity should cancel both the slp condition and the acc boost. Eitherway, there would be no coherence.

4) Hp is rounded down, say, a unit with 21Hp gets a Miracle proc, then its resulting Hp should be 11. And when the unit has 1Hp and activates Miracle, the unit dodges the hit iirc.

5) Renewal restores 10% of Max Hp. So for a unit with 37Hp, it restores 3Hp not 4hp.

I'm sure about points 4 and 5, though I suggest testing 1-3.


Horace, that can only mean that resolve is checked by the beginning of each attack, so at the beginning of Lucia's attck, she'd double the tiger, but at the beginning of the tiger's attck Lucia has restored her hp above MaxHp/2, meaning she won't double. I interprete it as full health Micaiah attacking a soldier and getting countered below maxHp/2, resulting in no doubling.

Edited by Quintessence
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Oh right, Resolve mechanics with the Runesword. Totally forgot that this was an issue to be figured out. How swell.

I know that we have formed some sort of opinion on many of these, but empirical testing is what should be applied here to keep as close to the real game as possible, even in the minutest details.

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Horace, that can only mean that resolve is checked by the beginning of each attack, so at the beginning of Lucia's attck, she'd double the tiger, but at the beginning of the tiger's attck Lucia has restored her hp above MaxHp/2, meaning she won't double. I interprete it as full health Micaiah attacking a soldier and getting countered below maxHp/2, resulting in no doubling.

In the first case, Lucia has well more than max HP on the second attack, and still attacks anyway, so that's not quite true.

I don't understand the Michiah analogy sadly since I haven't played fe10 :(

Edited by General Horace
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In the first case, Lucia has well more than max HP on the second attack, and still attacks anyway, so that's not quite true.

I don't understand the Michiah analogy sadly since I haven't played fe10 :(

In Lucia's first counter (at the beginning of her attck) she'd trigger both resolve and the following attack. Though I assume that she also gets the skl/sp bonus for the second attck as a consecuence of resolve activating in the first one.
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I have a team that i'd like to test, FE9 boosters + averages, pretty much tourney rules. There's potential for it to be terrible, but it'll be WORTH IT

I'd prefer no dragons, but if they exist its not a big deal.

Edited by General Horace
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3) If Deadeye is a battle skill, then Parity should cancel both the slp condition and the acc boost. Eitherway, there would be no coherence.

I thought this was already tested and results proved that Deadeye doesn't lose its own accuracy boost.

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Nihil doesn't cancel the boost though (other person's Nihil, since you can't stack the two on the same unit).

I still think we should hold some games with Nasir banned but not Ena and see if the lack of Nihil/lower atk and spd makes Ena more tolerable to face on the battlefield.

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Nihil cancels the Deadeye acc boost.

here we have Rolf.


He has a fantastic steel bow forge with -25 hit.

The chapter 18 boss has Nihil, and 42 avo.



If Rolf attacks any other enemy, the acc boost is pre applied.


unless im missing something.

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So all this time, Parity has destroyed the HIT bonus

and we never knew.

this will reinvent Snipers in the arena

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PKL be a PKBro and host Horace and I

I'd rather perfect the Brothers+Snipers team (testing it out still to see what it can do and what equipment it needs) and play someone again.

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I have a team I built a little while ago that I want to try out, unsure of how the build will work though, anyone up to a match? (the normal stuff, averages, Custom skills, boosters)

Fight me.

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